When it takes you a couple minutes to realize this isn't CGI

>when it takes you a couple minutes to realize this isn't CGI


Is the rest of the stadiums even trying?

Other urls found in this thread:


* Are the rest of the stadiums even trying?

> american education


Does it have any anti-choking measures?


Well I have no difficulty believing that's not CGI.

This stadium looks ugly as fuck.

this really chokes me up

that's litereally ugly as shit

Is that a Beyblade?

Me: (billionaire, smart) Design a new cutting edge stadium!
Artist: (poor, stupid) I will draw something cool.
Artist: (draws something terrible)
Me: (billionaire, has lots of money so I assume I'm smart, but has no understanding of art whatsoever) This is expensive! Therefore it's good! Build it!

Where's teh parking lot lol?

Retarded faggot bitch

>Mercedes Benz Stadium
>Not shaped like a car

Missed opportunity

that post is as autistic as your taste

looks like a robot's asshole

So where is the parking lot?

>americans unironically building a giant anus


That looks retarded

>it's a "sports team cons a city out of millions for a unnecessary stadium" episode

sports team bring cities revenue and prestige

New Vikings stadium looks better imho


Giant beyblade vs a robot wars tank

>revenue and prestige
They say this about the olymlics and look how that turns out. They also say this about college athletics even though only less than 10% of college athletics programs makes money. Americans are forced to subsidize our shit tier sports while Euros allow the market to decide which teams and cities get top tier stadiums. I hate soccer but at least they are fucking communists like NBA and NFL.

*are not. Phone posting

>a giant butthole: the stadium


Does it actually look like a jew star from above? That would be some next level symbolism

Are Vikings fans Jawas?

The MB logo still bothers me. Looks CGI.
This place is going to be fucking awesome. 1200 taps and $5 beers, Seats specifically designed for SEC fatasses, the open-stadium feel, reasonable parking.

Working on it
Although I think federal bonds usually make up only a small part of stafium subsidies


who in the fuck thought this style is a good idea? did the owners say "I want the stadium to look edgy" and the autistic designer took that literally?

Look man, I like sports as much as you do but don't pretend this shit is a return investment on taxpayers and not a sleezy movd by a kike owner

what the fuck is that ugly piece of shit

Many rappers helicopters will crash into this.