I demand an Anglosphere Union
I demand an Anglosphere Union
>No cross
Fuck off you heathen.
>Other Australia
... What the other one?
>No Star and Crescent
Fixed that for ya there Sweden
Its us you dipshit
You're making us look worse
Where's Singapore and Hong Kong
Please add Eire to this list!
>Not posting unedited version
Your cross won't be around much longer, mark my words
May I be an honorary Anglo?
actually we have more hispanics than blacks american blacks can't have children because they are incarcerated so he should be brown instead of black
t. deeply concerned white hispanic
First reunification
>America turning around.
>Britain turning around.
>Australia turning around.
>Canada just getting worse.
>New Zealand ???
No really, why is Canada the odd one out and what's even happening in New Zealand?
Now that's a pipe dream
This should be the movement that turns them around
Remove pakis and we'll see.
>actually we have more hispanics than blacks american
If that's true, it means you're less than 50% white. Ouch.
>Part of the Anglosphere
I wish this maymay would go awayway
We're about 60% non-Hispanic white.
>Britain turning around
user, did you drink some of the tea you dredged out of the harbour?
Not according to your friend. He said there are more hispanics than blacks in America, and at least 25% of the american population is black as confirmed by
Brexit leaf. It's a start.
>New Zealand
No clue, we lost contact with them shortly after they woke up that last balrog.
That map is pretty blatantly false in regards to the US, our black population is somewhere between 12%-13% last I checked.
Please ignore the Swede proxy shill bringing up race statistics for the 100000000000000000th time
You lil bitches got beaten by Ireland in a war and we only have a population of a few million. How much more embarassing does it get.
Go brush your tooth.
Are you serious or not? Can't tell if you are bait posting.
We brought your pathetic empire to its knees.
I think I recognise you. Bait posting my man. :^)
Could you bomb a few for us?
Learn to speak English first 'mate.'
At least my shitty memory isn't that bad.
The EU are planning on banning our kettles and toasters for being too extreme, if we remain.
That's really sad bro. I hope you get out. But I'm afraid your 'national' government is little better than Brussels in any event.
We already have too many Muslims in this country.
>Britain turning around
Trudeau will redpill everybody with his faggotry.
If not, loyalist coup.
God save the queen
m8, if you're a mulatto or quadroon then you're still black by census data. With such, we're currently around 12-13% black and it has hovered around there for decades.
Don't you have ramadan fasting tomorrow Swedecuck? You should be resting.
Serious question: Could you ever have a federal system that included both Britain and Ireland? For all your conflict, you really were better together.
Seeing where we've gone and what has come of the globalist BS, if we can unite to close our borders and trade among eachother and smoke coons/dune coons, I'm in
Only if Trump is the ruler of them all would I accept this.
>m8, if you're a mulatto or quadroon then you're still black by census data.
Mulattos actually classify as white in your census data. They throw people form the middle-east and north africa into that mix as well. Actual white people in US is way lower than 62%. My bet would be around 30%.
Really is a degenerate shithole your country =/
Yeah that's not accurate at all.
People are asked to self-identify. The vast majority don't consult the definitions or think about it, they just check what they are considered. And if you have any known trace of 'black blood' then you are consider black/african-american/coloured or whatever word the decided was politically correct most recently.
>Yeah that's not accurate at all.
I have a source, you don't. People are more likely to believe in evidence than shit that a fat american pulled out of his ass.
>People are asked to self-identify. The vast majority don't consult the definitions or think about it, they just check what they are considered.
Precisely. So that 62% figure is waaaay to high. Mongrels who look white (i.e. the ones who are partially mixed, around 4% non-white DNA) identify as white, but they're not, are they? My 30% figure still stands.
fucking que beck. well show'er, togeth'R!
Fuck-off. We're tired of your shit. Brits aren't worth saving.
You can't even save yourself.
well we just lifted our refugee quota from 750 to 1000 a year, so there's that...
Can any of us even be called anglo anymore? Most of us are being run over by brown people
sure, why not? we speak English and we have common enemies and interests to boot
You tell him brother
I am opposed to this union idea most of all because these flags are so fucking ugly holy shit
what would you have for a flag?
The Union Jack
I'm in, especially if you bongs brexit.
I will actively seek out products only made in Anglo sphere countries.
Actual numbers on race in America. 12% black, 65%white 15% wall builders.
Probably not a good idea.
good la.
>A FUCKING LEAF in the center
Nice source. Less than 30% of americans have 100% white ancestry. See my previous posts for citation.