Trump today has taken to referring to Muslims as "savages".

How is this blatant racism not clear to you, Sup Forums? Even if you're anti-PC you have to agree that other people have clear reason to call him a racist. "Savages"? Really?

I hope the media destroys the pathetic DRUMPF for this.This kind of bigotry must not be tolerated in a free, civil society like the USA.

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I can't believe this shit. Trump really is a racist. I guess I have to vote for Hillary now.

I'm pretty sure all trump supporters are retarded inbreds but that picture only calls the shooter savage.

Not all Muslims.

Was pretty savage tho tbf.

When you refer to one, you refer to all.

Let's say your family member supports trump. You call one trump supporter stupid and inbred. By your logic you called your family member stupid and inbred.

None of my family support trump...

I am now a #hillarymissile

Muslim isn't a race though. It's a group of people who have the same the belief system.

That's it I quit, I'm all in for O-O-O'Malleyyyy

are all libcucks are mentally challenged as you


This meme needs to die.

Also being bigoted against savages that want to genocide you is a perfectly reasonable survival instinct.

Then all of your family is stupid and inbred. How sad.

Because you like niggers

If you didn't watch this speech your opinion about Trump doesn't matter.

>The mass shooter
Let's not use "savage" here. Rather, we should exhibit responsible neutrality and call it "unacceptable".

Because you live in Angland, dipshit.

He's referring to radical Muslims like the Orlando shooter who openly celebrate attacks upon their own nation, and the murder of fellow Americans for no other reason than their beliefs. He is not practicing bigotry; rather, he is criticizing actual bigots like the Orlando shooter an calling for change to prevent further loss of life.

But you wouldn't care about that, would you? Your inability to understand the context in which the term "savage" was used, and your subsequent outrage cement you as one of the very bigots you claim him to be. You openly disregard sense and facts to simply attack someone you dislike, which is in and of itself bigotry.

Take a long look in the mirror, bud. You need it.


If your belief system says that you should murder people you disagree with. "Savage" is a fair word to describe you.

This. I am now a #cocksucker

Muslims aren't a race murrifat.
And besides, they deserve every bit of the hate they get.

>their own nation

It truly makes one ponder.

>Muslim is a race
Stale bait

They are savages you dipshit
>Throw people off buildings
>Burn people to death
>Stone people to death
>Crucify people still

So modern. Much humanity. Such enlightened people

Description of behavior ≠ description of race.

shut the fuck up

>>>sage in options dipship

Good job, Shariastan

because they are muslims duh

>I guess I have to vote for Hillary now.
Yeh, like you were ever going to vote for trump, ya savage.

>insult religion

hes racist

yeah, I see, it certainly encouraged me to cogitate

I am now like you, #MentallyHill

could you remind me what race 'muslim' is again though?

I was under the, obviously mistaken, belief that any race could choose to be a muslim, although no race is allowed to leave it, the penalty for apostasy being death

>call muslim terrorist a savage
>The media can't possible come to the defense of the shooter
>Trump gets to call Muslims Savages without recompense

>The media actually comes to the defense of the shooter
>More people distrust the media

Trump has a way of making "win/win" situations constantly. I have to learn how to do this.

shut up mohhamad. when brexit happens your people will no longer be allowed to invade great britain. you paki haji shitbirds can stay in your desert paradise making women slaves.

Yes, all of them. The religion is a savage bronze age relic. The people who believe in this particularly vicious and morally corrupt version of the Abrahamic faith are, frankly, savages.

You have to be dim, as in stupid, to believe in such a religion. This is why people too stupid to walk out of the desert, build a modern civilization and behave like civilized adults, tend to be the strongest adherents to this nonsense. Is it any wonder every nation they inhabit is a monumental shithole that they are clawing their way out of?

What really illustrates their idiocy and low distributed IQ is that they want the trappings of success, but are too fucking stupid to realize that their retarded bass-ackwards islam-dominated culture perpetuates failure. The only real question: do they follow such a ludicrous religion because they are stupid or are they stupid because the follow such a ludicrous religion?

This is a non-argument. Islam is religion, not a race. To assume otherwise is bigoted and ignorant toward the world's diverse religions. You should check your privilege some time.

So if I call a black child rapist a pedophile, then that makes all black people pedophiles?

That is it, I am now going to suck some Johnson.

That fucking disgusting RINO piece of shit wanted to grant full amnesty to all the illegals and throw open the doors even wider.

I watched one of his rallies one slow afternoon and that stupid cuck even signed off by saying something in Mexican.

Who #MentallyHill here?

that's it, I #LubeforRube now

Holy bacon apple crumble pie! How can you Americans keep letting him get away with this? I guess I'm going to become an undocumented immigrant and cast my vote for #Hillary.

>guy runs as Democrat
>he's a RINO


nobody will notice me

Don't you have a bull to prep Nigel?

>How is this blatant racism not clear to you

Um, because Muslims aren't a race?

Their religion is a religion of savages. The acts condoned by their people are savage. They kill people for disagreeing with them. How do you not think they are savages? Also Muslim isn't a race dumb ass.

Yeah I goofd there. I forgot there were more than 3 Dems that even ran so it was just automatically Republican in my mind.

Whatever, the rest of the post still stands.

>guy kills 50 people
>call him for what he is
>oh no branding mass murderers is racist

I guess I am a #shillbot now

I am now supporting Hillary

You realize you're surrounded by literal nazis right?

did you mean to say you're now #mentallyhill?

>call shooter savage
>everyone calls Trump racist
>turns it on them for equating shooter with all Muslims

Sounds like the media is about to get another ass-ravaging

Drumpf is an idiot, He was an American. Hilary 2016 in the office, We need to stop massacres to ban all guns. 3 Mexicans died yesterday. its the Republican and NRA fault.

That's very racist of you

You're a retarded faggot, therefore everyone is a retarded faggot.
Kill yourself.

Savages can be noble, unlike that piece of pigshit


He just killed fifty people, because he didn't approve of their lives.
That's coining the definition of savage.

Muslims aren't a race, moron.

>shoot 50 people
>not a savage

>think about shooting people because of religion
>not a savage

>encourage others to shoot people because of religion
>not a savage

savage isnt even a real insult, its like saying all buddhists are assholes.

ye, it's awe inspiring


First off the race is arabic or persian. There is no such as the Muslim race

>mfw Mexicans are so stupid they want to ban guns in other countries they don't even live in despite the fact that their country is a shithole partly because all criminals have guns and law abiding citizens can't take them out of their homes.

I'm tired of pendejos like you making the rest of us all look bad.

chicano, you arent Mexican. Real Mexicans live here.

Yea a group that all look like monkeys

Good. Stay there.

Oh please, I was born in Mexico you fucking degenerado. Just because I'm not interested in making the same stupid mistakes our ancestors did to bring our country to its knees doesn't mean I'm not Mexican. Me la jalas.

But still, he's got a point, you are just a person with an intellectual barrier blocking you from obtaining average intelligence.

If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

If it looks like a savage, and it acts like a savage, it's a savage.

muslims are fucking savages, but muslim isn't a race you fucking savage.

>chicano, you arent Mexican. Real Mexicans live here.

No eres Mexicano.

Stay in your shithole, Pablo

>Trump really is a racist.
He's a fucking white male. Of course he's a racist.


Soon we will get to purge you faggots. Nothing stands against a United America.

>Trump today has taken to referring to Muslims as "savages".

Their culture condones raping women, having sex with children and cutting limbs off of those guilty of petty crimes. Their religious text details the steps for world domination.

... Nah, you're right. They're pretty civil.

How are they not savages?

What race is a Muslim?

Hes just calling out islamophiles for being blind to the muslim radicals and the moderates that don't participate in actual killings but approve all this shit as the will of allah.

Abre un libro debes en cuando, no?

ISIS Terrorists are savages though.

I've asked this question to Bernie/Hillary supporters countless times on Twitter. I never get an answer beyond calling me a racist followed by blocking me.

whoah you TOTALLY convinced me i'm a #HillaryMissile now.

Bueno, si por ser mejicano te refieres a actuar como un imbécil y de mente cerrada, felicidades, estás honrando a nuestros ancestros. Bien ahí, inútil.


Se dice lee un libro de vez en cuando, analfabeto de mierda.

pol = islamists

ban pol

no pendejo, para leer un libro, primero se tiene que abrir.
No mames, hasta se nota que nunca lo has hecho.

shut your whore mouth and prepary for the day of the rope you imbecile kike

> Gay

Jesus Christ

It's amazing really, he sets up these traps for them and they take the bait every single time. I don't understand how he can read them that well and how they keep falling for the same thing over and over.

Eres un idiota, La palabra abrir se usa cuando vas a abrir las latas, la puerta, la ventana,etc. No puedes con mi intelecto limpia baños, Yo soy blanco y superior a ti Oaxaquita. Ve a que te azote el hombre blanco jajajajajajajjaja


But that guy is a savage, Trump is absolutely right.


Omar was not a savage, He was another based American.

any one notice the shooter looks like Franklin from GTA V ?

Oh, it was bait all along, welp. Moving on.

We have IDs on this board you fucking kike shill.

Sage, report, ignore you goddamn autists. Stop giving the jew shekel by helping them slide.

A bit of a blanket description (though what racial term isn't), but mostly it's the same as Arab, an ethnic group spanning North Africa and the Middle East. Not that complicated, really.

If this is not bait, islam is not a race u fucking retard

>"Savages"? Really?


>kills 50 people in cold blood
>not a savage

Liberals are practically calling this guy a hero for being Muslim. Amazing.

>but mostly it's the same as Arab, an ethnic group spanning North Africa and the Middle East
If I convert to Islam does my skin darken?