Has the Clinton campaign lost all steam?

So people are getting the impression that the Clinton campaign is dying and staffers are losing interest in the campaign.

From the fucking "I just woke up and heard about the massacre in FL" tweet, to the disastrous campaign logo mimicking a fucking hospital emergency sign, the "I'm With Stupid" slogan and 9/11 at the same time, to her removing the "Delete your account" tweet, to the donor receiving a spot in the National Security Board after giving her $5 million... she's either being sabotaged or she's just straight up incompetent at running a sensible campaign. It's like she's completely out of touch.

What the fuck is going on??

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Meme magic is happening

I think her social media accounts are being run by Bernie sympathizers who are upset over her corruption.

That or Trump paid them off.

Delete your account

Really made me think, guess I'm #MentallyHill now

The powers that run the world are fighting. We only see bits an pieces but the old guard is fending off the new guard. The new rulers have been making great progress over the last 10 years but the old regime is swinging back

>lost steam
Sure buddy.

America is just retarded and we just need a retard like Trump to make America great again before we start banging animals.


She doesnt know to handle bantz!
Until her focus groups learn how to combat trumps bantz in real-time.

What are you talking about?

It's a perfect storm of her being a sociopath and being completely incompetent.

Also probably has staffers subverting her campaign from within as well.

Why would you think she has anything to do with running her campaign lol. you act like she had any decision to run in the first place She is just doing whatever donors/her staff/soros tell her to.

They're just trying that 'off the cuff' style Trump has owned this entire campaign. You cant just ape it without anyone noticing. Problem with Hillary is she has no style .

>Also probably has staffers subverting her campaign from within as well.

Never thought about this, I hope it's true, that would make them true heroes, fighting for humanity but nobody will ever know.

That's the thing everyone forgets- Hillary has ALWAYS been incompetent. She fucked up every initiative given to her as first lady, and we all know what a mess she was as SoS. She's just bad at everything she does.

That might be what makes her such a good puppet, but something's gotta give. Whether she (please god) loses the election, or she gets impeached on her first day in office.

Could be the case, but I have sneaking suspicion they're just that fucking stupid.

elaborate fellow burger

Probably changing of regimes from 8 years of Obama

She paid for the presidential seat already. She doesn't have to campaign at all.

Here's an oldie but a goldie

Both Clintonworld and Bushworld are massive circlejerks that have lost all point of contact with the outside.