HAPPENING: A man is reportedly holed up in a Paris suburban home with hostages after killing a policeman

HAPPENING: A man is reportedly holed up in a Paris suburban home with hostages after killing a policeman.

Elite RAID police officers are at the scene and have set up a security perimeter.

Can it be another follower of the religion of peace? Paris is literally just a muslim shithole now

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Sources: mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-man-holed-up-paris-8184812


I hate this nightmare,cant wait till I wake up

Sorry, but this is reality, and we can't give up yet my friend. We need to fight.

>that ad

>Paris is a muslim shithole

That's not fair to the gypsies, friend. They also deserve a mention.

whats he holding them hostage with? a butter knife?

The religion of peace at it again?

Couldn't possibly be a firearm, those are banned in France. Everybody knows that violent criminals follow gun laws.


Can we call it yet?

Hostage taker has been killed. One female hostage killed by the gunman and one child found safe

This is a good time to call for inclusiveness & diversity. We wouldn't want these attacks to escalate the latent Islamophobia our evil Western society is feeling right now. Stop the hate!



Do we know the race?

Religion of peace?

please be white male

Wow, looks like it's time to ban knives as well

France is blowing up, really fast.


Still don't know.
He's dead, but the bastard killed a mother in front of her own child. That's fucking sick.

According to the french news the killer was a neighbor.

Considering that it looks like a nice place and not some kind of middle eastern bazar I doubt it's a muslim.

When will France adopt common sense knife control legislation?


Hold onto your butts boys, Ramadan still has 3 more weeks

>Rich sandniggers aren't a thing


This is the best Ramadan ever

Who did this?

>German man shoots five-year-old refugee girl and teenager with air rifle


>be white killer
>no mention by Sup Forums

>Baguette's having the balls to ATTACK PEOPLE
It's most definitely the religion of peace at work.

I want off this planet

is this the beginning of le Caped Crusader (fitting name tbqh)

>For the first week of Ramadan Allah gave to me 50 dead faggots a dead singer and 1 Muslim shooter

No, direct that anger towards who deserves it, destroy whoever gets on your path.

russian muslim protesting uefa threats

Is this true?? That is so sad. Hug your babies a little tighter tonight, folks.

And so, a new hero was born.

Top bantz.

What will it take to get liberals to see the truth about Muslims

This one did. Stabbed the police man to death. Enjoy your gundeaths highscores.

coulters law lads

Caring about a coalburner

It was discussed, but a bigger habbening habbened.
Remember this muslim from the week before, the UCLA shooter?

religion of peace


You think American police would let themselves get stabbed to death? You're just making Europolice look worse

A ramadan calendar anons.

>but the bastard killed a mother in front of her own child. That's fucking sick.
Welcome to islam folks.

He wasn't Muslim

Ya guys, maybe if it's a Muslim then this time will be the time everybody becomes as scared of Muslims as we are!

0h24 : L’agresseur aurait crié « Allah Akbhar » (Dieu est le plus grand, en arabe), selon les policiers qui ont donné l’assaut.



>Bottom of picture
>"About islam and how to convert"

>neighbours heaed Islamic slogans
That's everyday for you Frogs though isn't it?

à Mantes la Jolie ( I thinks it's a muslim again, LOL )

>this shit is spammed all over facebook
>meanwhile facebook censors the right wing article about actual frequent violent acts pepetrated on behalf of islam

I want to get of this ride. Please.

Fuck you leaf, i hope trudeau imports thousands of sand people into your home


isnt this exactly like a few months ago when that woman killed th child she was babysitting and ran through the streets with its head screaming allah shit?

will barely make the news if at all


Is there a word for the ability to recognise a trend out of incidents?

your country is next thanks to weed man, enjoy.

You will be on this ride forever. The establishment will send all of us to be culturally enriched until we accept lgbt+ islam memes as the way of life. They are already building camps for us.


Vid related.

BUT France has strict gun control, how could he kill a policeman?

This happened in a small town 20 miles from where I live.

Air rifles at 40 yard distance wont even penetrate your skin. A slingstone at that range does more damage. The guy wasnt even arrested for it. Cops took away his air gun and let him go.

He has a history of violence so probably a skinhead. He lives right next to a refugee shelter. Guy's an idiot. People around here are way more sophisticated when it comes to dealing with kebab getting out of line.

It's more like playing a prank than anything...yet this shit makes international news.


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RISE UP!!!!!

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Wife has been killed:

lol no gun eh

depends on the air rifle

zero media coverage over this

>Zero media coverage
yup it's a muslim.

just raid my shit up

German air rifles are the gimpest shit you can imagine, basically toys for little kids.

>Paris suburb

Don't even need the guy's name or picture to know it's a muslim

There are different kinds of air rifles. I've been shot by one(in the arm) shit's pretty painful, by contrast being shot by a paintball pellet feels like someone gently poking you.