Why is no one asking how:
>lone gunman
>shot a security guard and somehow made it inside afterwards
>shot and killed 50 people with one long gun and a handgun when a .223 takes about 4-5 rounds per person
>would have had to have large amounts of ammo, training, and mental fortitude to commit this by himself
Just logically wouldn't there have to be multiple shooters? Paris took many guys and this guy did about 1/3 of their kill count on his 'own'. Wouldn't there have had to been accomplaces?
Multiple Pulse Shooters?
Other urls found in this thread:
>.223 takes about 4-5 rounds per person
>"the closest I've ever come to a gun was my copy of Calladewty" Special Edition Shitposting
>He's never had a killstreak big enough to call in an airstrike
it's been reported they arrested the second one
My guess: Cops engaged when he had hostages. Some of those shot are from the cop bullets during the shootout.
I think they just arrested the 2nd one kek
>.223 takes about 4-5 rounds per person
nigger what?
You show is hilarious, Mr. Jones.
My guess, a lot of people were shit by the cops by accident.
You can listen to live audio of the swat team going in. The sheer amount of fire within 20 seconds is astounding. They went in blazing!!!!
>Smug muslims
he had Burbano to hold the doors for him
There wasn't a 2nd shooter, only someone who conspired prior to the attack in some way. Way to get it wrong pol.
>a .223 takes about 4-5 rounds per person
You are so fucking dumb.
One .223 goes through multiple people. He had lots of time to shoot. Even incapacitated people will bleed out in the time it took for the cops to kill him.
Are you retarded?
.223 generally don't come in AR'S unless you order it with a .223 barrel. They are generally 5.56 nato. In both cases both rounds fly at 3000ft ps. And can easily got through 5 walls. And multiple people.
A witness in a video claims he thought there were two shooters based on the sounds he was hearing.
Don't have it but the viedo is out there, also the guy mentions there was a blocked door.
I truly hope it's the 2016 door holding champion.
Lmao based Florida swat
What's this guys name again?
Gr8 b8 I r8 8/8
>Gods of /k/, stifle my anger at this obvious bait.
>a .223 takes about 4-5 rounds per person
Americans are fat and slow, Europeans are fit and athletic. You make easier targets. That's why.
A terrorist in the USA is expected to kill around 50 civilians.
A terrorist in Europe is expected to kill around 16.25 civilians (based on the Bataclan's events).
A 1 to 3 ratio. So, for the same death toll, you need 3 terrorists in Europe for 1 in America. Cost wise, ISIS better start focus on the US.
>I truly hope it's the 2016 door holding champion.
>hit with 12 rifle rounds
>every shot manages to avoid an organ or bone... which is rare but it has happened so OK, maybe...
>grazed, limb shots, etc...
>every. single. one. is trapped in the body
>not a single through-and-through
There was likely an accomplice, but this post is so full of shit you could run Bartertown.
Trampling + people bleeding out no medical assistance due to hostage situation
YOU are the retard .223 tumbls like a mother fucker and does not pass a single wall with any energy.
I dont think I could kill 50 people with a machine gun in a club.
There had to be multiple shooters
Of course we should be more aware of the possibility of Islamic terrorism than usual anyhow because it's Ramadan.
Depends really on how much time do you have and if people have anywhere to hide. An asian kid killed 33 with two pistols.
It's not hard, watch some youtube videos of people who do 3 gun. If he could perform at 70% of what the guys making videos can manage, it would be fairly easy.
Say you've got a 14 round double stack .45, 3 mags with 6 mags of 5.56
Would it take you more than 10 minutes to empty all of those magazines?
>killing 16 drunken faggots per hour is unpossible
Achmed the Dead Terrorist had literally three hours to work before there was a single armed responder on the scene. It ended within seconds once a good guy with a gun showed up.
If a single faggot sucking each other off and crying in the bathroom had a pink pistol dozens of lives could have been saved. Good thing liberals made sure that was illegal! :^)
because it was a falseflag