What does pol think of Native Canadians and our crisis?

Good evening pol, I'm a native canadian (ojibwe descent) and I agree with alot of the stuff on pol. But I never revealed myself because I am Native.
What is your opinion on Natives? We had a harmonious relationship with the Canadian wildlife and landscape until savage europeans ethnically cleansed us.

My family live on a reserve that is rampant with drug and alcohol abuse. But I live in a city and work a 9-5 office job.

If refugees can get benefits in Canada/Europe why can't my people get their financial benefits?

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>why can't my people get their financial benefits?

You already do. That said, I believe your people deserve it more than the refugees.

Gib Markland, skrælings.

We shouldn't of wasted our time with your reserves. Should have followed Spains lead.

We get a tiny wage that keeps most Natives trapped in a perpetual cycle of drug abuse and depression.

Whereas if society invested more in our education and took us more seriously we could show European Canadians more respect and work with them.

>We had a harmonious relationship with the Canadian wildlife and landscape until savage europeans ethnically cleansed us.

Only because you weren't smart enough to take control of your environment like we did. It's eventual of all human beings to exploit their environments, Natives are doing it now. I don't see any Natives "living in harmony with Mother Nature" anymore.

Native are basically the equivalent to blacks. Entitled, violent, moronic and totally oblivious to world history. I live about a 3 minute walk away from a reserve, all you people complain about is the "white boy takin' ma land, jah."

Incredibly corrupt elders and you guys run alot of drugs because we can't police you

Fuck you u fucking prick

you faggots ran around genociding eachother and inventing pointy sticks, now you run around assaulting eachother and inventing new places to vomit up listerine.

This give you a hard on?

I feel bad for you. Its the worst when they hit the towns closest to their reserve.

So why do u give third world brown people the chances to turn themselves into doctors, engineers, white collar workers and let them take over places like Brampton and neglect us because of our abuse?

Literally nobody does that shit, its a misconception, Its easier to get alcohol on a reserve than drink shitty listerine- you are cherrypicking

I would also like the third world poos and sandshits to go, for they contribute almost as little as you savages.

What's the average IQ of an indian?

>"m-muh spirituality!"
>uses muh oppression privileges to block scenery with giant billboard ads
>chugs entire bottle of vodka and pukes everywhere
>uses muh oppression privileges to run a casino that would be otherwise illegal

It would be unwise to neglect us, we were the people of this land long before you knew it even existed. If You try to remove us completely you will witness the imbalances of the spirit world manifest on you

This is an average response to criticism that Natives usually pull out.

Alright cool runnings you've had enough firewater today

Native land 4 Natives

Native Canadians have all the opportunity in the world. Literally free post-secondary schooling and people willing to hire all graduates, as well as numerous tax exemptions.

But here you are living on reserves and drinking all day. SAD!

Because we hate you so. Fucking. Much. Those mudbeards on occasion end up being useful. Timber coons? Never.

Ain't Native land anymore.

It's not like we colonized the area and used it better than you would anyway, there was massive amounts of infighting inside of tribes and between tribes that you squaws love to ignore.

Fuck off back across the Bering Strait.

Ojibwe are awesome, they wasted Iriquois (who were into formal warfare) by applying hunting techniques to war and inventing guerrillas.

Can't think of a more pathetic race than the Canadian spear chucker. Considering the amount of help they get compared to the state that they leave their communities in, they make the average Detroit nigger look like innovative and self sufficient.

They're not entirely relevant though. It's just best to let them drink their Lysol in their dilapidated rape shacks until they realize it's best to hang themselves.

>be a native
>can work and live across the entire north american continent
>get tons of financial benefits, so much that you can sit around and drink all day
that is some crisis

What a fucking chugroast this thread turned into, I'm proud of you my fellow leafs

bet u wouldnt say that to our face

>We don't get very much gibs so we gotta spend it on heroin

>Timber coons
Timber coons fucking lol

Pussies like u would get curbstomped irl by Native Gangs

B-b-but we're infringing on their heritage! Their rich rich heritage! T-they shouldn't have to adapt to our culture.

I'm so happy that I have """""JUST ENOUGH""""" Metis blood in me to receive benefits while still having green eyes and blonde hair.

>why can't my people get their financial benefits?

Because your corrupt chiefs take all of it and leave you to huff gasoline.

native gangs dont do shit but hug the curb and puke

the single intimidating native in the entire Oka Crisis conveniently gets photographed.

You guys support terrorists and will be on the banned country list.

Swallow the pill and realise how much of a human waste your kind is.
You can assimilate into the best civilization there ever was, or you can stay on the reserve and ask for gibs like the fucking trash you are.

There are rash outbreaks hurting native children and you think this is a joke? We need serious medical help

Yeah, maybe if you didn't huff paint before having sex your kids would turn out better

you should advocate the government to allow you to sell your reserve land so your family can return to the civilized world

thats it im done, you guys are all retarded teenage trolls it seems fuck all of u

Natives are Canadians too and deserve a decent life like other Canadians, reservations are our country's dirty little secret. Half the problem though is the through the self-governing autonomy granted to the tribal leaderships is that often the money is mismanaged. Corruption and cronies get paid but the average guy on the res sees little of the money or any improvements. Then a new chief gets elected and it starts all over again. I am lucky enough to live on a wealthy band's res in BC, but they are very lucky due to placements and proper band money management. Not many other res's are so lucky.

Ok honestly, we should just get rid of the reserves and force assimilation because reserves never have and never will work. The Canadian Feds don't really care about you guys that much though so nothing will happen. And people will assume that more benefits won't help and just lead to more drug and alcohol abuse, so even if you get an emotional vote to help get some sort of bill to increase support it won't pass.

lol of course the excuses come out. I bet there's a white guy beside you right now putting a needle in your arm =^)

You admitted in OP they were essentially living as animals.

What happened to the natives in the Americas was progress, from a secular point of view.

It was divine justice for wide spread human sacrifice and child/animal rape, from a religous point of veiw.

Quit believing the jews when they say whitey=evil.

Yeah, and if the government tries to intervene with the reserves and the bad ship that happens with leadership there, they'll just get shit on by the population.

>why can't my people get their financial benefits?
you do though.

natives literally get free university here, most of the native girls are too busy getting pregnant at 15 to take advantage of it though

t. cree half-breed with status

>we need mo' money fo' dem programs

I honestly have no beef with natives because I'm GTA scum, BUT there does seem to be a correlation between Anoriginals and Alcoholism/addiction. I honestly believe that Europeans coming and bringing civilization to inferior tribal types was a bit of a culture shock. The reason why you guys are living the way you do is the same reason why Africans can only survive on the white mans charity- it's because you are inferior.

I'm not even full white so I have no heir of superiority while I say this. I honestly believe that tribal savages- whether it be spear throwing negros or tomahawk wielding apaches, you guy are not capable of thriving in a civilized society.

At the same time it could just be the fact that you guys were not evolved to drink liquor and the white man totally crippled your chances at ever building a proper society, idk tbqh

Go back to sniffing gasoline you fucking parasite.

Because you fuckwads have corrupt Chiefs that steal all your money and then think us giving more will fix it.


>I forgot to mention the correlation is Abbos in australia. I'd say even the Abbos are a lower caliber of human being then you guys. No offence or nothing

Sup Forums isn't going to answer you seriously. If it does, it'll give you the autist answer.

The sad truth is that a lot of people won't even consider Native Canadians, point blank. It's never a topic of discussion with most people- and you'd be damned if you tried to talk to anyone outside of Canada about Native Canadians without getting a confused look and having to explain yourself, just to be taken less seriously. It's a regional concern. Even then, not many people give it any notice except when something drastic happens, because they all assume it's being taken care of by the government, and everything is honky-dory now. There' isn't even a lingering discussion about the issues of suicide.

It's a shame.

I couldn't care less.

>Calls us retarded
>Can't even spell properly

Ooga Booga go back to Siberia. At least the Mudslimes can make Mosques. You faggots have never created anything of value.

This is a problem created by natives though. If the white man tries to come in and help, they're racist for destroying their culture! If the white man ignores it, they're racist and enforcing systematic racism!

why not just say fuck it and move to las vegas? you natives are the laziest people I've ever met, i used to know a native guy in school and he'd be late everyday for class and had horrible grades but the teachers would just shrug their shoulders and let him be because he was native.

>the canoe

I grew up in a town flanked by two reserves.
There are very few tough natives. The crack and booze has made the red man weak.
Although, they are squirrelly, and aren't afraid to pull a knife on you.
Truly the niggers of Canada.

For the record, I would say this to most natives. Because most natives are useless welfare leeches. We give you so god damn much to get ahead, and you squander every last bit of it on booze and crack.
Take responsibility for your lives, you filthy savages.

We lifted you all out of goat fucking savagery.

That you choose to remain one is your own fault.

Fuck off I don't have a smoke

>We wuz harmonious

Well you aren't now. Miserable lot of shits, you're lucky the older generations didn't exterminate your kind

I'm in Edmonton and I've seen natives drink that shit

Swampy Cree here, from Manitoba but I moved down to Florida last year.
I don't particularly think there is anything going on in general besides the alcohol abuse. But yeah the rest of my family live on the reserve so its not like they wouldn't be.

I have to disagree with you there senpai. We already have a lot of benefits. And i honestly hate refugees but oh well.

why do all natives have a weird ugly body shape

>the canoe
The canoe was not invented by Indians you fucking retard
lol nope
South Americans =/= North Americans. South Americans (atleast the Incas) were based. North Americans are parasites.
Of VALUE you fucking retard

Half the shit you listed you faggots never made. Truly are the niggers of Canada. You have no culture of your own so you have to steal from others.

>you faggots
but I'm a nigger

>welfare keeps us trapped in a cycle of poverty and drug abuse
>the answer is more welfare

What you people need is to take charge of your own destiny and raise yourselves up. No one but natives can improve the mindset and culture of natives.

American blacks have the same mentality that they are just eternally part of a system to keep them at the bottom. As a result they act like they are at the bottom.

Your people need the will to improve not pity money.

fuck off, we're full

OP is just another parasite that wants more free shit. Treeniggers like him should be exterminated.

lacrosse is a pretty fun sport desu, at least if it's box lacrosse and not the trustfundstick field lacrosse they play in the states.

Your family should join you, they'll be better off.

It really should say something that the immigrants to Canada do just fine, while the Natives who insist on living up in their reserves where there's no economy to sustain their communities live in such shitty conditions with such bad social problems. If natives would get over their irrational attachment to arbitrary plots of land in the middle of nowhere and just come live with the rest of us, they'd do just fine.

>We get a tiny wage
The amount of money you get comes from your band office. The government does not regulate that. Go complain to your chief, faggot

t. An Injun that lives in the second richest band in Canada

Back to Africa with you

from what I know native Canadians are a bunch of drunk,suicidal, SJW, gimmedats

you are Aboriginal tier.

>bannock ass

They literally store 0 fat in their arms, legs tits or ass, it all goes directly to the gut

I think Canada and USA should create a central Native American country/autonomous region and we deport all the natives there

Maybe Nuvanut

Force assimilation. If natives use believe in their whole spiritual ventures, and the land is to be protected, and that the white man ruins it all. Then it is time to remove all electronics, no more processed food, no more electricity. Just go back to being stone age cunts, hunting, see how well that'll do, hell even go back to making your own alcohol

m8 if we wanted advice on getting shot or putting ranch dressing on our burgers we would ask you, but we didn't.


I know so many Philippine fucks in my city (Saskatoon) that have all come from shit all and within a generation have created something for their children.

We will put a round in the manitou's head tonto.

A fucking leaf. Go end yourself.

so turdo made it so metis and non status indians get status rights. i'm metis so what kind of gibs can i get?

> they give us money for free and then we spend it on drugs and booze
> Judeau gives the more money to the squaws
> The redniggers spend more on drugs and booze and sniffing fuel
Get fucked feather. Your kind were killed off for a reason.

t. actual European in cuckland.

>The canoe was not invented by Indians you fucking retard
>Many indigenous peoples of the Americas built bark canoes
>the implication here is that various indigenous tribes from North/Central/South America built canoes on their own
>not just one special snowflake group

So, what you're telling me is that South American Natives stole from the Romans without being able to go to Rome? Shit.

>South Americans =/= North Americans
Nigger you should have specified what you were talking about instead of just "Indians".

but I'm not even from Africa

Fucking bush nigger you get enough benefits if whites didn't come you would still be in the stone age.


i work for the railway, our tracks go through the reserve, I could double my paycheck if i picked all those listerine bottles up, but i dont want to get aids

Good for you, you retards created something thousands of years after your superiors did. Go fuck a feather you filthy treenigger

>savage europeans ethnically cleansed us
you attacked them and lost

>why can't my people get their financial benefits
you do get good benefits

I'm willing to help you people so we can make a good country, but we have to have honest discussions.

Your enemies aren't euopeans but the ones that control europeans. They want to enslave everyone.

Is all seriousness the only people who can fix the native problem are the natives themselves. You faggots need to rebuild your culture and rethink your identity. Don't try this tribal bullshit again either. Build off what you have learned from other cultures. You don't see french bitching for reparations from Italians because once-upon-a-time the Romans took over Gaul and genocided their culture and identity. No, the french built on top of what they both learned and what was lost instead of staying in the past and bitching about the victors. As a result the French culture is one of the most recognizable in the world and France is technically a world power.

your people helped the canadian brits fought against us. you could have been an american

Reminder that the residential schools were a good thing and that people complaining about them now just want money.

then they would just be fatter

>arbitrarily separating people from their biological parents to get molested by catholic priests was a good thing

>but I'm not even from Africa
Even though I'm technically .06% Carib, I'm not even a Native Canadian. Fellow leaf faggot, you need to wear your glasses.

Most natives wanted the schools, and the allegations of abuse are probably false.

Natives were never ethnically cleansed. Individual tribes attacked Europeans and were killed off as a result. There was also the accidental introduction of small pox which resulted in pretty serious casualties, but wasn't intentional.
>My family live on a reserve that is rampant with drug and alcohol abuse.
This is typical, also most of the reserves that border other nations (looking at you Cornwall Island) do crazy amounts of smuggling drugs and guns.
>If refugees can get benefits in Canada/Europe why can't my people get their financial benefits?
I actually am against taking in those migrants at all, let alone giving them free stuff. Point is, you Natives already get plenty of free things, and many benefits including much higher acceptance rates at universities and colleges.

>Most natives wanted the schools
[Citation needed]

Oh so you're a cuck then. Back to the gas chamber with you.

Read this.


... cuck?