Suck it, shitlords

Suck it, shitlords

what time is it germany?
>destroy europe o'clock
of course

SNL should have died with Phil Hartman

>alt right
People believe in this

Among the many liberal memes that cause me irritation "SNL is good" is one of the worst


Funny how you regards only rejected the term after people made fun of it

Daily reminder that Sup Forums and reddit mentioned like 2 minutes after this

she's an obnoxious, overacting hack

can kate mckinnon just fuck off already
she always looks nothing like who she's parodying

what does this even mean? ive read that headline at least 4 times and it still isnt clicking. is this a really bad joke or am i just retarded?

They don't, thats why they're starting to just call you Nazis again

I fucking hate Kate McKinnon. Dumb bitch.

shitty american comedians should stick to producing shitty comedy on american affairs
you faggots aren't welcome on this glorious continet

is this the end of drumpf's campaign?

MadTV was always the funny version of SNL.

wanting secure borders makes you a nazi?


a shitload of nazis fled to south america after WW2
her "joke" is still utter shit though

Plus why would a group of anonymous nobodies care what some millionaire on tv called them??

Is Walter White enough of a corporate big bank shill to get hired by Trump?

You are missing the joke/reference

Joke is that Nazis hide in Argentina after ww2
Trump/at-right = nazis

Sup Forums-tards are like ants. You drop a piece of bread on the ground and in minutes it's swarmed by a cock ton of ants

In 4chanland, you make a anti-conservative thread and like clockwork every Sup Forums-tard awake jolts into the thread

No, saying you want to gas all Jews on a regular basis does

Merkel can go fuck herself.

People only care about it now because Hillary used it in one of her speeches, it was something about shitposters on the Internet. It's used to be a name for someone who didn't agree with the traditional conservative values, now it's just a boogeyman for liberals to use against people who disagree with them

No, but talking about hardline nationalism, mass deportations, "The day of the Rope", and calling for censorship of shit you disagree with does.

Wrk idk but they sure do looks at all the raging threads about SNL in the last 3 months

why are leftist tabloid "writers" so obsessed with this woman (not merkel)?

>We're gonna at least 4 more years of this butt hurt

I'm so fucking hyped.

>Merkel rolling back refugee policies in attempt to get re-elected
Bet she was just salivating at the thought of having a scissoring buddy like Hillary, can't wait to see the wave of moving towards the right hit the majority of Europe as well.

Thanks for the info my dear antifa visitor. Feel free to post in cunny threads if you want.

Dumptards btfo by scathing political humor

Oh yeah its not like millionaires on tv have any influence in the world

Look how triggered (((they))) are that they lost to a man whose going to tear down the entire establishment.

People will turn around once they realize how great it is to have billionaires and lobbyists out of politics.

Because she's a lesbian.

Just wanted to get this reply out of the way so to avert the 3 gollion of such replies.


As soon as it came up on Sup Forums, it was chastised as a (((cash in))) by (((celebrities))) that wanted to profit off it, which was nationalism

And it was exactly what happened

my god how often were you bullied in school?

you typed that without a hint of irony hey?

Looking at today's leftists, would an hyphotetical "alt-left" be someone who actually cares more about the working class and wealth inequality, than the right of mutilated men to use the women's bathroom?

Because she's a lesbian.

I just wanted to post this because I know a lot of other people are going to do the same thing.

Yeah and USA is going to do great under 90 iq beaners right?

>B-but it was her turn!

>tear down the establishment
>surrounds himself with establishment cronies

How was it even a good impression?

She didn't suck even one muslim cock.

>implying anyone here says grandpapa

>hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?

>Ah yes here you call it the Ghostbusters, in the real world we call it completely unprofitable

>haha! they're NAZIS'! Take that! Brilliant writing SNL! haha!

Yeah, Germans don't even speak English, idiots

Pretty much, with a dash of 'they were practicing REAL communism'.

underrated digits

>alt right cuckies triggered

We own the Executive branch, the Legislative branch, and soon the Judicial branch. You'll be drowning in shit and all the tumblr blogging and hair dye in the world won't save you.

>triggered liberals

Fuck I hate liberals. Trump and all his fash supporters need to be dealt with properly and permanently via direct action. Not with smug little jokes and social media "likes"

Nope. Mexicans should just get in here legally if they want it that bad and if we want to take away the power of the cartels, we need to curb the demand instead of trying to keep them out.

But none of that changes the fact that you're fascists. Just admit it so we can all move on.

Holy shit, is that the symbol from MDE: World Peaceā„¢!?

Nah, I was pretty popular

>all this triggered Sup Forumscucks crying and pooping their britches

Who on his team is the establishment pray tell?

You liberals can never anwser this



>muh alt-right boogeyman

I knew liberals were going to lose their shit when Trump was elected but goddamn.

>successful people are all bad meme



perhaps the joke is that "alt" means "old" in german, so "old right" = grandpa was a nazi XD

>types it out so he cant get caught for faking it

I thought he was going to leave if Trump became president.

>It's a "anyone who disagrees with me is a nazi" episode

how anally frustrated do you have to be to hold a grudge for the next 8 years?

How about the hardline Christian VP that has been in Washington since the 90s?

Guys Trump is really scary for us.

>mfw your butthurt

They're still trying to process how it happened, very little self reflection over there.


Not on some idiot on Sup Forums though. no one knows who we are on here
It's not like I have to worry what my boss thinks of me if self identify as "Alt Right" on Sup Forums

why are you calling people fascist if you don't know the meaning?

Hillary lost

>calling for censorship of shit you disagree with does.

So the modern left?

And grandpa did nothing wrong

He warned you

But like all proud kids, you never listen

but I won


Kisha you magnificent bitch

>all those idiots eating it up

>a fascist who voted in a democratic election
Yes, yes, let the narrative flow through you!

one guy whos been fighting the homosexual agenda waaayyy after they were accepted by almost everyone

Nice try

I'm sure you don't have to worry about your boss thinking about you whatsoever

This needs to stop.

>trump and the alt right are nazis, liberals are the 1940's american good guys
>america was a racist irredeemable country in 1940

which is it liberals? pick one you pussy faggots.

Both sides do it

>and calling for censorship of shit you disagree with does.

Really? Because it seems to be the left that wants to shut down "fake news".

Yes, Merkel has been doing so well for Germany.

>the best comedy to come from the entire election was from Donald Trump himself


Did you miss the part about being in Washington for nearly two decades?

racists blown out!

Trump isn't a Nazi, just his gullible fans

gosh, who's that person

this is comedy

I always took to mean "not a neo con" conservative
And seeing as "Neo Cons" are hardly conservative anyway it's a fairly meaningless term

Okay one guy so what

Better than the bankers that Hillary and Bernie would have put in power

we're going to round faggots up like you and make you slaves. then you won't have to worry about your student loan debt.