Any albums for the feeling of quitting a weed addiction

Any albums for the feeling of quitting a weed addiction

I take a tolerance break every spring. Best thing to do is find an artist with a huuuge discog and immerse urself In that. Zappas good and drug free. Anti drug even. The last thing u want are mopey songs about drugs.

Våre Demoner

And also... u arent "addicted" to weed. I thought I was in my 20s until I picked up some actual addictions... quitting weed is for behbehs.

OP, you need to find a home on high. Start meditating.

That’s a good idea man. I’m stopping because last semester I moved away for university and have basically failed to connect with people the same way I am connected with my friends back home. So I turned to weed as a crutch and started smoking every day, to the point where it started to really impact my grades. This semester I’m just gonna focus on my studies and not smoke alone anymore. It’s not healthy for me and I know I’m using it to cover up some deeper issues that I’ll have to face in these upcoming months.

I really like Hot Rats, so thanks for the suggestion. I’ve been meaning to get into more of his stuff.

No probs man. Just keep urself distracted and eat good shit... spend ur weed cash on a cheap guitar. ull be fine soon.

Good stuff man. The first couple days sober are so boring and sleeping is really hard, but after a couple weeks you should feel "normal" again, hopefully. With how hard Marijuana and legalization is being pushed, people are starting to believe that weed is harmless. But for some people it can really fuck with their psych and social interactions, especially if they smoke every day. I guess like all things, marijuana is best enjoyed in tolerance. I don't know how into metal you are, but death and black metal are genres I only listen to when I'm sober, so maybe those genres can get you through these couple days.

I'm on and off and I Don't Like Shit is my go-to when I feel shitty about it

Thanks dude. I loved black metal when I was back in my hometown and it was cold as fuck, but out on the west coast it just doesn’t have the same feeling for me. Never got as into death metal, but I suppose now is as good time as ever. I’m gonna try and get through Zappa and Death’s discographies this semester then.

God, that’s a great album. Thanks for reminding me about it. Feel like it’ll come in handy these next few days.

so this is where the skeleton meme comes from

Probably this because of "Straight Edge".

This Christmas has been fucking tough after months of smoking a lot every day, screamo has been pulling me through everything

bump for halp

I was stoned non-stop for 9 months in a row, didn't miss a single day. Went to sleep stoned and woke up with weed being the first thing on my schedule.
Got into stoner doom somewhat shortly before quitting and kept listening to it while quitting the dudelmaos.
There's really no specific music that'll help you with your troubles, at the end of the day you're gonna have to find the willpower to quit on your own. Explore man, see if you can find a new (for you) genre that'll tickle your pickle.

Mary Jane's Last Dance

listening to music isn't as good without weed

honestly why would you want to quit anyway?
I went through the process of quitting coke but I've never once felt it was worth it to quit smoking pot

if you can and want to, go for it, but if it's hard what's the point in forcing it?

This because of Gouge Away

you dont know the difference between addiction and dependence

weed is 100% addictive

1. If your tolerance is lower you spend less on weed
2. You shouldnt need to smoke to be happy

K's Coice I'm not An Addict

Love some scramz, good suggestion. Never heard this album, I'll add it to my library

Yeah, stoner doom is honestly great sometimes. I find that Dopethrone in particular is helpful because I find so much pain in that album, and I can relate to the feeling of using weed to cover up some deeper pain, which seems to be part of that music. A lot of people think Dopethrone is just campy fun but I find a lot of depression on that record. Very possible that's just me projecting my personal feelings onto it though.

I posted about it here

>weed addiction

just stop smoking you fucking knuckledraggers

listen to this