E3 is now.
Sup Forums, what is your opinion about that 4/5 of main characters in the new games are a niggers ?
Does political corectness went to far already ?
E3 is now.
Sup Forums, what is your opinion about that 4/5 of main characters in the new games are a niggers ?
Does political corectness went to far already ?
hl3 when
until then i wont play vidya
havent bought a game since 2008
Most video games now let you create your protagonist.
I hope it comes with Portal 3 and Team Fortress 3. Holy shit. The "Three" box! That's what they'll call it!
Who cares about videogames here ? You'd better prepare to fight sandniggers
Cant make this shit up not only is it about a nigger rampaging around because he cant follow the law but also the main bad guy is total not Donald Trump
New GTA?
Only game that really matters is Bannerlord so I don't give a fuck.
This. His line is "Make the bay area stronger"
>nigger hacker
>knows how to use a computer for more than worldstar
I don't have this problem in my country, you know.
Perhaps I should have checked the image size.
I don't keep up with video games so I don't care
Watch Dogs 2
>giving a shit about an imaginary made up character or what they're supposed to represent, outside of the video game's world
why are so many people so autistic that they can't just play the games and enjoy them. brb everyone has to bitch about some political agenda that may or may not be present or some ulterior motive instead of just fucking killing aliens or driving or solving puzzles or whatever, you know, the objective of the game
>Portal 3 is about CERN
>Team Fortress 3 is about mindless wars
>Half-Life 3 is about ayylmao invasion
>buying western games that are filled to the fucking brim with SJW cancer
>not buying based nip games with developers who give no shits
Yeah, just play the game, goyim. Blacks are kaisers and hackers and shieeet.
>playing games where you can't customize the look of your character
im being rused
no one actually does this anymore, right?
I'm not even as mad about the PC bullshit as I am the graphics. What the fuck. That looks like an early PS3 game
>yfw in the future modders will be modding skin color to make it white and SJW internet police will be hunting down such mods/modders
You can literally blame sonyniggers. It sold the most on that heap of shit.
Waiting for ace comnat 7
bonerlord is never coming out
M&B 2 is coming soon, soooo there is a hope for a good game this year
exactly! don't think about the entertainment you and millions others consume :^)
New Red Dead when?
Can they just finish Shenmue. I believed.
South Park guys were based as fuck.
they're kikes
one is, the other has yellow fever
>people were getting triggered by south park in 2016
legit the highlight of e3