the main villain in watch dogs 2 is a thinly veiled trump expy
how does this make you feel?
the main villain in watch dogs 2 is a thinly veiled trump expy
how does this make you feel?
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It makes me feel as if I'm going to play even less video games in the future. So, bretty good
Wow you should shitpost on Sup Forums about this.
Main villain in what?
Is this a game?
watch dogs 2
Have a better picture OP.
>how does this make you feel?
like this game is going to flop like the other one
To think I was against piracy a short while back...
It's Ubisoft, we should've expected this. Total bummer, though. WD1 was good but unfulfilling, no replay value. Sequel had a chance to be really excellent.
I guess I'm not buying it then.
>watchdogs sequel
That game was utter shite. I have a hard time believing anyone will actually purchase a sequel.
>being literally retarded
Watch Dogs broke the record for biggest first day sales in Ubisoft history.[86] Watch Dogs had the biggest launch of a new IP in the United Kingdom ever, beating 2011's L.A. Noire by more than half its sales.[87][c] Overall, Watch Dogs is the 17th biggest game launch in the United Kingdom of all time.[87] A week after its release, Ubisoft announced that the game had sold 4 million units worldwide.[89] Watch Dogs sold more than 94,000 copies during its debut week in Japan.[90] As of 10 July 2014, the game has shipped 8 million copies.[91] On 30 October 2014, Ubisoft revealed that Watch Dogs has shipped 9 million copies, and has helped Ubisoft sales rise more than 65 percent.[92] However, the Wii U version of the game performed poorly in its launch week, debuting at No. 14 on the Wii U chart in UK.[93] As of 31 December 2014, Watch Dogs has shipped 10 million copies.[94]
>can't stop him in real life
>have to create a pixel effigy to metaphorically burn
Liberals just need to drop all pretenses and just call Donald a "Big Fat Stinky Doodoo Head." It would at least be a more honest representation of their maturity level.
Saddened there won't be an option to join him
Saddened because you wont be able to join him
One more reason not to get back into videogames
He said the game was shit, not that it bombed. And he's right.
Why do these companies try so hard to pander to the people that don't actually play with their products? It's about press and appeasing loud minorities isn't it.
Is that the villain or just a background in the game?
I wouldn't worry too much OP, this game is going to bomb. It's target audience are fucking hipsters that don't play video games and just wear video game tee shirts.
Watch Nogs 2 looks bad
yeah you play as antifa pretty much
When did I ever say it didn't sell well? There was a lot of hype and people thought it was going to be GTA meets Deus Ex.
And then the game came out and it was both completely bland and mediocre while also being buggy as fuck. Not to mention the notoriety it got for the awful visual downgrades.
My point is that I don't see anyone getting fooled again by this series. How many of the buyers of the original game are honestly going to give ubi another chance?
....People on Sup Forums straight up predicted this was gonna be the main villain when it was reveal the protag was a gay nog.
They actually fucking did it. The fuck ever happened to predictability?
>ubi releases game
>it's just a blank disc
>entire thing was a bluff to sell merch to hipsters
>sales make something good
it was a broken half-assed gta clone that happened to be a launch title
I don't care since I'll never play their faggy little game
>final trailer they showed for it before cutting to the sports game
>black MC breaks into politicians HQ where LOTSA WHITE PEOPLE are DELETING EVIDENCE???????
>HAHA PLAY ME SUMTHIN FRESH music as he fucking breaks in and assaults people
>escapes assisted by his white tech geek lacky
>end of trailer has him beating white men with tattoos and shaved heads with a hammer
>then taking a selfie with his DIVERSE haxxor team
It was a commercial success, but this along with AC Unity, damaged Ubisofts reputation for putting out finished products.
Also from the wiki:
>Following its announcement in June 2012, Watch Dogs was widely anticipated. At release, it received a polarized reception; praise was particularly directed at the game's hacking elements and mission variety. The game received criticism concerning the overall gameplay, plot, and some technical issues.
>how does this make you feel?
Like you have posted enough of this shit for one day, that's how.
I'm calling your mother and telling her to turn off your internet for the rest of the day.
meanwhile it's leftists that are the ones doing the violence
Have they shown anything good at e3 yet? Been at work. I just wanna play Bannerlord desu
>The fuck ever happened to predictability?
The milk man, the paper boy, evening TV...?
Which is especially ironic if you see how the devs look.
It's all sweaty, chubby 40something gen-x losers.
All white of course.
Going to pirate then going to mod it
>the Trump parody stole Bernie's new car
Lets just say it here and now: The game is essentially saying, "Fuck the white man." Anyone consider that if all white people just left the US, it would litreally implode? Or if the blacks tried to go all "WE WUZ KANGS" again?
I'm glad I've stopped playing and wasting so much money on video games. They're all PC bullshit now, not to mention asshole companies like Ubisoft screwing people over with their shit DLC, locking half the game on these individual items that you have to buy for a dollar each or whatever it is. Plus they're all liberal, I really don't understand it, it's like you can't find a company that doesn't pander and shove SJW bullshit in, Ubisoft, Bethesda, WB Studios. Maybe you just need to look for small indie companies, I don't know. But I don't ever buy this stuff anymore.
I'm gonna laugh if Trump tells Ubisoft to change it and I'll laugh even harder if Ubisoft changes it to a Hillary lookalike for WD2.
>main villain
It's probably true but we don't know that for sure yet.
>thinly veiled
its blatantly obvious
Wait, is the nog gay?
Why be subtle, right?
How long for Hillary Clinton mod?
when i think ubisoft could not sink lower they go and do this kind of shit
he's the main villain.
Oh yeah, can't this count as slander? I mean it's not him but it's using his likeness. It may not even go anywhere but just him bluffing that he'll sue might be enough to get them to scrap it all together, they'd rather just not include it then have to fight a court battle with a billionaire. The absolute madman would probably go through with it too
Parody is protected by the 1st Amendment, libnigger.
>WD1 was good
Do we need to go through this again?
>This game was developed by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs
Yes, that's what thinly veiled usually means
At least my japanese vidya gaymes won't betray me
>Villain is a corrupt politician
>Using the media to censor and control people
>"lol he's just like Trump XD!"
Ubisoft has no fucking clue what irony is.
Pic always related
>"We replaced what worked with what sounded good"
Can't remember who said it, but fuck me was he right.
There's a similar saying I've heard that "what's not broken shouldn't be fixed". Can also be applied all of this madness.
>how does this make you feel?
Like Trump is going to win and the ham-beasted feminist cunts running Ubisoft are afraid, so they went full Huffpo mainpage REEEEEE le Evil Drumpf because they have no creativity whatsoever.
All it needs is "nothin personell kid"
it makes sense now that i think about it
>watch dogs 2
>main villain
yet you as a protag will probably end up killing hundreds of bystanders and cause millions of property damage. In it's own twisted sence its fits the sjw narrative of being selfrighteous crusaders. At least in GTA you play human scum on a personal vendetta
They should really worry more about making sure cars don't clip through the Bay Bridge.
>It's a corrupt politician who is controlled by corporations and deletes a lot of evidence of something
>It's Trump and not Hillary
From Sup Forums:
>entire mission is stopping the deletion of files from a politican's home server
>but it's Trump
The whole moral of the game is to fight against a corrupt establishment and media controlled lies and they choose to bash Trump of all people as their target
They are taunting us.
It's them saying, "We can do and say whatever the fuck we want even though it's a lie and millions of people will still play our video games".
So, quite mad. It's just a game fren.
>in b4 it turn out the group was played like damn fiddles
If it's as popular as the first WatchDogs, how will trump ever stand a chance?
>Bay area voting right
Not sure they thought this through.
Oh well, wasn't going to play it anyway, the first one was hot garbage.
>playing nigger dogs 2
>main villain
He's just a politician, guy. Blume runs the show.
>to be released on 15 Nov 2016
Trump wins, Ubisoft just confirmed it.
I remember a while back the game had controversy (see fucking stupid coincidence) because a random in-game nig nog got called something similar to trayvon martin, and was a drug dealer.
Ubisoft said it was lure coincidence, yet SJWs wanted to say it was intentional.
Can we somehow bring it up that ubisoft cant just hide this "horrific incident" and sweep it under the rug?
>democrat side no longer voting out of free will
>now voting because someone else told them their opposing candidate is a FARTY BUTT in a video game
>stop (not)Trump from deleting/destroying data
wow, really?
Holy fuck someone this retarded exists...
They've been doing this for at least 40 years now, just not due to video games.
marketing =/= development
just play nintendo. star fox zero is the only game i'll ever need
rustled, he made a whole games company so buttblasted that they made a representation of him as an enemy in a game
just just look at the characters , its not even subtle what people they are trying to cater
>Thruss is an innocent politician
>you were manipulated by the establishment you thought were fighting against
>Real villain is a George Soros like figure
Too bad Ubisoft's writers aren't smart enough for that.
Lmao the trailer was digitally altered to make it look much better that's why most people bought it.
Well, some companies actually believe it is the same...
I don't give a shit. I never play games from Frenchy Ubishit anyway. The last one I tried was Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon and even that game was garbage. It was shit, because it still played like Ubishit.
Even the guys mocapping the character are white
If that game fails like the first one, it'll be hilarious.
Especially when Sup Forums makes purging videos with it like the last one.
The only purging video Sup Forums should make for it is constantly finding ways to make the nig MC commit suicide.
This game isn't even worth pirating.
like I made the right choice not buying the first one, and I'll never buy another game from those cucks
>that place is real
you have my flag on yours
>>being literally retarded
>supporting jewbisoft after they went full SJW
also fuck uplay
How do they keep getting away with this?
Good marketing, silencing the opposition, paying for reviews.
Basically the average normie will never see that video, or the comparison, remember who made that game. They will just buy the big name title when it comes out because every is saying they should.
The game was still a hot load of doodoo butter. They probably spent as much going it up as they profited.
You guys do realize that video games are played mostly by non-whites right? Why would they ever pander to white males when doing so might piss off their main demographic? Stop acting like this is some kind of conspiracy.
Remember that big thing about corruption in the gaming media? Yeah that wasn't just about GUUUUUUUUURL gamers with dyed hair.