KEK is Satan who is Allah who is Baphomet who is Mohamet, the Knight Templar's god. Repent sinners
Stop doing drugs burger
Dubs say you're Satan in the skies
I am not satan I swear
Swear on what, hmmmm?
Knights Templar worshipped Mohamet, who was Baphomet, who was Allah, who is Satan, who is Kek
My singles say I am not satan
Dubs say you are
Singles say I am not
Well then Mr not Satan, I will take into account what you said here today.
dubs say you're satan
In the town where I live Satan supposedly came here. Not joking, there's a big park down in my town, its pretty big. In it is a mansion. So the owner, goes out hunting yeah, meets this chap. Its pissing out so he brings him back to his house. They play some cards. This fella keeps winning and the owner thinks he's cheating, so he looks under the table and what does he see? Fucking hooves. Anyway, so the devil wouldn't leave and the owner foes to get the priest. The priest fucking throws his bible at the devil and it bounces off him and hits a mirror. The mirror cracked into three pieces. I went into the mansion and saw the fucking mirror lad, very spooky place.
The road I live on yeah, people sometimes see an old black horse and cart going up and down the road. Guess what's at the top of the road right beside my house? A fucking graveyard. Its hundreds of years old. Guess what's at the end? A statue of Mary. The roads called church road. kek, one night I was home along and it was 3am and I heard a woman and a baby crying outside my window. Fucking scary shite lad.
Post pics/explore mansion
Allah =/= satan
Quality posts boys
What pathetic patterns. Truly no one could ever enjoy such miserable patterns. Sad!
Go inside, post results, have a random from my collection as payment
My Grandfather is from Limerick (Ireland) and he would tell me about some of the haunted places in Ireland.
He told me he saw these young girls wearing old fashioned clothing with hoops and a stick walk past him and addressed him by his name and then vanished.
He said that if you saw an old comb on the ground outside you never picked it up as it belonged to the banshee and it would bring them to you to retrieve the comb (and the only way they would get the comb back was by you dying).
I love hearing his spooky stories and it makes me sad realizing that all that folklore and such is going to vanish once his generation is gone.
Yeah lad, don't fucking pick up a comb. One night I was just lying in bed, all I see in the corner of my room is a white face looking back. I'm getting fucking shivers down my spine as I'm typing this.
you looked in the mirror cracker, now can we please go back to the topic of Satan masquerading as various other deities
>the Knight Templar's god
Lies. Templars were jerks, but still Chris tan jerks.
No my friend they were Satanists
Fuck off kike
Lad, I don't know what the fucking mirror cracker is but I have a feeling if I search it up I won't sleep tonight. I fucking moved house a couple of months ago and I was just downstairs getting a drink. Just looking out the kitchen window and I see a white face again, it wasn't the reflection. I just fucking froze with fear.
The Knights Templar didn't worship Baphomet, that was French Propaganda. Allah is the Father, and is very poorly understood by Muslims because they were led astray.
If digits repeat kek is nefarious
Satan would not reveal himself like that, he lies of course
I had a dream about the Devil/Satan the other night and have felt on edge since.
I sense his influence.
He grows
>they were Satanists
and the masons were/are too right?
Yes fuckboy