We love you son


Other urls found in this thread:


Get of my room, dad.
Y-you too.

kiss me arse

God bless the US and A


This. Even though I have severe kebab infection in my old age, I still love you.

You're kind of like our abusive father who now has Alzheimer's. We'll be there with you but we secretly hope you die soon.

U fookin wat m8?




Fuck the yanks, the south will rise again

do you still love us, dad?

I'd like to put my Commander in her Chief any day.

Don't worry dad, we'll come help you out in a few months after that messy divorce you're going through.

No he loves us best

Even though you got sent to juvie, we still love you.

Please help us son.

We've got a terminal case of Muslims.

Its spreading all over my body, the Islamoblisters and the Turk Itch are unbearable.

Please, please smother me in my sleep or take me to that euthanasia centre.

End me with your kind boots please sir.



I love you too dad.... can you please leave the EU? We can help once you leave the EU.

America is mostly German and Mexican, britbongs BTFO

The German American ethnic group (German: Deutschamerikaner) consists of Americans who have full or partial German ancestry. Its size of 50 million stands second to the 55 million Hispanics in the United States, thus it is the largest national ancestry in the United States.[1][7][8][9][10][11][12] The group comprises about 1⁄3 of the German diaspora in the world.[13][14][15]



It's not your fault you are all fags

Wait till we get in some European soccer tour. I want to join the fight :^)

o say gen you see
by the dawnbs early light XDD
whud so broudly we hailed
ad de dwilights last gleambing
whose brighd stribes and brighd stars :DD
dhrough de berilous fighd
oer de rambarts we watchd
were so gallandly streambing
and de roggeds red glair
the bombs burstig in air
gave broof through de nighb
dat our blag was still dere
o say does that star sbangled :DD
banner yed wave
or de land of de free
and de home of de brabe

dog bless. jebus died for our sins

Of course I do, son. I'm just concerned for your welfare, I mean really, all that "shit posting" you talk abut doing, isn't it time you moved on and found a vocation like your brothers? Now probably isn't a good time to talk to Murica, what with his liberalism flaring up again since Florida, but why not take a fucking leaf from Canada's book?

I know his mother and I have had our differences of opinion, but he's really gotten into this whole pyrotechnics thing, and he's been talking about that whole herbal medicine kick for a while, maybe he could give you some ideas. Or, failing that, there's always your little brother, you know, the weird one with all the hairy midgets and sheep. God, what was his name again?

dog bless da unided stades of America

Please be free, despite all the bants we dont want europe to be enslaved by marxists, lead europe to freedom

Why can't dadistan be cool like in WWII?

>only to find they were dumped there on purpose

America is mostly German and Mexican, britbongs BTFO

The German American ethnic group (German: Deutschamerikaner) consists of Americans who have full or partial German ancestry. Its size of 50 million stands second to the 55 million Hispanics in the United States, thus it is the largest national ancestry in the United States.[1][7][8][9][10][11][12] The group comprises about 1⁄3 of the German diaspora in the world.[13][14][15]


Old Zealand?

Callate pinchi indio

>gay old creep and his retarded son



you are german and hispanic, our righful clay.

>and Mexican

You wish, have to go back.

Something like that, thank you boy. You were always our favourite.

You cant legal deport American citizens of Mexican descent. Or you has to deport your Americans with cracker descent too.

Literally couldn't have had a better father country. Get out of the continent while you still can pops, you deserve better.

>first post
>not "Fuck you, dad!"


wheres Germany and Mehico?

Fuck off Ahmed

Dead hopefully

It h-hurts so m-much, Mama. We miss you.

Thanks dad.
