Im confused

Why didnt the fags just bum rush the shooter? Could have been stopped with just 1 or 2 deaths but no the fags ran away and cowered and got everyone killed.

Cowardice, what the fuck do you expect from some gays. Of course they could have rushed him while he was reloading. But also keep in mind that he was wearing a bomb west.

Implying either of you have the courage to rush a shooter unarmed.

>bum rush

You first.

Please, you'd be like those cowardly 9/11 people who bum rushed the terrorist attackers and wound up crashing the plane killing everyone anyway.

if only we were some kind of hive mind, like the arachnids from Starship Troopers

I'm sure there was plenty of bumrushing going on.


When the age of colonialism was in full swing you often hear of small battalions of musketmen laying waste to native armies armed with swords and shields that are hundreds of times their number.

Guns just trump most other weaponry. Plus the shooter was well trained, had assault weapons and the club was dimly lit with many confused and frightened patrons who just wanted to get out.

You wouldn't have been able to put up much of a fight yourself in that situation, OP.

>implying I haven't wrestled guns from people before

>you'd be like those cowardly 9/11 people who bum rushed the terrorist attackers and wound up crashing the plane killing everyone anyway.
they saved thousands of other people because the plane crashed in the middle of nowhere you dumb nigger.

Sorry we were just projecting. We would piss ourselves and curl up in a ball, so we just assumed that's what most people would do.

are you gonna regale us with tales of your katana skills?

severely, disgustingly, underrated

No, faggot.

you mean the ones that got shot down by a missile, which Rumsfeld admitted to a crowd of hundreds of US military?

Because they were Hispanics

Really impressive how those attackers managed to crash the plane debris over a radius of a few miles.

That plane was heading for the whitehoise you dumb nigger, those passengers were heroes

>claiming to have wrestled guns away from people
>on Sup Forums
>internet tough guy, watch out

Don't hurt my modem, guy, let's just talk about this

Survivors being interviewed say they were multiple suspects but get cut off by the media when they bring up that fact.

oh fug

>Could have been stopped with just 1 or 2 deaths
No one wants to be part of the few that die, and they can't have confidence everyone else will rush the shooter. This is why a lot of people don't vote. They can't rely on everyone else to vote with them so they know their one vote is worthless.

I love Sup Forums.


Plus the popular vote doesn't matter at all so why bother voting.

If you'd actually read about what happened, you'd know that because of the loud music it was particularly difficult to figure out what the hell was happening