Swiss Army Man

Just wanted to know what Sup Forums's thoughts on this were.

Also I guess it was lampooning of those "sensitive loner type guy" indie flicks I get that, (somewhere in the vein of Ruby Sparks, maybe) but I've never quite understood who these "sensitive loner types" films are supposed to be aimed at and who exactly fits this character type in real life. Is it guys with carefully built "loner" façades or actual creeps?

Pretty decent movie, but I could see how Sup Forums would be conflicted about it.

>Well shot
>Interesting, unique story (which is very positive and even bold in this age of rehashes and a lot of movies following the same basic template)
>Paul Dano (never seen give a bad performance)
>I liked the soundtrack (pretty subjective)

>Even though it might have been satirical, it still had that special snowflake, millennium vibe to it
I guess that's the only real con I can think of, but for Sup Forums I think that's enough.

>>I liked the soundtrack (pretty subjective)

What's not to like? A crazy dude singing his own soundtrack was brilliant

I liked it a lot. TV probably objects to some perceived cucking of some sort.

Well the soundtrack was produced by two bands from a band I really like called 'Manchester Orchestra.' I've just seen some people shitting on the music on here, so figured I'd mention that's "just like my opinion man."

But ye it was neat how they had Paully D doing the soundtrack.

What'd you think of the film?

Er two guys*

Another buddy film ruined by homosexual agenda pushing.

Boring, first time in a long time I actually was skipping through the movie.
Couldn't stand bullshit things like farting or water from mouth. And I usually love weird movies.
Interesting premise but I hoped for something more interesting or ((deep)).
Performance was ok, but
>almost nothing interesting happanes: the movie

I really liked it and though I didnt necessarily undersstand all of its themes it was an enjoyable and unforgettable watch.

The naivity of Radcliffe had me in stitches. Fuck those uptight assholes at Cannes

Are you retarded?

Disliked the ending. A lot. It's like they didn't want to end it on a downer but couldn't think of a way to do it and just put

>and manny farted off into the distance. The end.

>dressing up as women and kissing men
>not gay as fuck
Pick one.

Second favourite film of the year. The montage sequence is also one of my favourite scenes in recent memory.

You didn't answer my question and that isn't pushing the fag agenda. You are just as dense as that one reviewer than didn't like it cos they thought it wasn't queer enough, wildly missing the point.

t. A queer

It was unique which already puts it miles ahead of most other movies released this year

Most original movie of the year IMO.

I liked how they found a way to do fart jokes and not make it immature like adam sandler comedy

don't know how they did it but it was more authentic than those and indie dramas

I bet you just finished jerking off to trap porn.

Definitely a cult C L A S S I C

I was excited for this movie long before RLM recommended it but I guess I'm a pleb now