what a lying piece of shit

SO because a bigot went on a shooting spree he's going to allow in 250,000 more bigots?

I mean surely he's referring to the murderous homophobe and not those identifying the source of his homophobia, right?

Ah, do you think Greenland will accept me as a refugee? I want out of here

shit ain't even funny at this point

>"With the tragic loss of two Canadians, I want to reiterate that terrorist hostage-takings only fuel more violence and instability. Canada will not give into their fear-mongering tactics and despicable attitude toward the suffering of others," Trudeau said.

what did he mean by this?

He can't be this stupid. This is just not possible. They fucking know islam isn't peaceful. They have a different reason for this.


>America becomes great again
>Britain leaves EU and becomes Great Britain again
>Canada actually gets worse than being "just Canada" and becomes Justin's Canada ripe with dyed hair, period blood over everything, rapes in the open, and tolerance all around

We need another wall before it's too late.

i find trudeau comments on this to be so much more toxic and disgusting than trumps

sure trump plays on peoples fears, but people have those regardless. it takes a special kind of snobby prick to see a tragedy that has nothing to do with him and go "oh well I am a much nicer and better person than all of you, and if you would think like me, maybe bad things wouldn't happen"

You hear that? That's the sound of more leafposters getting depressed and resorting to shit posting. It's just gonna get worse and worse until weedman is gone.

why is he so perfect?

>working knowledge of quantum computing
>supports LGBTQPYÆ
>can levitate objects
>handsome as fuck
>stands up to right wingers
>kindly reminds us what year it is

>"I'm just going to come right out and say it, I'm a cuck. I enjoy watching. Chang and Zhang whang my wife. I just do, it's as simple as that folks."

Fake tweet. That won't stop this thread from getting 300 sincerely offended replies though.

You idiots wonder why this whole website thinks you're retarded.


Where in Canada is Muslim friendly and why is it Ontario

Canada is turning shit faster and faster I love it. How was that multicutural South African Firefighting help?

The only problem now is we'll have to built TWO walls.

Did Canada legalize beastiality to entice more muslims to move there?


I wonder how the average Canadian homosexual feels, learning that Trudeau's reaction to Islamic terrorism is to bring in hundreds of thousands more overseas-born Muslims.
I would say the progressive stack is collapsing upon itself.

He is kinda right you know

Actually a lot of people actually believe they're peaceful
at uni today i overheard some liberals talking about how the shooter wasn't muslim because all muslims are peaceful

Pretty sure this is fake, can't seem to find this in his feed. Looks like someone just copied the hashtag off a gay pride parade post.

This. "I'll prove to you how safe it is, by cranking up the dial!"

The thing is, if it were obviously fake no one would care. Since Justin is just that much of a faggot, people believe he would say this and it's not like he hasn't said similar things in the past.


t. weedman

Does this mean the homosexuals have won?

apparantly it was always legal, but dudeweed just cant shut the fuck up about it because he wants more goat raping sandniggers

If he DID say that he deleted it because I'm not seeing it in his feed.

No, it's actually fake. He attended a fag parade where the OP post got his edit material. Everything recent is either in French or about Canadian stuff.

I know Sup Forums likes fake click bait, but they could at least wait for him to say something actually stupid or just post some CBC story.

Nice fake tweet


Fake and gay

No, we're busy enough keeping those snow niggers alive as it is

no fucking way

You mad, bro?

Reckon Trudeau would be circumcised?

>Canada bringing a quarter million Muslim refugees to our continent

Honestly, we should allow them to do this.

I can expect this kind of stupidity from an average person. Plus people these days are so brainwashed. But do our government officials really think they are peaceful? I just think there has to be an agenda behind this.

Meant to say shouldn't.

Does anybody knows what happened to AIDS Skrillex and is he doing this days? People lost track of him.

the tweet got removed lol

Not sure what you're talking about, but I guess you're just here for Sup Forums spam.

Doesn't sound at all like something he would say.

I don't have a twitter so can someone please just respond "please stop using tragedies in other countries to rally support for your ineffectual presidency"




amazing, the doublethink and the lies

Nice Freudian slip, SoCal.

fake tweet lel

Black person robbed your house? Fuck you bigot whitey I'm building project housing all around you! That will prove you wrong!

Is this that fake account?

I don't see that check mark


This is photoshopped right?

Do you think Justin Trudeau (dudeweedlmaoweedman/your PM) would be circumcised?

His handlers are cock suckers but they wouldn't write something like that on his twitter after a mass shooting. It would look too bad.

They did something similar with the fires I think, saying not to make it about global warming agendas.

He was shot to death in Orlando the night beforw last


Sup Forums is full of retards.

Don't forget that sexy lisp and can out MMA any here ITT

I am actually a literal semi-pro MMA fighter.

Even from a moderate viewpoint that is a bit childish, to make such a hyperbolic statement as 'X is not responsible for anything'

That's quite bold and almost patronizing even

The fact that we don't question the authenticity and assume that he actually tweeted it says a lot more about the weedman than it does about us.

Could you make an emu tap?

That tweet has never happened. OP is a liar.

Fuck you OP.

never thought i'd say this but...

were gunna need a fucking northern wall....

Always with the emu comments, mate, you understand its a meme, right? sort of like you and how you are called burgers, just because you weigh 400lb, doersn't mean you seriously eat burgers every day, its just a joke.


No more emu talk.

Yes, he so perfect Goy

Fucking disgusting. They just never learn.

I know it's fake, but I still believe there is not a world leader more openly treasonous than Trudeau. Not Obama, not Merkel, not any of the women who run Scandinavia. Trudeau is the worst of them all.

Trudeau plans on using the goat cocksucking leniency of Canada's new pro-bestiality stance as the lure to bring in all those lovely muslims. Dog cock for the Canadians, goat cock for the muzzies!

Not really. Put it in a picture and most retards bite down without second thought.

Like that image where people took Hitler quotes and put it on an image of Gandhi. That thing is still probably floating around on normie book.

Is this real. Please tell me it fucking isn't. Please.

>working knowledge of quantum computing

This quote is absolutely real btw

How does that make you feel?

but we all know he does think that way

what bigotry? muslims killing faggots? fuck, this guy is too retarded for words, i still can't believe he's the leader of a major country

>that sexy lisp

i-it is kinda sexy, though

It's not. OP lied.

However Justin "the meme leaf" Trudeau does believe that.

Cuckada 3rd world country when ?

He's a rich kid who barely held down jobs while living off his Dads money.

He doesn't think, he just does what he's told.

It is true tho. We don't really have a national identity. We were a bunch of displaced Brits scattered over this huge-ass landmass we then (kind of) filled with immigrants. Our past has been ripped from us because we're no longer British, and we haven't been around long enough to establish a new one.

>sucks the dick of pisslam
>shits on Christianity all day saying it is evil, calling all Christians violent, etc.

Spoken like a true cuck


What a fucking retard

Canada is not some sort of pussy ass faggot hippie country like many people think, it's just that it's a country based entirely around reason and logic and the rejection of superstition and uninformed preconceptions.

It's actually very difficult psychologically to live here because society forces you to suppress your emotions as much as possible and doesn't allow you to speak your mind about anything unless there are rigorously obtained facts and statistics to back up whatever it is that you want to say.

If there were a well made research showing that killing niggers would be beneficial to the country, we would immediately invest billions of dollars into right wing deaths squads and we would exterminate every single non white in the country, I have no doubt about it.



>pussy ass faggot hippie country

Perfectly describes Canada. Sorry cluck, but we know better than you. You are just going to defend your hellhole of a country.

>free speech is bad
Go suck a dog dick

Obviously a photoshop post, you all got baited
Sage goes in the options


wow realy makes u think. :-) im wiht her now :))


allahu akbar

Jesus christ guys.
(American applying for leaf citizenship for employment opportunities, not for love of government policies).

Two Canadians were killed in the Philippines by terrorists, they wanted ransom and Trudeau - to his credit - didn't pay up.

>It's actually very difficult psychologically to live here because society forces you to suppress your emotions as much as possible and doesn't allow you to speak your mind about anything unless there are rigorously obtained facts and statistics to back up whatever it is that you want to say.

No wonder you leafs let your irrational side run loose on an anonymous Vietnamese finger painting board. The pent up feelings are the source of Canadian shitposting





He would have if they were Canadian Muslims, or gay.

They can't beat us at holocausting their own population though. That award belongs to Merkelland.

Somebody PLEASE fucking beat him to within an inch of his life