a little late to the party, m8
They should've endorsed 'leave' ages ago, but now that it's abundantly clear Brexit will win they've finally chosen to end up on the winning side
Has Our Nige reacted yet?
>but now that it's abundantly clear Brexit will win
I want to believe
Tell me it's true britbros
Believe user.
It's going to happen.
it's true lad
Godspeed lads
that's good will miss Brexit have a good set of tits?
Obligatory & glorious
Careful mate. They're planning something this final week.
Mate, Sun readers can barely read, what the fuck are you one about.
The sun was disrespectful over Hillsboro
Express is the best
Hopefully it's another terrorist attack, or as the BBC likes to call them "shootings"
endgame is coming
Britts, did the attacks yesterday do anything to help with brexit?
I'm just curious. I hope it did help.
I can't help but believe this is a bad idea. Europe, including Britain, was in near complete economic standstill before European unification began.
Napoleon and Hitler killed so many people for a united legal system im Europe. I just want it to happen. I honestly wouldn't mind if Britain dominated that system.
>He hasn't voted to leave already
I back Brexit but The Sun is scummy as fuck.
One of the vote leave groups tweeted something (been deleted since) about how copycat Orlando attacks would happen if we stayed. It was condemned by the official Leave campaign group and branded 'disgusting' by the official stay group.
Maybe that is the plot?
The Sun is terrible but you can't deny its popularity.
Better inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in.
>completely within the box
well done!
>Hitler wanting a united legal system
Not really, just German people united.
Pity it's the 21st century, who the fuck reads a news paper?
Look how many people we have killed to avoid a unified Europe, too late to turn back now.
There is no way in hell British people will ever want to be united in the same borders as Germans, French, or anyone else.
Why do you think we fought against both Hitler and Napoleon?
I don't have a "Current year" reaction image.. but I'll just say it in capital letters.
C U R R E N T - Y E A R
>dat bulldog tho
You Germans are the ones always bailing those failing countries out, why don't YOU want to leave the EU? Too much invested in it? You know there's a saying about putting good money after bad.
That was pure bullshit populism. Hitler's true intention was to unite Europe into one socialist block against the will of the US elites. Essentially do what European liberals wanted, only with violence.
Europeans are one people.
>Our country has a glorious history
>this is our chance to make Britain even greater
I personally don't think Brexit will happen.
Its a very big move seceding from the EU. I don't think the British people want it enough, I don't think they are willing to leave the safe womb of the EU and venture off into the unknown world of independence.
I think there are too many people who are thinking "what will leaving the EU do to my job security? Or my pensions? Or my welfare payment?"
>The sun was disrespectful over Hillsboro
>siding with militant socialist Scousers
You're late
I'm absolutely certain you will regret betting on the Anglosphere instead of us. They'll treat you like a minor.
Its not true
The daily mail is more popular than the sun
>That was pure bullshit populism. Hitler's true intention was to unite Europe into one socialist block against the will of the US elites. Essentially do what European liberals wanted, only with violence.
God forbid we read the first page of Mein Kampf.
Yes. And Obama has turned up the Leave intensity with his inability or deliberate intention to not blame Muslim terrorism but instead he decided to vilify the Internet, whites and gun laws and not the Muslim shooter. His judgment is questionable and since he is at the top and there are doubts about him that may generate further levels of concern about all of the Muslim's passively invading Europe at this time and it's not currently easy to deport them as a member of the EU in the UK. Leave might win now.
Where is the difference?
Good turkroach
Wonder what the Scottish Sun will do.
Can somebody who can operate twitter show me tomorrows headline?
I don't but people died ffs
If you say so Daily Mirror, sure you back Brexit, wink wink.
>I don't think they are willing to leave the safe womb of the EU
Brussels, Paris, charlie hebdo, Murder of Lee Rigby, Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal.. The list goes on. We aren't safe.
>if it suits the kikes agenda they'll report it
Be wary Englandbros
You're incapable of understanding socio-cultural affairs and economics until you start recognizing that you cannot trust words. I know what Hitler was aiming for. I looked at his actions, not his awful book or his speeches.
Wasn't Sun the only one that reported of Rotherham as well? Seems to be a decent newspaper
>Mate, Sun readers can barely read, what the fuck are you one about.
>what the fuck are you one about.
>the fuck are you one about.
>fuck are you one about.
>are you one about.
>you one about.
>one about.
Its forbidden to read Mein Kampf in germany. I once got an audio book on illegal way. Its that fucking boring, never finished listening to it.
>Murder of Lee Rigby
>Adebolajo and Adebowale are British of Nigerian descent, were raised as Christians, and converted to Islam
Wasnt aware Nigeria is in europe.
why r u guys leaving?
Because of immigrants 'N SHEEIT?
Seeing this and the polls made my day. I want the EU to fall apart, but I would have thought the pro-EU propaganda machine at full throttle backed by the powers that be would have worked. I might start believing in European democracy again.
I bet that made some people Führerous.
>I looked at his actions
Gassing a bunch of kikes and losing the war? How exactly does that help you understand his ulterior motive?
>waa waa waa agree with me or you're a towelhead
Fuck off. You Anglos are anything but glorious, your economies and cultures are decrepit. You're not worthy of Britain.
Yes, it was terrible. But it's in the past. Ask anyone in Liverpool if they remember the 7/7 bombings and they'll say: "y' wha' mate?" Ask them if they remember Hillsborough: "Oh yeah mate, I was there. I WAS THERE." Even if they were born 10 years after it happened. It also won't stop them trying to claim compensation as a 'victim'. It's why half the native population refuse to go to work. It's scapegoatism on a citywide scaled.
A recommendation by The Sun is highly esteemed in Britain. That alone is enough for me to support Brexit wholeheartedly.
It isn't. The only thing that's forbidden is propagating National Socialism. Studying it is encouraged, German high school history lessons are basically Nazi studies.
t.Decandent Kraut
If you were a member of a real nation instead of gypsies gone Christian, you'd have a greater concern regarding history and a grasp on how intricate the 20th century was compared to others.
>tfw celebrating independence day on June 23rd 2017 while the French Civil War rages on
the /pol shitposting will be glorious
You don't live here to get the full scale of things, I speak to a lot of people and they all back Brexit where I'm from in England. Elderly especially, I love talking with them and they fear university students will fuck us over but believe in the elderly and Brexit will happen.
hehehe Stupid goyim
Either that or you let your school system brainwash you. The EU is a joke, and you're paying fees in order to keep the inflated bureaucracy going.
because he's a german, this is some nazi sleeper cell shit going on dude I'm telling you
Hitler encoded his message on his decisions and triggered it to be transmited by the dark knight sattelite in the sky once a german read about his decisions
i'm telling you
those fucking germans are all nazis in disguise,
>Forbidden text
Hitler was fucking right.
That .webm surely proved that youre not a hypocrite lad,you sure showed me
It was The Mirror that reported it, I thought
BREXIT isn't happening. You better believe that will pull out REMAIN votes out the ass for this.
If this doesn't happen Britkeks, the UK will officially be the most keked country in Europe.
The EU is a much better chance for Britain's future than the likes of you. This is because they'll cooperate with their sister nations, people who actually understand and care for them, unlike Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US.
hey fuck you asshole
>real nation
>be Kraut
>it's 1945
>all the men are dead
>women have nobody to breed with
>pic related
>skip to 2016
Top kek. The love of getting raped is literally hard-coded into your DNA. Explains your current situation, really.
As usual, you're on the wrong side.
But Mein Kampf is boring as fuck.
Oh wait, Germany might actually be slightly based:
"mein kampf needs to be banned"
Oy vei goyim!!
Not trolling you, just shows headlines.
That explains why Germans look so Mongoloid
Which is why the voting has been extended to cheat.
It's fucking awful and the jews are to blame as always. Just kill them all.
I really fucking hope Brexit happens. But I'm scared they're either
a) going to rig the vote just like with australia (no exit polls being done too, IIRC)
b) outright ignoring the vote if britons pick the wrong choice. Like has been seen in the netherlands, ireland, and greece.
That out of the way, let's LARP about what happens if Brexit goes through.
What are the immediate effects in the rest of the EU?
Will other countries start getting the balls to hold their own referendums?
Will the EU shadow government escalate to using physical violence and secret police to maintain their power structure?
Will countries stop allowing migrants in, for fear that there will be no other EU countries around to be forced to take the migrants off their hands due to quotas?
It's still a Murdoch owned paper, which means the rest will fall in line shortly.
You guys have a nice ass, m8.
At least my parents weren't spawned from rape by some Uzbekistani teenager, buddy.
>they'll treat you like a minor
In stark contrast with the EU, of course.
Gtfo, Martin Schulz
> UK leaves EU
>Merkel (aka: hitler 2.0 in disguise) goes ape shit
>war breaks out between UK and EU
>other countries in EU drop out to fight the EU
>WWIII confirmed
God save the queen
Eh, you're just trolling now. If you're not a turkroach, you'll be replaced by one soon enough, thanks to your buddies in the EU.
>this is some nazi sleeper cell shit going on
Nothing of the sort.
Brits only need to allow themselves the thought that Anglos want to fuck Europe (including the UK), they don't want us to be great.
Look at how angrily they react to my posts.
Notice how Americans, Australians and Canadians are by far the most vocal foreigners on the Brexit side, with only a few token posters who are not from these countries, in every single Brexit thread.
How much more often will they sway you? Europe was powerless for the second half of the 20th century, and look what's become of the world. Germany, France and Britain need to be the dominating power of the West. We're the only ones who can pull this unfortunate ship out of the sand. Listen to the overseas incompetents, and we're in for even worse shit.
I wouldn't get too excited lads, the media made it seem like Labour were going to be elected last year and look how that turned out.
You can reply angrily all you want, you know it's true.
Remember that none of this would have happened if not for ARE NIGE!
Yes, indeed. We're the lesser evil in every sense.