Am I Sup Forums Approved?

I am 1/4 German, 1/4 English and 1/2 Japanese.
I will be voting for Trump.

Also, post your stats and see how Sup Forums rates you

I'm half Spanish, a quarter Greek, a bit German, English and Welsh. I would vote for Trump

i am a third jew

Yep, Japanese are 100% Aryan. Hitler himself dressed up in a kimono to honor Japaryans.

100% ethnic northern Dutch


As long as you are American in heart and soul, then you couldn't be more approved.


3/4 Axis is breddy gud, but the 1/4 Beady is going to drag your score down a little. 8/10

At least you're not 1/4 Swede like me. The rest of my makeup consists of Icelandic (aka A FUCKING VOLCANO), German (Bavarian and Swiss), Scotch-Irish, and an Injun or two up the family tree.


im about 75% english/ irish and 25% danish. pls rate have danish grandparents on both sides


Yeah....not white

>1/2 Magyar 1/4 Pole 1/4 negligible various white
>168 IQ
>Voting Trump

i r8 25/100 m8



So what if we're mostly mutts, last I checked we're the sole superpower of the world. When was the last time you've been relevant Sven? The Viking Age?


You're basically 100% nigger

Bitch please my family and anchestors are in Soviet Russia and Japan, don't worry about it

8 generations on both parents swede except for one finn and one dane.

>i gave my brother a beating once for bringing home a serb girl
>my current so provided family tree at the start of our relationsship to prove not being sub-human

American born Chinese, did I pass?

100% White brit (northern as far as I've cared to trace back). 140 IQ, registered UKIP, second year of STEM degree, brexiteer

Keep keking while I fill your daughter full of genius genes

>being proud of being Swedish

Name 1 thing Sweden has contributed to the world.

funny how ur mum came from a catholic family but doesnt believe and your dad does while not having a catholic family


You have to go back

everything, for starters

>caring what autists on the Internet think of you
Seriously guys?

You misspelled nothing

Depends, how many generations does your family go back here?

1/2 nigger
1/2 jew

How do I rate Sup Forums?

Sorry, bro--but you're rope fruit.

First gen Filipino-American. Parents, grandparents and relatives immigrated legally. All voting Trump.

Fucking Rare

Half island Greek/half Central Italian from Tuscany
So literally Masterrace desu

>in ways of politics
nothing, all the good stuff was taken straight from based danes
>in ways of science
you know it

post proof of iq or your mom will die tonight

What flag is this I'm on mobile

Ikea cuck sheds.

1/2 ukrainian
1/2 russian

1/2 british anglo
1/4 ukranian
1/4 serbian

mongol rape baby, would vote for Trump

Saint Lucia

English with some Latvian and possibly Prussian going further back.

1/2 English
1/4 Austrian
1/4 Polish
Would also vote for Trump.

1/2 spic
1/4 German/Irish
1/4 Flip

I'm 2/3 German (Prussian), 1/4 Irish, 1/64 Native American, and the rest is European.
R8 me.

where are the other two?

also, r8

I dont know if you are Sup Forums approved, but you are still a supreme gentleman

>negroid admixture
>mongoloid admixture
>white skin
>europinoid features
Voting Trump to not further the nation destruction.

didnt we dump napolean on your island?

suppoedly slav 100%, though I have a very nonslavic semitic look so theres a chace I'm a genetic khazar

>1/4 flip

my fuckin nigga

110% american

I'm 1/1 chinese and I will be voting for Trump.

100% North Italian

100% Honduran as far as I know. Voted for Bernie in the primaries and voting for Hillary in the general election, kys double iq neckbeards.

Fathers side goes all the way back to the 1770s, before that we don't know which country they settled from. Mother is 2nd generation Polish immigrant. Which probably explains why she was such a caring, dutiful mother.


elliot rodger/10

fuck im so happy for you pekka, ples tho be more like est and don't go swed-route.

probs the turks fault from 100s of years ago...some slavs do have a arab skull shape though they are white

3/4 anglo, 1/8 swiss, 1/8 french
voting for trump

>75% Irish
>25% French Canadian

1/2 British, 1/4 Indo, 1/4 Chink 2bh

you're not American if you're not native American, white scum, go back to Great Britain idiot

>All these mongrols
Gas this thread please

>1/4 Irish
>1/4 Russian
>1/16 native (grandpa had pictures of himself with great-great grandpa)
Some measues
But it's kinda muddled.
Considering getting my genealogy mapped.

One half Irish (mom's folks from Wicklow), one half mutt w/Cherokee mix.
Is there any other choice?


are we white?

1/4 French 1/4 Scottish 1/4 Finnish 1/4 Inuit (Eskimo)


I blame capitalists for the reason I'm not a pure Aryan.

1/2 Italian
1/2 Puerto Rican

Voting Trump

>100% Norwegian as far back we know about our ancestors
>blonde, blue eyes (from father, also my sister is) My twin is brown hair but taller.
>voted/votes FrP (only anti immigration party in Norway)

is that even a question ofc we are

3/4 Scottish,
1/4 Irish,

born in London when it was still a truly British city.

filthy fucking mongrel

1/4 Italian.
The rest is Scotch/Irish with some German.

>He can't say really redpilled shit - and get away with it

Stay mad Antoon


inferiority complex, bad teeth, small dick.

you're truly a marvel of modern society

1/2 Italian, 1/4 Austrian, 1/4 Anglo

Gas the Catholics, Trump presidency now.

No because you are an insecure faggot who needs the approval of strangers to feel pride for who you are and who your ancestors were

You're whiter than I am. I'm half slav.

eat shit icenigger
btw i am finger shooting your post id right now

when will they learn

You can be hostile or friendly to us, we don't wish to exterminate or destroy/dilute your culural/political value.

I know you are but what am I?

Not only am I voting Trump, but I take ever opportunity to sway others to do so or run Hilldog into the ground to dissuade them from even voting.
I'll be organizing a voting party in November.
Offering to take anyone I know who will vote Trump to the polls and offer them free beer and bbq after.

100% Mexicano
get triggurd

stealth mexican here. both my parents are from mexicuck but somehow i have white skin. beaners dont like me but whites think im k

slavs that are genetically pure are the ones who live in their ancestral homeland around poland, belarus, ukraine (pripyat river is a geomarker i can think of)

rest are mainly converts (the very word slav means one who speaks the language, being genetically pure is not a requirement - note bulgarians)

serbs for example are less than 10% slavic, just like maritme croats

Dynamite, unless that was Norway. I forget.

You're 100% Elliot Rodger too

50% Netherlands, 25% Polish, 25% Irish.

I am white, right?

100% gook :^)

a fucking mongrel

yeah but you mean 50% dutch

>Yep, Japanese are 100% Aryan.

Well, of course a Finn would say that