This is NOT a drill


The fucking push is coming, we can't let these idiots get traction on this.

Other urls found in this thread:$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf


"we" already are.

get up, go outside, and find your state or local militia leader.

If they ban AR, so what? People will have to buy decent guns for just a bit more. It's a win-win.


Isn't shit like banning guns what the second amendment was designed to prevent?

>implying they will ban just the AR15 and not any semi automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine

Who would've thought.

At least this Facebook group has the sense to do the right thing, although a small actions will ultimately lead to a bigger one. It's the gun culture, and it's relax gun laws are the contributing factors to mass shootings. I don't get why Americans need assault rifles with 30 hard tip points in a magazine that is capable of killing many humans in seconds. Hopefully, this group will gain enough traction, and once it does they propose to get rid of the 2nd amendment once and for all.

It's borderline impossible for any gun control legislation to get through congress in the current political landscape. If anyone think a shitty petition is going to change that they're probably functionally retarded.

Yes. However, they do sneaky things at the edges, like banning new importation from Russia but not the gun itself.

>sandy hook

Yes, and the AR15 and related rifles are the most popular in the US

They're also most specifically what the founders would have protected under an honest reading of the amendment and federalist documents.

pol is true islam

Guns has been banned in Colombia since forever and that didn't stop the farcs to buy enough weapons to fight a war for 50 years and commit several massacres.

Libtards don't really want to ban guns. They're just trying desperately to find a way to remove the guilt from muslims.


>A new American Civil War will be fought with AKs
oh boy

>white house petition to ban ar 15

Nigga the white house doesn't even have that authority like what the fuck are they doing?

You don't get it because you were raised without the idea ingrained in you. Canada is very different from the US, although you're very close.

The fact that you're hoping they'll repeal an amendment in a country you don't belong to tells me you've got your nose in something that doesn't affect you. Your opinion isn't needed, and in this case it isn't welcome.

Signed. We need to have France's level of gun control NOW!

> It's the gun culture, and it's relax gun laws are the contributing factors to mass shootings

Gun control is a movement of the last 60 years, explain the other 180 years of civilian gun ownership?

>hard tip points

What the shit. You mean bullets?

Shit as a Canadian I am embarrassed.

>ar-15 assault rifle
jesus christ people are retarded

>cannot wait for another Orlando
I agree. Orlando is a hunk of shit for a city.

where is petition link so I can sign? I already got fake US details.

it was also supposed to prevent licenses, and taxes, and transfer paperwork, and so on.

the amendments to the constitution have not actually stopped the government created by that constitution from violating our rights.

monarchy was better then than "democracy" is now, however, since the UK devolved even faster than we did, i wouldn't take it back.

They should ban Assault Niggers. They kill 20 people every single day.

>We cannot wait for another 9/11
>Ban all airplanes


Hey guys, they want to ban AR "assault rifles".
You're all in the clear.

second amendment is unnegotiable.

Sorry libfags.

>That top comment....




I kek'd

Since when did a semi-automatic sports rifle become an assault rifle?

>Not a decent gun

>Ban an arm
>Herf we're not infringing

Because it's black and modern looking. Liberals hate black guns and fear them more than jamal and Muhammed killing everyone in the neighborhood.

One can say something similar in regard to the internet and free speech...

>hard tip points
yeah i'm sure clean through-holes are much more frustrating to doctor wong than the massive gaping holes left behind by frangible ammo, hollowpoints, softpoints, TSX, polymer tip, ....

>yfw a law passes banning all auto, semi-auto and magazine fed firarms and then another Orlando happens

You want false flags? You dindu seen nuthin yet.

I hate these anti-gun kikes. If anything, gays should buy guns. If anything, ban niggers. This is getting ridiculous. You are responsible for your own safety. How far do they want to go with banning what I can and cannot use as a weapon?

We already know the slippery slope is REAL.

Doesn't handguns kill more people yearly or something like that?

>the enemy attacks your country during a time of war
>they respond by petitioning the government to restrict everyone's freedoms


[Citation for your lies needed]
>Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).
>Hemenway finds more reliable an annual federal government research project, called the National Crime Victimization Survey, which yields estimates in the neighborhood of 100,000 defensive gun uses per year. Making various reasonable-sounding adjustments, other social scientists have suggested that perhaps a figure somewhere between 250,000 and 370,000 might be more accurate.$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf
>Upon interviewing convicted felons, these researchers found that
>74% indicated that burglars avoided occupied dwellings, due to fears of being shot
>57% said that most criminals feared armed citizens more than the police
>40% of the felons had been deterred from committing a particular crime, because they believed that the potential victim was armed

>Harvard study detailing how gun control is counter productive and a waste of valuable police resources

i spoke with a buddies lefty gf

i explained to her how semi auto rate of fire is universal, she thought they were all automatic and could shoot super fast

id say 90% of muh ban ARs is just idiots who have no idea how a firearm works

I need an answer.

after guns are banned and the "problem" is so totes fixed. Who/what will the left blame then? I mean, they can't blame guns anymore, right?

God. Fuck liberals so much. And fuck Islam.

>everyone should carry around some Zyklon B to protect against everyone else carrying around Zyklon B

He wasnt saying it wasnt decent. He was saying its decent and cheap. As in, decent guns will require more money.

We're not islam because we don't blow people up or shoot at them.

Read Federalist Paper 46

Dont read a review, dont read a summary. Go to the source document.

>implying guns are the problem






>turn in your machine guns
>turn in your regular guns
>turn in your knives
>turn in your tazers
>turn in your mace
>just use a rape alarm
>you can't attack people if they break into your house
>you can't threaten people if they tresspass on your property
>we're building a migrant nigger center a block away from your house
>we're filling it with more niggers
>if you say anything ((((racist))))) we will get you fired from your job, etc

This is where it's going. You have to stop these fucking kikes. They won't stop on their own, they'll just go further and further and drown you in more niggers.

>Westboro baptist is true islam

This. Say goodbye to your AKs, your ARs, your M14s, your SCARs, your ACRs, etc.

Whites and racism

> 5,562 handgun
> 248 rifle

Google FBI expanded homicide data, table 8.

Can we get a petition to ban Islam? How long until it's removed?

>hard tip points...

Never laughed so hard in my life. Seriously. I was laughing at these fools in the media but you top the cake. Cucks gonna cuck.

It isn't a win win if people are forced to spend more money on similar quality

I'll give you a hard tip, bby.

signed. Happy to help

Rifles kill practically no one per year. You are correct this is just a ploy by the left to grab up more rights

Says some Commonwealth bitch.

>implying there aren't plenty of AR-15 assault rifles in private hands

some of us not only don't want to hang these gunowners out to dry, we would like to see the ban lifted on possession of post-1986 manufacture AR-15 (and AR-10, and AR-180, and ...) assault rifles.

Hasn't the media displayed the mudslime who did it? Why are they calling for BAN GUNS instead of BAN MUSLIMS?

i apologize for this faggot leaf

>your SCARs
>tfw managed to procure one before all this election season shit would make it impossible without paying significantly more than what it's worth

serious question, what is the end point? an RPG is an arm.

Boy won't they be surprised when we still have shootings and terrorist attacks. It's like fundamentally don't understand that there are bad people that do bad things.

Guns don't kill people, niggers do.


>high powered

Shall not be infringed, noting they can do about it.

Ivan pls send guns.

signed, thanks! :D also posted it to all media and social facebook, spread the goodword

YFW the next massacre is committed with muskets and bayonets.

>You will never own an MP443 and a vintorez

Germany 6 shootings? what about the 1940s

Technically going by the Constitution and what was going on at the time, the people should be able to own military weapons and vehicles since at the time they could own fully decked out warships.

But that calls into question whether you'd allow people to have things upwards of nukes, phosphorous, chemical agents and the likes. That's a different issue though since that can be debated to the end of time

This is literally my worst nightmare. No national security, no border, and no guns. FUCK FUCK FUCK

and it's a perfectly good weapon for defense against tyranny, and legal in warfare right now. so there should be no US regulation respecting them in any way.

that is up to the states, to make their choice in how to write the laws respecting them.

Can you faggots start a petition for banning Islam?

where's the meme whisky/bourbon you fucking faggot?

I don't get why more people don't understand this. Guns have a place in society sure they make some people uncomfortable but it's a check on government. If the people in Rotherham were armed like the Americans I doubt the child rapes would have gone on long. And if the police did nothing even when people had guns the rapists would have a very low life expectancy.

The point is pic related and Obama knows it. He KNOWS that the 2nd amendment is the only way to protect the other ones, because the government doesn't want to risk a civil war. Obama wants to cancel the election, he knows Trump's AG will investigate him and he will probably be arrested, charged, and convicted of high treason.

oh no I can't wait for Congress to ignore the total of 5 homos who sign the petition

>ban ar-15

AK47 it is. Thanks for helping me make the choice, libtards.

Did I not meme right? How do I into memes?

That was just 1 big shooting.

There's a huge push right now, and the Congress is cucked. But Trump will probably be rallying the conservatives and telling them to say fuck no. He does have some influence as soon to be President.

>AR-15 Assault Rifle

I want this meme to die. The AR-15 is just a regular rifle.
Assault rifles are already very heavily regulated and you can't even buy new ones legally, you can only buy already-registered ones secondhand from civilians that already own them.

Don't forget 2nd part bro.


We can ban homophobic guns but not homophobic muzzies??? baka

To add to this, states like Idaho, Texas, Florida, Alabama, etc would literally go to war using their police forces and national guard before giving up their guns after a fucking huge terror attack and the very real possibility of more. Alex Jones' source says there is a credible threat of more attacks that the government won't say, and said source was talking about impending attacks 5 days ago.

Joke's on you. I have an AK.


yeah you're not supposed to post pics of your toys without a $40-$80 bottle of meme manly-man drink also in the photo.

l m a o

What do these fools think is going to happen if an "AR-15 ban" is somehow enacted? Do they think the police are gonna go door to door asking people to hand over their guns? Do they think the government will organize collection sites and expect people to show up voluntarily?

>Gun control
Isn't this anti constitutional on EEUU? People pretty much created that country around guns

Obama himself said that he can't get anywhere with gun control because the NRA won't allow it.

There ya go folks