*rolls towards you*

*rolls towards you*


Hey, you look familiar... are you going to the show tonight?
I think we're getting off at the next stop, but I know that the venue isn't exactly "handicap friendly" ;)
Can you pretty please help me with a little push to get in? I know a great spot where we'll be able to see everything. :)

Can I change your diapers?

*roll her away*

I would respond but I would just stand there all paralyzed.

10/10 would slip it in her butt without telling her

>hey I'm retarded too.

As soon as that door opens I tip her chair back and her head slams into the concrete. Run home and sleep like a fucking baby.

My friends don't really wanna go, can I get a ride

What a stupid thread.

Sorry about your accident, looks like they had to amputate your left tit.

That makes two of you, kek

Why would I look familiar

Except she's not standing, kek

She’s at perfect succ height

i'm looking for the president of the united states

you new here?

Answer me

I thought she like did a drop and roll toward you...kek
I just noticed the wheelchair

you go to the same shows as her you dumbass

Why the fuck would you not be into a beautiful girl? Just because she is paralyzed from the waist down? Seriously, why does that fucking matter?

you are
this thread was made a total of like 3 times max and only started being posted like 2 days ago

Because they are genetically inferior

The rp indie girl threads have been going for months. Why do we keep bumping them.

her vag smells like shit

In my fucking dreams.

rp fuckery has been going on for years newfag


not this wheelchair shit specifically
back to redit

>rp shit is ok until wheelchairs are involved
this is some strange autism


wtf is your problem dude

wheelchairs are not related to music, duh

what does rp stand for?

Righ-handed Punk

does it stand for Role playing?
if so, why not just use the term LARP. that one is more identifiable

rigid penis

>back to redit
Nice buzzwords. Nothing I said was even reddit.

Fuck off. Christ.

thats >implying it wasn't

Because LARPing means something you're doing physically in real life with others. RPing has been used for more than 20 years.

fuck you soy fag

It has been used as a synonym for RP on here anyway

>soy fag
Oh boy, I said soy! Am I fitting in yet guys!?!?1!

oh boy go back to redit douchebag

I've always wanted to do this in real life but pt anyway;
After she's done assuming facts about me, I crouch down to her level and say "beep bop badadary bing boop wee dippy dip hawawa shoopy froo" and keep going till the train stops. When it does I walk off humming She's So lovely

I would never do something as plebian as riding public transportation or fraternizing with invalids.

Back, vile she devil. Your mirage of innocence is easily disparaged when viewed through the eyes of a wizard as skilled as myself. Now excuse me while I exit the vicinity via the exit not suitable for ones incapable of maneuvering stairs *heelys away*

I'd say
"Oh i remeber you, you're the blowjob chick"

weak joke
and sexis
* blocked on twitter*

What if she's paralyzed from an accident instead of being born like that

I unironiclly did't notice the wheelchair until I read "isn't exactly "handicap friendly""

lol. I had thought that *rolls towards you* sounded odd


Weak body

Oh shit i didn't even see the wheel chair

>not sage-ing

Sure thing.

so what did you think of their new album?

I thought it was interesting that they're steering their sound in a new direction. but I was less sold on the instrumentation.. but I found the body of it didn't really work.

the opening track really hit the ground running don't you think? driving melody.

and how about the lyrical theme, cripplingly depressive. though the vocal delivery didn't have much of a leg to stand on.

>uhhhuhh user! That's reddit spacing! haha. I am handicapped, but at least I'm not a faggot!
>back to redit you go!


>Oh no I don't like their music I just go to see the cool effects and stuff

this guy knows whats up. paralyzed hopefully in such a way that her smooth sphincter muscles are totally relaxed allowing perfect easy painless backdoor ragdoll action at any time ! ! !



i want to wipe her ass

no you don't

y-you too

>*crushes balls with wheels*

Her bra is fake news.


>never been in a wheelie gf thread
Actually kill yourself

you instead. you sound like a shitty person.
My post meant that this specific thread in which includes a wheel chaired woman wasn't posted a long time ago, therefore someone who doesn't identify it shouldn't be called a newfag.
..Although I do kind of remember it now, I may have forgotten about this wheelchair post, it may have been posted in 2016 as well. Well you should kill yourself instead, and go fuck yourself!

>a-actually I do remember this thread now that you’ve accused me of being a newfag

I am being straight up.
Even when I made the first posts, I faintly remembered it in my mind. However I wasn't really aparant

actually kys backtrack fag

>he really is this desperate to be le ebin oldfag
literally die

actually fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Its still not even proven this thread was indeed posted in 2016 douchfag
back to redit

so now you're saying this thread wasn't posted in 2016? which is it? why are trying to fit in so hard?

lrn to read deaththreat-redditfag
> it may have been posted in 2016 as well

>Although I do kind of remember it now...
feel free to end it all my dude, and make sure to livestream it

back to redit
>why try to fit in so hard
you fit inside reddit like a glove

>if I say reddit enough maybe they won’t find out that I’m a redditor

you sound like you frequent reddit
go back to that website knthnx fuckface

Best jojo

what are you trying to prove?

that you are a faggo
who huffs girls fumes like drugs.
and yet you give me death threats. jesus christ look in the mirror you fuckin twink.

Jeez, seeing this picture brings back some memories I wish I could just forget.

>9th grade
>there's a sweet, pretty girl who had lost her legs in an accident and uses a wheelchair
>has very few friends due to her condition
>she's a fantastic artist
>my friends and I decide to prank her for shits and giggles
>I pretend I want to be her friend and she warms up to me immediately
>we start to hang out outside of school
>she takes me to her home one day to watch a movie
>I ask her if she can show me her portfolio (she was in the advanced art program in our school and needed to create fifty or so amazing art pieces to pass).
>during the movie, I say I need to go to the restroom
>retrieve the big ass scissors from my pocket, go into her room, and cut the bottom half of all of her art pieces off and trash them
>the next day, she rolls up to me in the middle of class, on the verge of crying, and asks me what happened to her art
>I said "I made them look like you."
>all my friends laugh heartily
>she rolls over to her table and just stares at her hands in her lap for the rest of the day

It was less than a month before that art was due, to. There's no way she made it up in time. To this day I still look back and wonder what the fuck was wrong with us.

>Jeez, seeing this picture brings back some memories
no dude, it just started getting posted here 2 days ago, or maybe in 2016...

oh boy you sure are a meanie

wow pussy. tell on me instead of talking to me directly. I was 100% right about you. what a faggot.

sorry, who are you?

who are you? oh you are a twink faggot who likes to act tough it seems


yeah that makes you look like not a pussy, or?


Fucking hell user, that's extremely monstrous

ok I will say it again
go back to redit

what's that?

you gave me a death threat and you should go fuck yourself you pussy piece of fuckin shit

from 77149667
>Well you should kill yourself

die retard

self defense
I didn't want to actually kill yourself, just fuck yourself really
you are a shitty person get fucked and back to redit you go