Mike and Jessi

Do they actually love each other, or are they staying together just because they're too scared to start looking for someone new at their age like many loveless couples?

Can Jay make a thinly-veiled movie about Mike and Jessi's relationship?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=jay bauman height&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=589&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqwpDJwO3QAhVL62MKHVMYDz0Q_AUIBygA&dpr=1

love is a meme, fuck off kid

>Feel when you just thought Jay was short but then found out Rich and Mike are 6'4 and 6'5 respectively


haha yea



What's it like having sex with a literal 6'2, 260lbs man-walrus three times a week like clockwork for six years?

I'm just glad we don't see her on botw anymore

how do we save him guys?

Mike just keeps Jessi around because he can rely on her to mind his place and make dinner. He's banging fans like a drum kit

i burst out kekking evertim when i see that fucking face

no man can fight time and hope to win

that's why mike has beer

Why do you care? There's some creepy shit on this site but this disturbs me the most for some reason

What are next?


Jessi is what? A failed singer? A failed actress?

She has virtually no business prospects or skills of her own (now that her ""beauty"" has quickly evaporated). She'd be homeless without Mike.

You can tell she barely respects or loves him anymore. You can tell by the way they look and interact on camera.

Poor Mike. Poor Jessi.

The m night shayamalamadingdong twist is that he and Rich are going to end up together.

he used to seem so happy and enthusiastic

did reviewing bad movie gave him apathy or was it Jessi that sucked his youth and turned him into a bitter man?

>Mike is on a VHS suitable for best of the worst

Agreed - the last wheel of the worst when she told him to shut up...you never let a woman talk to you like that.

Can someone post the thicc Jessi pic where she's in the studio?

you know the one

I've literally. Not even once. Seen Mike this happy before.

I've never seen that much of his teeth before, Jesus.

It's sad that he used to be this happy. What happened to Mike that made his smile go away?


Do you have autism? That's classic fake smile.

i gotchu senpai

You can read his mind too?

Does Jay have a gf/bf?

Oh god she's hideous. WTF happened to her.

I am 5'9", about 250 lbs and nowhere near as fat as Mike. Still have one chin, but the arms/legs/etc. are way smaller. Trust me fella, Mike is at least 320.

No, I can read his face.

You aren't 250lbs at 5'9, and only have one chin.

Yeah, like the smile's obviously fake there cause he's working on a childrens program and kids need that shit.

mike is pushing 350 at that heigh

I'm pretty sure Mike is like 5'11 tops

I don't think Mike is the sort that likes or can really handle having fans, or having the youtube personality lifestyle. He seemed a lot happier when he was more obscure and could walk around cons and such just fucking around with people.

Well I guess scales lie. OR... people lie about scales.

This is Big Pun. Shortly before his death, he claimed he had made it down to 400 lbs and was getting healthier. However, during the autopsy they weighed him at 700 lbs and his heart was 3x the size of a normal human (not a good thing when talking literal!). The fatter you are, the greater your lies about weight will be.

well, well, well...

The reason mike and jay separated ways the first time was because Mike banged the girl jay liked/loved but was too beta to engage with

the girl first appears in 1:36

It's a shop bro

But that was before Jay became a sex god.

Is this true?

10 years later, Jay went to Lisa's wedding to see her get married off to some random guy.

Mike wasn't invited since he pumped and dumped her.

how the fuck do you anons know this shit

>Do they actually love each other,
Who gives a shit? When is the next plinkett review?

Honestly jay could do way better

The pics were posted here when the wedding happened.

Also attending was Lauren of the "I'm dying, Lauren" fame. She was the one who took the picture and posted it on her Facebook.

>all this unwarranted vitriol and passive-aggressiveness
Douge fanboys are all mental patients.

He's literally 5 foot 8, he literally cannot do better.

>this fucking eceleb drama

jesus christ you people are worse than Sup Forums

but hes a cutie~

>me on the left

>wrinkly shirt that doesn't fit

What a slob.

>there are people who legitimately thought Jessi was "cute" or "good-looking"

damn, Jay could do so much better

It's Jay! Jay sapped all the life out of Mike.

make it happen.

that looks like a dodged bullet.

Not paying $60 on eBay for a shitty joke.

I read the lore


Why don't you fanboys fuck him already

yes, mike and jay used to have a "strange" friendship, you can still see their style doesn't match that much today, but I think they now found a way to make it work. back in the time of their first movie projects mike used to talk shit about jay with fake accounts in forums, the kind of criticism you can't say to a friend, there are prints of mike posts on old forums regarding jay, but i'm not creepy enough to save all those things

they separeted ways and mike went to phoenix if i'm not wrong, worked as editor/producer/camera there, made video clips for bands, you can see the poster in the left side of jays head in pic related

>its fucking real

something tells me he'd cut my throat and leave me in a ditch if he discovered my dick

hard for two fat people to get comfortable in that small space

I would if I could

Why doesn't Rich wear a ring?

Jay is 5'3. Seriously look that shit up.

Why doesn't Jack wear a ring?

God why is jay so cute? I wanna kiss his little goofy face.

no chance hes 5"3, he looks smaller than the other guys but not midget level

He has an open relationship with his wife.

Is the jewelry thing really true?

No way. I'm 5'4 I would know.

>lonley virgins: the thread

No one cares who he is

Dude Mike is 5'6"

dude he cant be rich is only 4"8 and mike isnt a huge amount taller


this is perfect, now I know the reason he liked firewatch so much

>pathetic permavirgins speculate about the personal lives of e-celebs
You faggots realize how obvious it is that you're jealous of all these guys right? Maybe go outside and make a real friend.

Look at him here compared to max landis. A superior 6'4. Notice how Jay is much closer to the camera and he still looks smaller. Also I don't care if jay is short I love him to death. But he is a midget.

google.com/search?q=jay bauman height&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=589&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqwpDJwO3QAhVL62MKHVMYDz0Q_AUIBygA&dpr=1

Damn right I'm jealous, I'd abandon my life if I could be in Best of the Worst sessions without batting an eyelid

Are you retarded? Rich can't be 4'8 because aids moby is 4'6 and stands two inches taller than Rich

What's your most valuable, interesting, obscure piece of Red Letter Media lore?

Me? Jay has an older sister and her apartment number is '32'.


Holy shit

You know anyone can add information to IMDB right? That doesn't mean anything.

>tfw the only reason Jessi hasn't left Mike yet is because of his 8.5''x6.5'' penis
>tfw she cheated on him multiple times but couldn't find a white man who could sexually satisfy her like Mike does and the black men she found were all deadbeats who wouldn't be able to provide for her

Wait, they're still together?

It turns out yeah

No there are certifications and standards

Why doesn't Mike have any friends of color on the show?

Milwaukee is over 70% non-white, yet 0% of his friends are non-white.

What's going on?


Truth is we have no idea. Anyone here claiming to know is just speculating.

Rlm is rich, wisconsin girls go for looks last when getting laid, but mexicans get laid anytime

is this gif real?

I thought she came up in a recent video

>complaining about threads on Sup Forums
>lol u mad permavirign lolol make fren :^)
>implying you aren't a 35 year old singlelord addicted to sleeping pills
>implying you have any friends
>implying you can't even call that one prostitute anymore
>implying you have money to call anyone
>implying you've left your shitty one room apartment bedsit in the last four months
>implying you've cleaned yourself in the past several weeks
>implying you're not morbidly obese and surviving off greasy shitty chinese
>implying you're literally too lazy to kill yourself
>implying the chads across the street don't film in your windows for keks
>implying the chads don't show off the videos to their scumbag 17 year old cumdumpsters before they pump them full staring across the street into your window laughing
>implying you don't stare out slits in your blinds every day when chad's at work or at the gym
>implying you don't make up little gay fanfics about the people you see pass by every day
>implying you don't don't rush breathlessly to the window, dick in hand, to jack off the cute chick who jogs by every evening
>implying you didn't choke down tears to see random chad's chatting her up from a sport's car window
>implying this literally didn't just happen and you rushed back to your laptop on your half-broken wheelie chair to post angrily on Sup Forums

Mike is fat. So is Jesse, but I guarantee you she wouldn't let him out of her sight if he never got to be a fat fuck like he is today

>posting the edited version