Is it a good idea to hit on a famous musician if she's over 30 years older than me?

Is it a good idea to hit on a famous musician if she's over 30 years older than me?




Only if your cock is larger than an evian bottle. Otherwise she won't even bother.

Old ladies love being hit on by young men as long as you keep it clean.
It compliments them and they don't take it too seriously so they don't feel threatened.

I'm 99% sure that my dick is bigger than Kevin's.

*grabs OP by the throat* back the fuck off!?!?

dat pussy probably stank though

Fuck off, she's mine.

yeah I need to know too

step away from the qt shoegaze gf

Bjork was never attractive. She seems kinda gross.

whatever man
you go your way I go mine
still love you

Your gonna back that claim up?

yeah show us your dick user

7 inches length
5.6 inches girth
4 inches flaccid

not bigger than kevin

How would U know?

Billinda needs nude leaks

I'm Bilinda

Hey my husbando is a 42 yo musician so go ahead my dude. If you can get it maybe I can reach that goal too.

Can't win if you don't play