Why don't we ever discuss this show? Been watching it and Im really enjoying it thus far. The music is always spot on, and the show is filled with visual pottery. Ella is my current tv chillfu
Lucifer Thread
Ella a cute !
The piano bits really make the show
missed link like a tard
cmon I know Im not the only one that watches this. Mazikeen is also a topfu. Highly reccommend this show - might not be a masterpiece, but it's great to pass the time with
Tom Ellis kills it everytime
pls respond ;_: Maybe I'll have better luck posting this over at Sup Forums
Tom Ellis stinks.
I had no idea who he was before I watched this show. Maybe I'd dislike him if I had seen any of previous work....or if I was British - do you find the accent he chose for the role annoying?
I guess thread died before it even started...too bad, would've loved to discuss this show
pretty please giving this one more shot
I like it. Music is awesome, chicks are hot.
I find him to be utterly non-charming.
I've previously seen him in Rush. He was slightly better in that but more of the same.
I think he's gay so all his interactions with women have no intimacy and are all bland and sterile (also because he is a bad actor).
god bless you user
I particularly enjoyed Amenadiel's character development even though it did feel forced analyzing it in retrospect
Fair enough user, that I can understand
I marathoned both seasons the other day because of a thread on Sup Forums when is it coming back?
This is "Closet Faggot: The Show".
It's shitty on so many levels.
no new episodes cause of Christmas, dog bless Christians setting ther holiday on this month to push aside Pagan holidays that were more popular at the time
The actor or the character? The Devilsmakes no secret that he is an equal opportunist when it comes to sex...
Speaking of shitty, Amenadude looks pretty silly here
As much as I hate to say it, she's too attractive for me to take her seriously as a detective.
The show premise is great, but I have grown to despise procedurals. They are the worst.
oh wut, I watched and enjoyed season 1, didn't realize season 2 started airing
I think they should fit Johnny Cash's Hurt at some point (if they havent already??), but I dont think their music licensing budget is large enough...
>The show premise is great, but I have grown to despise procedurals. They are the worst.
Im with you on that one, AND the show falls victim to shiitty cop-procedural cliches. I think it does a good job of tying the story together though
Marathon that first episode, Ron my son the ledge
forgot to say, I disagree with on that she's too attactive to be a Detective - I've seen some real qt cops and military gals... plus it's not like her character is always dressed to impress, hell she has her hair in a ponytail a lot of the time
Who do you think is the qtest grill on the show? I really like Maze, but Ella's personality is a hook line and sinker for me
So I haven't watched the last few episodes, but it felt like things have been going towards the biggest cliche of all, "love is the most powerful thing in the world", making Lucifer mortal around Chloe. Not super happy about it.
Also, I wish Lucifer would shut up sometimes. I get it, it's his shtick, but he needs to insert le funny quip/sexual innuendo into everything.
I do think the pilot was GOAT.
I'm impartial to Mazikeen. The actress is hot, wears fantastic outfits, and has sadistic traits, which is my fetish.
>mazikeen with a perfect whole face
>lucifer is some generic chad, not even a blonde or redhead exotic motherfucker
fuckin dropped
This show can only progress when they get the balls to drop the police garbage.
I disagree, I think Tom Ellis is perfect for the role.
>that's not how it was in the books!!
Cmon, NOT directly adapting everything from the comics adds some novelty to it. Although I didnt read the comics so maybe It'd irk me if I had. I somewhat agree that he should be more exotic - but to us Amerifats, just the fact that he has an English accent adds +20 Exoticism points
What nationality / accent did you imagine him having, based off the comics?
>you will never ride Mazikeen on the sex swing for the best lay you've ever had in your life
I don't know his acting skills, admittedly, but he's 2generic4me
lucifer has to be some dubious strange guy. his first version in the source material was literally bowie
idk man, maybe alexander skarslksjdhfjksf? or mads memekkelsen
nordics are good at being handsome but creepy motherfuckers
That looks like rape.
Oh shit just noticed some visual pottery thanks to a youtube comment. When he's singing Sinnerman a says "bring doooOOOOOOOooownnnn" he gives a quick glance to his Father up above. BRAVO NOLAN
Alexander, maybe. I cant really picture Mads bringing that energy and charisma that the Devil would have. Totally agree with you on that statement about Nordic males
>Why don't we ever discuss this show?
Because most anons are dudes in their 20s, and the show is targeted to women in their 40s and 50s.
Then why have so many hot women on the show? I guess I understand that closet-homo comment from earlier, now
Im quite comfortable with my heterosexuality and can safely say that Tom Ellis is a handsome man. Societal pressures that lead you to being insecure towards your sexuality are really a shit, man
Im seriously in love with Ella's body of work and personality. Unfortunately her age really shows at times, despite all that caked up makeup
I don't know what you're talking about with your little sexuality rant, but it's basically The Mentalist with a supernatural twist. Responsible-and-overworked-yet-still-hot career woman meets Attractive-yet-nonthreatening male with a dark past and nifty skills who tags along with her and they have a lot of PG-13 rated adventures. The hot women are there to make it more palatable for husbands who will also be sitting in the living room while the wife is watching it, and also give the show a vague "sexy" atmosphere
I don't really have anything against the show, but it's a bog standard formulaic procedural targeted to middle aged women, and Sup Forums's demographic doesn't really watch that genre enough to make a lot of threads about it
This show was ok, but all the female characters being forced down our throats, shit storylines that literally no one cares about (ie anything about the personal lives of any character other than luci or big nig) this season made me drop it.
Plus Tom's gay is showing and he's is so sterile as the previous user stated. That and lucifer is so UP its not funny.
Fuck off shill. She's one of the worst examples of shoehorning in new characters. The CSI aspect of the show is so fucking stupid and uninteresting.
The irony is Lauren german is the actual gay one but nobody ever said gaydars were perfect..or didn't need fine tuning.
Go look at her feeds, she comes off as a dyke with her only ever hanging out with women..
Really appreciate your insight my bro, this makes complete sense. I WAS introduced to this show by a middle aged person. Oh yeah, not calling YOU out on sexual insecurity but yeah I wont elaborate cause thats not going anywhere
Damn I thought Id enjoy talking about this show, but this is just making me realize more and more all the shitty parts of the show. Still in love with the music aspect of the show
If by UP you meant OP as in Overpowered, I totally disagree. In human form he has some real sever vulnerabilities
Yep her character IS totally shoehorned but I still love her personality, specifically how carefree and accepting she is. If you hate the CSI part of the show, what keeps you watching it?
Btw not a shill, just a dude that legitimately wanted to have a conversation about this show. Funny how everytime I make about a contempary TV show I get called a shill (doesnt really happen with movies) - yet if I make a thread about a character everyone happily replies
Anyway Im probably out for now, gotta get up in like 6 hours. Thanks for the chat anons
Oh Im a tard, you obviously meant UP as in Underpowered, need some sleep
I wish this wasn't on Monday's, I seem to miss about every third episode because I keep forgetting it's on that night. And yes I know
> [current_year] watching live tv
Does your cable box not have the capicity to record things?
>year of our Lord 2016
Not without paying $10 a fucking month for the upgraded DVR box.
What a rip, it's 2016 - surely you can find a more affordable way around this problem. Just torrent the show in 720p dammit
This show is so much better when it stops being about police drama and focuses on the supernatural elements.
>"love is the most powerful thing in the world", making Lucifer mortal around Chloe
actually it was revealed that Chloe is literally an immaculate conception