Whites are Neanderthal?

Is Varg right about the white race being descended from Neanderthals? Are we being lied to about our true evolutionary lineage


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there is just one race, the human race. we all came from africa and were negroes 8000 years ago. so you should shut up and open your borders

Funny guy

I suppose christkeks don't believe in evolution so possibly asking this on the wrong board

Asians like chinese are the race with more Neanderthal ancestry.

Whites come in second place.


varg is a complete retard and i strongly suggest you ignore him on everything.

tl;dr the video

Well neanderthals almost certainly invented fire, civilization, tools, and boats

Doesn't sound so bad to me

Actually that's Denisovans, another early hominid about which we presently know very little

Neanderthal: (white) people
Homo sapiens: niggers

Really? I read his book on Paganism in Ancient Scandinavia and although English isn't his first language I found it informative.

I skipped it to the relevant bit you stupid twat

if you have an hour to spare


I'm hesitant to listen to a guy talking about evolution when he has a cross as his channel pic


Hey, dude, I'm a Christian and I absolutely do believe that the white race descends from Neanderthals.

>reactionary fear mongering
>problem with "whiteness"

give him the benefit of the doubt
he's smart as fuck, but he is a Christian yes

in that video alone he establishes an anthropological definition of white races
neanderthals, skull shapes, denisovans etc
also WW2, cuckoldry, white demographic decline etc

I will watch it when I have more time


first link I found off google, basically, there was a cave with clear signs of habitation and communal fires that was well beyond the limit of carbon dating, they think using other methods it was almost 200,000 years old

Proper humans were still in Africa at this time, and for a long time following this according to everything we know. Also, there is some evidence that ancient ruins on Crete were in fact the last bastion of neanderthal society, but that is hotly disputed.

Take the ancient historical redpill my friend, not everything is as it told to you.

When will this fallacy stop?! Catholics believe in evolution. As the one, true, holy and apostolic Church, therefore, Christians believe in Evolution.

and remember the 6 million

This must be a recent phenomenon because I could have sworn Christians rejected the theory, at least when Darwin was about.

Slightly off topic, but i would love to know this, how would such encounter - modern XXI c. human - Neanderthal tribe look? Let's assume our bacterias dont kill them and their bacterias dont kill us.

europeans are like 3% neanderthal

Neanderthals and homo sapiens were obviously genetically similar enough to produce fertile offspring. However many of the genetic diseases attributed to Europeans are supposedly linked to our Neanderthal DNA e.g. Crohns disease

Educate yourself. Some shitty youtube video with gay music is not going to disprove 50 years of scientific research in human genetics and evolution.










Neanderthals aren't real. You fell for that sci-fi meme, too? The world is about 6200 years old. Read your Bible.

This is the general understanding, I was just wondering if anyone had any proof of Vargs argument.

OK m8.
See this is what I was talking about.

Pretty sure Neanderthals were the most intelligent species at the time but had a harder time procreating as opposed to homo erectus which was less intelligent but reproduced in greater numbers. Most blacks lack Neanderthal dna where most whites have some. Really makes you think.

I don't get this whole shit. So today's humans are Neanderthals mixed with Africans/homo sapiens?

So we can assume today's humans would be better if niggers never mixed with Neanderthals?

Is this correct?

We are monsters, we are older than men
Yes we are Gorgons, and we will have our revenge

we'll never get a clear picture of anything historical thanks to social justice faggotry.

abos are much more neanderthal than us, you can see that here

Being racist/sexist is implicit evolution. Liberals don't get that.

Whites and east Asians.

Abbos have a pretty big amount of Denisovan admixture as well.

>Every race except blacks have Neadnerthal DNA



This is what happens when you have idols and worship ecelebs and whatever bullshit they spout.

Neanderthals were probably more technologically advanced, but socially and culturally lacking, which allowed homo-sapiens to breed them out. Basically, there's some evidence that many/all neanderthals were all autistic. Lack of art and trinkets, shorter lifespans due to injuries from hunting, stuff like that. They also had larger skulls which may have made it harder for them to birth live children (or survive childbirth). Homo sapien sapiens, moved in and use their superior cultural abilities to breed out the neanderthals becoming the technologically superior nation builders that we call the white race today.

Fun story though, this is one of the hypothesis as to why there are more white children with autism than there are other races. Supposedly, autism is basically non-existent in pure-african peoples.

Only Whites and Asians have Neanderthal ancestry. Black Africans do not. Neanderthals were not smarter than early homo sapiens who made it to Europe, but they had genes for cold resistance and larger brains that allowed us to become who we are.

There were no niggers 40k years ago. Niggers did not leave Africa and become whites and asians. Niggers evolved from that ancestor into niggers over that 40k years, too.


Without the climate of Europe to drive the selection it would not have mattered.

>Neanderthals were probably more technologically advanced
No they weren't. They never developed any tools, cultural artifacts, or cave paintings before homo sapiens invaded Europe, and even then the Neanderthal copies were worse. No hunting tools have been found that pre-date homo sapien arrival to europe and all artifacts found in neanderthal camps resemble ones made my humans of the same time. Even the first "cave paintings" made by neanderthal were just hand prints while at the same time, humans were making elaborate paintings of people and animals, and making clay figures. They were also already using bows and spears before they arrived in Europe.

This whole "whites are superior because there some similar DNA" is a retarded meme.

Just for reference: rdos.net/eng/asperger.htm

The real Neanderthals


All humans except a small percent of native sub saharan africans whose ancestors never left africa share the DNA similarity with neaderthals. For example, African Americans will have some amount of similar DNA with neaderthals.

Jesus Christ. I can't believe this is an actual conversation. How do people get so caught up about their fucking race?

Yes. Sub-Saharan africans are the the most pure group of homo sapiens sapiens
Look at them, they're fucking retarded
Crossbreed master race

Whites and Asians have the most because they were in the same wintery climates neanderthals were, but all Caucasoids retain some.

Everyone who isn't 100% sub-saharran African usually has about 2-4% neanderthal DNA
>feels good mang

That's only because African American are 20% white. So of course they're going to inherent this.

I don't know about it being only a small percentage of sub saharans though, I always though it was the majority of them. Do you have a link?

Neanderthals are such an obvious hoax who's phenotype changes every 5 years. A lot of these fossils and relics of the past are just ongoing jewish psyops that muddy the waters of real history. Dinosaurs are an even longer running hoax than Neanderthals.

And no, I'm not religious, for the naysayers.

Neanderthals gave homo sapiens genes for survival in the cold and for larger brains. These are like the most important things ever for how evolution made Whites and Asians what they are.

Yeah hundreds of years ago, if you haven't noticed most if not all modern day Christian societies are secular. The "Christians want creationism in school" meme, was pushed by leftists to get you to hate Christianity. Christians that actually think like that are a fringe minority, and no not in the way that jihadists are a "fringe minority" in the Muslim community

>Neanderthals gave homo sapiens genes for survival in the cold and for larger brains
provide evidence.

Those claims are bullshit. The similar DNA has not been proven to be on genes, only non-coding DNA regions.

What happened to the Neanderthals? Did they fucked some another specie from homo family that originated the sapiens? What happened?

There was not much interbreeding.We were too different to make succesfull offspring.

>be vibrant fruit of multiculturalism
>want to belong to somewhere

The result is in your pic.

i dont read the name of the sites lol

>have few children
>get replaced by another race of people
thats what happened

nah m8 niggers likely intermixed with archaic hominins as well moving around from east Africa into west africa and south africa, back then there still were archaic homos around
fucking nature I would've liked if we weren't the only gay ass homos left

no, asians have neanderthal, not denisovan. I think the poster you responded to is incorrect when he says that they have more than white people, but I'm going by memory.

The only modern humans that carry denisovan DNA are Australian aboriginals, iirc

>Neanderthals gave homo sapiens genes for survival in the cold and for larger brains.

The human brain has not remained static since it was first formed. It has fluctuated between increasing and descreasing.

Also Neadnerthals had a big cranium, but in the Occipital region.

Its all just theory and speculations

>Super virus
>Bred out

they had trouble birthing children because their women had narrower hips and longer pregnancies

increasing and decreasing in size*

This, but you forgot that niggers likely came to be due to interbreeding with extant populations of Homo Erectus (and likely many other pre-Homo Sapiens hominid species, explaining Africa's staggering human biodiversity) once they migrated to South and West Africa.

Basically, it's thought that our common ancestor came from Ethiopia and looked more or less like modern-day Ethiopians or pooinloos before he migrated north to breed with neanderthals and become white, before he migrated to the east to bread with someone we likely havens found yet to make asians, and before he migrated to the south and to the west to fuck australopithecines and whatnot to produce the niggers that we all know and love today.

Would you hit left pic? Be honest, Sup Forums

Why ?

The climate of glaciated Eurasia drove natural selection for intelligence, altruism, technology creation, forethought.

Neanderthal genes for cold survival and bigger skulls that could hold the bigger brains we developed in that climate allowed us to happen. We would not have been possible without them.

its a kid

There's a strong correlation between race and distribution of archaic human DNA.

The idea that "cold climates selected for smarter people" has no evidence and is scientifically absurd. Every region on the planet has seasons.


Aren`t they pretty much a mixture of abos, azns and caucasians?

>7 million

Not Neanderthal but another archaic human.

Pakistanis don't need to be hated. As I said 99% of all pakis are not terrorists. Murdering an innocent is like murdering the entirety of humanity, it says so in their Quran. Stop being racist and treating pakis like slaves. The only terrorists are the mentally disturbed people full of hate that can be cured by simply having a conversation and treating them like human beings.
Pakis are our friends and are peaceful and always strive to study and stay morally correct in their behaviour because islam teaches understanding and tolerance. Islam teaches you that the ink of a scholar is more precious than the blood of a martyr.

>Neanderthal DNA is exactly what makes humans human
>Niggers don't have it
>*tumbleweed rolls by*

Isn't it whispered in some scientific circles that the abo's and the various Melanesian populations of Southeast Asia are actually much, much, much closer to being "living fossils", or basically extant populations of denisovan man, than politics today would allow most anthropologists to openly discuss?

>implying they are the same thing

American education

Probably, but that doesn't mean that OG Homo Sapiens wasn't probably pretty similar looking to them, though.


The whole idea is that people needed to "plan ahead" for winter, but even Africa has dry seasons where you need to plan ahead.

You have zero scientific evidence for this retarded idea. It's just built around emotions.

probably. I wouldn't know desu senpai



Humans interbred with all the other homo races a long time ago.

Show me a peer reviewed paper that supports you claim.

... The equator doesn't have cold seasons, man.


A tropical climate is a climate typically found within the tropics, while a few locations outside the Tropics are considered to have a tropical climate. In the Köppen climate classification it is a non-arid climate in which all twelve months have mean temperatures of at least 18 °C (64 °F). Unlike the subtropics, where there are significant variations in day length and temperature to various degrees, with season, tropical temperature remains relatively constant throughout the year and seasonal variations are dominated by precipitation.


Yes, they diverged 40,000 years before europeons and asians split off

Tropic regions have rainy seasons.

>peer reviewed paper

Show me a scientific paper published in a journal that says colder climates selected for intelligence.

Winter is a good penalty for low intelligence even today. What season do the homeless suffer the most? 30 below keeps the riffraff out

Castrate yourself, please.

>same literal faggot talking about fucking underage transsexuals in another thread that's UP RIGHT NOW

I fucking hate people like this. Almost as bad as self hating white cucks. I am a proud Latino. Fight me Sup Forums.

Neanderthals are such an obvious hoax who's phenotype changes every 5 years. A lot of these fossils and relics of the past are just ongoing jewish psyops that muddy the waters of real history. Dinosaurs are an even longer running hoax than Neanderthals.

And no, I'm not religious, for the naysayers.

this is bs

neanderthal + human offspring had a 40% reduced fertility because different species

not even going to watch the vid

lmgtfy.com/?q=iq map world

Were the hominids all alike before? Why do we have many differences between us nowadays when if you take animals as example, they are basically all the same m

This has nothing to do with your statement... this paper is only talking about japan. Did you even read it, you moron?