no hecks edition
Other urls found in this thread:
going through a crisis of sorts right now
the banter game is on point
trans on trans is ok as long as one has a big cock
Need some good webm material
what the fuck
I'm going to learn Hungarian to post in kurva anyátok
What the fuck
nice post
tfw i know 4 languages and they all suck dick
what do
RNH got me verifying shoes
Was it rape?
how do i detect thots
They usually come in pairs
1. does she use social media other than facebook?
2. is she almost always staring at her smartphone?
if the answer is yes, thot detected. it's 2017 dude, this isn't hard. smartphone """""culture""""" pure degeneracy and any female who engages in it is sure to be a "thot"
I mean, if user enjoys having cockroach farms, then there's nothing wrong with it.
bf has never sucked a cock before
what if you're a man and test positive for both of these?
t. guy who regularly complains about being lonely
is he gonna fix that soon?
>being gay
Binary pronoun cis sum. Learn your c
I'm bi but I do like boys a little more desu
make him suck one. preferably a melanin enriched one :)
he doesn't really like blacks
boys are the superior sex
Source? If this is true then making it proportional would ensure a republican never becomes president again lol
women are way more shallow than men and are bound to be engaging in vapid bullshit on their big brother phones like taking endless selfies with the dog filter shit. you should probably try to spend less time on your phone, but there are productive things to do on it i guess. as long as you don't let the social media consume your life it's not too bad. a lot of people are sucked in to making a bunch of accounts for different kinds of social media other than facebook nowadays, because it's becoming the norm and people view it as essential.
rate him
She's a 9
>making it proportional would ensure a republican never becomes president again lol
irrelevant, the people don't elect the president
>what is a representative democracy
>not being gay
>dumb shit
The states elect the president
Gnight, sinners
Hey lads I'm 20. I'm going to college but I've transferred around so much already. All I want to do is too settle into a nice 4 year college and live a traditional college life. Do you guys think it's too late to live the truly traditional life? I've still got at least 3 years left to go.
>being sexual
I found it on reddit.
It seems pointless for them to lie about something that could easily be solved with calculator.
Electoral votes are an indirect but proportionally flawed will of the people you dumb motherfucker
In a direct democracy republicans would have almost no power because people hate them :^)
sweet dreams, cutie
They aren't. Go be retarded somewhere else
Ride that train, user
Rather run a train tbqh
this. I will marry a girl, but I've lately been with mostly men. Might as well have some fun
Rather get hit by a train
>Out of the last 7 presidential elections republicans have only won the popular vote 1 time
Dubya in 04?
>majority of people in a state vote for a candidate
>state electors cast college votes based on who citizens voted for
>somehow this is not indirect will of the people
Is this bait? Because I'll take it if I get to call you a fucking retard
And it was because of wartime jingoism
Republicans are hated and have to fuck with the system to get into office, it's only going to get more blue from here considering states like Georgia almost went dem this election
>tfw no Clinton presidency left
>out of the last 56 elections the popular vote has mattered 0 times
Really cooks my noodles
>state electors cast college votes based on who citizens voted for
In the last election we talked about faithless electors for a month and several of them voted for a candidate that wasn't on the ballot
You're unironically a retard if you think the popular vote is binding
It literally is legally binding in many states, how many electors actually voted against who their constituents chose? I'll wait
>tweets aren't quotes
Neocons are fucking stupid
>fines that have never been enforced and wouldn't change the vote even if they were
This is next level retardation bud
this is the last time i masturbate using vaseline
What happened?
His head chopped off
left my benis too greasy and odd smelling
it felt gud tho
just buy lube tho
kill all yello
I hope y'all are watching the Bastille Day celebrations
The worst part about Trump's presidency is that historians are actually going to have to write about him.
Even though he'll likely be seen as a total failure, it's pretty humiliating. He really degrades the presidency.
>legally binding, meaning if you don't vote for who your constituents chose you're in legal trouble
>but actually it's NOT binding haha checkmate even though electoral voters did vote for their constituents choices but still fucking checkmate haha
At last I see, I'm so glad the popular vote doesn't matter because I hate democracy (but actually I'm a freedom loving American patriot) but yeah I actually hate democracy
>not yellow
bit upsetting
Don't really care about Frog holidays desu
>tfw I'll never be a cute Japanese girl and have my tight pussy destroyed by the BAC
reddit has some interesting stuff
Black people have reached historical lows
W-what do you mean?
I'll destroy your bp Wisconsin
No that's gay! And I'm not a faggot
You can destroy mine then. It's not gay if you're on top
A-are you a cute Asian male?
I'm a cute Iberian male
shut up
this is why we can't have nice things.
What's wrong with role-playing as an anime girl?
who here was /born to feel/
I'm not roleplaying tho
I just realized we're past 1500000000000 images
>replying to weebs
oh shit nigger
*winks like an anime boy*
>Tfw i'm a stupid dumb useless dumb fuck