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Black Physics Wizard thinks the 2nd ammendment was a bad idea
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Man gets PhD in astrophysics in a liberal college - makes him an expert on divisive political issues.
Interesting that the 13th Amendment gave him the power to express his 1st Amendment rights about the 2nd Amendment.
He never said it was a bad idea there.
I can agree with his words here, but ultimately it is a good idea
Until now I was a #MachineGunNut. But now #ImWithTheDisarmentDeparment.
Why will this goofball not shut his filthy chicken mouth
Black science guy's opinion is as valid as Bill Nye the B.A. in mechanic engineering guy
Strange how so many Americans justify NASA with "space race" but never justify why it is still needed
Your move space monkey.
>is this basic human right a good idea?
lmao what makes he think he's qualified to talk about that
he should resort to being a 9gag meme and physics for dummies
wow that realy made me thought
Whoa.... Really makes me think.... Maybe the amendments are like a complex system of laws instead of interchangeable parts that can be put in and taken out at the whim of some uppity faggots.
People should really stop posting this guy
I'm going to play devil's advocate here, but I think his autism is getting in the way of his point. I think his point wasn't that it's not a good idea or should be repealed, I think his point was that you get nowhere by saying "MUH SECOND AMENDMENT" but explaining the facts and statistics about guns is more effective.
Scientists really shouldn't comment on things outside their own field.
This nigger got BTFO by someone on Sup Forums with statistics.
I agree Cuba Gooding Jr
He doesn't think the Founders talked it out first?
Does he really think they were just like eh let's just throw some random shit in here and call it a day?
Bats aren't even blind. What a dumb fuck.
Go away nigger stargazer.
Healthcare is a privilege. More often than not people who need health care do so because they never took good care of their bodies in the first place.
>t. 290 pound guy who has only been to the doctors for a stomach virus back in the 3rd grade
He should explore getting the fuck out of this country if he disagrees with it so much
Historically speaking an armed public is necessary to keep the government in check.
Government should fear their people. End of story.
He's a PR man for a shitty planetarium in Jew York. His field is that of a huckster
>hurr durr I studied astrophysics but haven't done a single paper or study of note and just a talking head therefore listen to what I have to say I'm an expert on everything because I'm a celebrity
Holy shit he's right. How do I push past?
do they really beleive that removing a chance to have a gun will by some kind of miracle help decrease number of attacks?
Surely a persont hat will plan to murder people will then say:
>Oh snappity snap, guns are illegal I can't make a terrorist attack.
Like in Paris for example. Thank god that Europe banned guns.
Odd how every libshit invokes the 1st Amendment to justify Islam, rather than explore whether or not it's a good idea.
>Canadian flag
>Le black science man
Sage goes in every field
i am blind. does that make me a bat?
I think we can all agree that the 15th amendment was also a bad idea
There is literally only one way to interpret "Shall Not Infringe."
Right, but that doesn't work. It's a hard boundary that is meant to not be questioned precisely in anticipation of clever enemies. It's like demanding to know the fully illustrated stoichiometric explanation for why I ought not to drink from a bottle labeled with a skull and crossbones.
Well aren't you a smart and pragmatic poster. Keep it up.
You're literally comparing your country to a Third World shithole.
What does that say about your country?
all these Hitler lovers What The Fuck!!!!! He took all the guns away like these faggots want.
>Pragmatic posting
>on Sup Forums
Why doesn't he talk about how shit Islam is anymore?
Yeah, I guess someone who doesn't even know how to sage correctly wouldn't know about that.
The actual Bill of Rights is the first few Amendments. They are self-explanatory and tied to very fundamental freedoms. Around the dozen mark you find that which Black Science Man alleges, idiotic ideas thrown at the wall to see if they'll stick. Making the Senate a secondary, less crowded House. Letting women and blacks vote. Twisting freed black slaves into anchor babies. Prohibition and then prohibition struck through. None of that stuff is American, it directly attacks the ideas of the Founders who wrote the original Amendments.
Does this nigga lock his door every night or have a debate on twitter about it?
You white people are fucked listening to these shills.
Is having a giant dick a right?
He's right. A lot of people do just invoke the 2A without much thought beyond "it's there, must be good, must be kept" but luckily enough people HAVE explored whether its a good idea or not and decided that it was.
We're neighbors? Help me out, intelligent tea man.
Maybe that they area third world shithole for a reason?
>he thinks the forefathers did not foresee the events in Orlando
thanks for my right to buy a gun and protect mysefl senpai
The whole point of the 2nd Amendment is to make sure your right to be a dumb nigger isn't infringed. Its not about killing deers or home invaders, its about killing tyrants. I wish gun advocates would make this point more clearly more often. When someone goes 'do you really need THAT much capacity magazines?' I want to hear them say 'your damn fucking right I do'. When they call for a ban on 'assault weapons', whatever the fuck that means, they need to emphasize that the whole point of weapons is for assaulting things. The entire constitution is designed to prevent the concentration of power, so I'll be okay with an 'assault weapons' ban as soon as the government gets rid of their 'assault weapons'.
Odd how many liberals invoke racism, tolerance and bigotry to justify allowing radical muslims into the US, rather than explore whether or not it's a good idea
Bats aren't even fucking blind
They are a third world country for a reason, redcoat. Go brush your teeth
Kill your mirror self
Odd how many Americans invoke the 13th Amendment to justify their own freedom, rather than explore whether or not it's a good idea
>shoot mirror self
>mirror shatters
>mirror self is dead but no more portal
fucking jews
>It's a liberals cherry picking amendments when it suits them episode
its obvious
you need a light based rifle
Odd how many liberals invoke the constitution to justify their own degeneracy, rather than explore whether or not it's a good idea
*insults people for other beliefs*
*some crazy or religious oriented madman shoots up people*
Easy for him to say, he used to be a wrestler. He can just wrestle anyone who tries to attack him.
Bats aren't blind, and not all bats even have bad eyesight.
Fruit bats don't even use echolocation, they find food via sight and smell.
Racist shut lord. Doesn't he know most gun laws were enacted to restrict minority gun ownership?
Way to fuck the struggles of those that came before you Uncle Tom.
People a lot smarter than a fucking NIGGER decided the topic, at great length. They decided it was a good idea for the citizenry to own weaponry equivalent to that owned by the military.
Pic related.
because adherence to the rule of law is an inalienable fact of a republic
fuck your feelings, "the law is the law" is a fair point to make, "the law is too hard to change so lets just ignore it" isn't
hmm rly makes u tonk
>defending a right with anything other then "it's my right fuck off"
>This kills the freedom
Fact of the matter is no amount of political masturbation and virtue signaling will ever make people, who view the right to self defense as important, lay down their arms and rely on an inefficient outside entity as their sole means of prtection.
theres 5 tho
And neither is health care.
He has the right to buy both the gun and health care.
They are both equal in this regard.
Based King of Sup Forums for the day