Wanting to ban Muslims from entering the US

>Wanting to ban Muslims from entering the US
Why does Trump remind me more and more of Hitler?

Hitler didn't ban muslims, he welcomed them. He loved them and had them join his Waffen SS. Using this argument only solidifies that Trump is NOT Hitler

did you know that Stalin didn't let the western polish jews enter the Soviet Union after the invasion of Poland


Since you don't live here it doesn't concern you. Fuck off to your mosque

everyone I don't like is Hitler too

He's not hitler. Hitler had a plan. Hitler wanted to make Germany great.

Trump is an opportunist who just wants to be President and has no viable plan. Trump just wants to make Trump great.

The Orlando attacker was born in the US. Building a wall doesn't matter.

>Why does Trump remind me more and more of Jimmy Carter

It does concern me because he might start another world war.

OP is right. Muslims are always the victims. The Quran is an inspiring book full of love.

Because, as a German, you have been programmed to feel guilt about Hitler and the Nazis.

Why is every poster with that flag a Tanned German?

one islamic shooter was a US citizen, so lets not do anything to prevent foriegn terrorists from having free reign over here


Because you were brainwashed to self hate by your government all your life

Hitler is based

Trump is based

that's why

>Wants to scale down NATO
>Wants to strengthen ties with Russia
>Will cause ww3

Just how autistic are you Hans? How did u get out of die Irrenanstalt?

And why is that a bad thing, Ahmed?

>lose the war
>blow your brains out in a bunker

His parents were immigrants. His father formerly declared open support of the Taliban. Be more myopic

You sound mad. Get ready for my Arab dick to penetrate your women little white boy.

Hmm, I've never looked at it that way before... Really makes me reflect...

he worked for G4S as a DHS contractor.

Really makes you think

Washington was a cuck.

i'm ok with muslims coming here if they promise to shoot up queer bars

>our women

you mean our spoiled little brats who arent worth shit

lol. you can fucking have em, retard

Merkle, get off our board


He still slaughtered 6 million of you rats.

Definitely based.

Because your're a cuck.
Hitler supported gun laws. Just like other dictators. How is that being like president Trump?

I can assure you he was not.

Because he's right

>made germany great again
>not based

>mfw I saw this thread
>mfw I tried to post this picture but you already posted it

the muslims earned their ban


Trump is all talk, don't worry.

Race traitor.
Also no other women want your fat America poor genetics ass, so I guess you're a gay.

>poor genetics

my father played for the philadelphia eagles

this is me never giving a flying fuuuck

too bad you werent in front of me right now talkin sheeeit

because you're not very smart

because jews would kills thousands of germans in jewhadist attacks back in the 30s

No he didn't Hitler was a good boy getting his life together an shieeet

Damn nigga you weird as fuck

>my dad can beat you up!
>I can beat you up
>also I probably fuck asian women
>muslims must go and stay go

you absolutely nailed it


>Terrorists have been predominantly Muslim and killing people in however many terrorist attacks there have been to date
>Jews obviously fit this same mould and also killed people

Just like a German to be anti-Semitic, goy! Go back for another 70 years of forced re-education and masculinity shaming.

Washington owned slaves

If Trump ever starts to advocate strict gun control, you can make those kinds of allegations.

his presidency is going to be nationalist and socialist. who will be the jew scapegoat when the economy starts to bust though hmm, the gays? the minoritys? the minority gays?


pic related

He only disarmed jews

Hitler was pro-gun and anti-socialism, the term "National Socialist" is just a Fox News lie!

Because he slept with Mein Kampf next to himself every night until someone pointed it out.

Because you're a cock munching cuck and most likely wanted a sandnigger inside you.

Trump is not Hitler but there is nothing wrong with Hitler or fascism in the name of protecting national identity.

When Trump is elected and Hillary is executed for war crimes, he'll save America by deporting all non white American immigrants and their supporters, and he'll outlaw all leftist ideas and policies as they are cancerous to American lives. The best thing he could do is establish a militia so you an I can actively enforce national law to protect the American identity from terrorist, communist leftists. Trump is a champion of the people, not fascist, and will do exactly what America wants.

no OP is a snackbar who thinks we cant tell because he is only online and we dont see him. but yea at this point if you are in any western country defending snackbars you are a snackbar

Why would that remind you of Hitler?