WW3 is coming.
Are you ready, Sup Forums?
WW3 is coming.
Are you ready, Sup Forums?
>Go to war with each other, White man!
No. My country is still poor and shit.
>No China
>add China
>"implying China will fight on Russia's side/implying China will fight for America"
>don't add China
>"No China"
you're never ok with anything, aren't you?
Eh, with Russia? The only war that is coming is from within countries. When the pendulum swings back on those sjw and pc cunts.
Take out the middle east. China and Russia are over there, fighting for oil
I'm with Russia. Down with political correctness, back to self dependence
>America not in red
>tfw neutral
Post yfw all conflicts between European neighbors will come to an end when we join forces to rid the world of the common enemy.
>another shitty ww3 thread
>tfw this one is actually decent
USA would beat red by itself
If WW3 does happen make no mistake, 90% + of the population will die and I am being generous here.
That's ok I'm special
>common enemy
Lefties and non-catholics?
I'm in.
If you still believe this bullshit in year 2016 AD I don't know what to add.
Wealth is power, knowledge is power. The people have neither, and they also lack the will to fight back their governments.
It will be NATO vs CSTO.
If that happens, will ayy lmaos come and take me?
Why isn't India involed? They wouldn't remain neutral if Britain went to war
no they wont
>b-but muh nuclear weentor
I want to be on russia's side tbqh
>China not sitting back and making huge profits by being the manufacturing powerhouse that supplies both sides, then joining the winning side near the end to position themselves at the top of the pile, still at full strength while the other nations are completely depleted and war-weary
do u even history
china's a legit third party in the great game between the US and Russia.
We and the russians both have our reasons for wanting to see china fall, but neither of us can do anything about it right away...especially with the other one of us still looming.
add China to the Axis
Good luck Russia
that's senseless though:
russia's end game is to cripple china. They're not really..."friends".
Lol Sweden you may be neutral but you can't ignore the fact that your country is becoming an islamic shithole.
>Hourly reminder
as do I. Russia does what is best for Russia and I have a great amount of respect for that.
If WW3 happened with no nukes it would probably just be 10% tbqh
It will be WW1 all over again because we have a lot of new technology not used outside wars against 3rd worlders. We really don't know how to fight a future war and it will be deadly as hell.
>USA and Russia enemies in next world war
sure thing bruv, we love russia
>They're not really..."friends".
Neither is Iran and Russia. They're all mutuals in the end. However, China would take all types of fucking advantage over this.
and they're not commies anymore so there is no reason to not like them
>no poo in loo superpower
>nuclear power vs nuclear power
Wake the fuck up kid. There are only 2 scenarios for ww3.
Non-nuclear powers duke it out, while nuclear states stay out of direct conflict but supply, weapons, intel, training, whatever.
or the less likely
Nuclear states vs a whole bunch of non-nuclear states in a conventional warfare type of deal, nuclear states are too pussy to use nukes so this shit drags on for a while, and companies with military contracts make bank while sipping cocktails on some tropical island in the pacific
>They're all mutuals in the end
That's the difference, though. China and Russia aren't mutuals -- russia's end game is to specifically "dismember" china to keep it out of russia's sphere of influence and to form a buffer region between the two.
Russia's end game for Iran is to basically leave it alone as a freestanding ally.
There is no mutualism with china.
The more likely scenario is what we've seen before, and are seeing today:
Nuclear powers using non-nuclear proxies to wage war in a vie for dominion in international trade.
Nato troops (read: americans) are holding training exercises in Finland all the time nowadays and the goverment is really pushing for us joining
Be honest Sup Forums, how fucked are we? There's no way we can get the same score as our grandfathers did
I am ready.
>implying the middle east would side with us burgers
>Canada actually fighting for the Western world.
Are you literally trying to shit me OP?
I only wish.
1. BREXIT SUCCEEDS; this is needed as a step 1.
2. EU is disbanded as a result, along with UN, NATO. Trump wins presidency as anxiety rises.
3. Canada is annexed, and the liberals leave to germany, sweden, france, the blue european countries. Sorry france, you are too muslim. this is why UN was disbanded, as you are Security Council member.
4. Assad in power in Syria. Trump splits ties with Saudi Arabia and becomes buddy-buddy with Iran after Israel reveals its true nature, which leads us to take their nukes and withdraw funds.
5. Trump teams with Russia, China backs down and the red countries purge the blues. Note that North Korea is neutral; this is to ensure no nuclear weapons are used by DPRK against South Korea.
6. All this time, America First foreign policy ensures our allies that we protect (Japan, South Korea, etc) pay us or leave, which is why Saudi Arabia and Israel are blue.
Tell me about my spaghetti here, i can only wish this happened.
is russia white?
>Sweden and Finland friends in staying the fuck out of getting tricked into Anglo-Zionist wars
Feels good, man. Good thing you learned from the last one, Pekka, or this one might've ended poorly for you with modern russia.
You do know we've been in more wars than any other country in the last 100 years ?
Just paint us red.
No chance that will happen. Even if Trump won I don't see him turning on Israel. Former warsawpact countries siding with Russia? keep dreaming man. Japan siding with inferior asians? Asians siding with other asians in general?
This map reminds me of the smurfs
Slavs are white yes
Why do people always assume that WW3 will go nuclear?
In WW2, both the Axis and the Allies possessed vast arsenals of chemical weapons. Enough to annihilate cities or turn the tide of important battles, but there never was a first strike, so the conflict never escalated into a full blown chemical war. The nuclear deterrent exists, but it is fragile.
Us finns pretty screwed either way. Russia wants to cover the gulf and we are in perfect position for control over it. They also want to "protect" st. Petersburg and Moscow. We would get royally annihilated if we were to try to fight against them. My wartime position in the military would guarantee death for me.
If we become a NATO country, there's not enough time or effort from the other NATO country to protect us. We are just a pawn, a country that shares a border with Russia.
>China neutral
Are you retarded ?
Bered dig på den andra frivilligkåren broder
he has a point
>China not sitting back and literally getting raped by the Japanese
Does the japanese army have a foreign battalion, and if so, where in China will we be sent to rape?
>2016 China
>getting raped in a conventional war
>by the Japanese
This is the perfect timing.
We all knew this would be the year for total censorship. The EU will use this to stall or completely halt the brexit. Putin will have use the opportunity to try and convince former satellites to come back in orbit.