look at your hero now
so much for Omar "Sodomite Slayer" Mateen
look at your hero now
so much for Omar "Sodomite Slayer" Mateen
Other urls found in this thread:
50 yurobucks that he got rejected by the love of his life
a qtp white boy
WTF I thought he wasn't even from that city...
+1 to the bodycount of dead fags.
Premeditation proven
Sup Forums was right again.
the "you hate gays so you must be gay" meme never seems to die
>what is scouting your chosen area of attack
Will they ever learn?
This is just another leftist lying article.
muslims don't need to be hated. As I said 99% of all muslims are not terrorists. Murdering an innocent is like murdering the entirety of humanity. Stop being racist and treating muslims like slaves. The only terrorists are the mentally disturbed people full of hate that can be cured by simply having a conversation and treating them like human beings.
Muslims are our friends and are peaceful and always strive to study and stay morally correct in their behaviour because islam teaches understanding and tolerance. Islam teaches you that the ink of a scholar is more precious than the blood of a martyr.
Gays are the biggest homophones.
he was probably studying and checking the exits and camouflaging around the crowd and probably sucking some cock for a change
It's not a meme.
They're trying to slide this hard.
>see! he wasn't a muslim! he was gay!
Same as they tried to do with Abdeslam et al.
Kek, probably this. Imagine what the love interest is thinking right now.
> Maybe I should have let that muzzie slurp my halal salami.
what is recon for 500$ Alex
Probably got the bug.
Resonance mission
Plus to be so homophobic that you would go out of your way to execute 50 gays and end your own life.
> denial
So he scouted out his target, and maybe had a prior plan of luring individual fags in before killing them?
>mfw more Muslims go on shooting sprees for defaming this martyr
>"Sodomite Slayer"
I thought it was Omar "Shots are on me" Mateen
I knew he was a closeted faggot yesterday. Bout time everyone else got to that conclusion.
>homophobes are actually closeted
No surprise there
This happening just keep getting better and better.
Martyrs of Islam get their sins redeemed, so there's no problem if Islam is concerned.
Thanks senpai
Does this mean that ISIS just accepted a fag as a martyr?
That is either the best recon-face ever, or this muselmann was a proper polelicker. I reckon latter.
Your religion is dogshit and so are you. Kill yourself.
They are all niggers that need some dick in their life
You mean the leftist media would just go and spread blatant lies to push an agenda?
Unbelievable, this is trumps fault.
>what is scouting your chosen area of attack with a dick in each orifice
>faggot muslim shoots up gay bar
>another thing we get to blame on white christian straight men that love guns
and people wonder WHY im voting for trump
>everyone who hates faggots are repressed faggots themselves!
every fucking time
>Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate
desu a gay muslim raised in a household that preaches violent death for gays sounds like a recipe for disaster
why not both
How common are self hating fags?
He was a registered Democrat too.
>"Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,"
Totally cruising for gay dick
Not my hero.
why can't you fuck off to /lgbt/
If he killed gays because he was gay and hated himself, Islam might love him more. He killed and died because of his sin, absolving him of the guilt in the eyes of Allah.
repressed homosexual + islam = 50 dead
repressed homosexual + christianity = a priest saying homophobic shit and then sucking a dick in the back alley
So he was a faggot?
Anyone think Omar had a trap fetish? When can we finally admit that being attracted to traps is perfectly hetero?
Damn! Couldn't even get what he knew was wrong and went off.
I meant that (((they))) are pushing this. Like when they claim that Hitler was a crypto-jew, so everyone who hates jews is a jew themselves etc.
We don't need to hate them but we don't need to live with them. We need a divorce, because it isn't working.
If he weren't a devout muslim he wouldn't have been so inclined to kill over his sexual insecurity
You don't understand how funny this is. Tumblr and co. have been losing their minds over this and are full of self-righteous fury about how this proves homophobia is still an issue and they need more rights etc.
If it turns out the shooter was gay, they'll be stumped.
don't muzzies believe homosexuality is a choice?
>Degenerates Degenerating
is this really news?
Wasn't there a movie with similar themes (not american beauty).
Closeted gay guy struggling with his homosexuality. Can't admit to himself that he's gay, but after a gay encounter beats up the guy like it was his fault for enticing him.
Anyone know what movie or TV show this was? I want a reference handy for when I post about this latest twist.
This. How can you be gay if you fuck something that looks like a girl? Does it mean that you're attracted to computer screens if you fap to porn?
looks like FBI cleaning up their mess
you mean Omar"The Transgender Sex Offender Ender"Mateen?
And he chose to slay sodomites.
Im sure this "Gabrielle Bluestone" person has more information than the government.
What is called blending in? If he didn't blow dudes he'd blow his cover
It is a known fact that leftists will create things out of thin air to keep whatever narrative they want, to keep going.
They know that by putting out bullshit stories, and knowingly lying, it will muddy the waters enough that most people will lose interest as they are unable to get the true story, so why try anymore. They also know that nobody will call them out on their bullshit, and if someone does, they will apologize and claim that their "source" was not as good as they had hoped.
tl;dr: Leftists are lying fucks
this, we're back to 50 folks
>implying i couldn't tell he was a fag immediately from those photos
Duh. No straight guy would give this much of a shit about guys dancing/kissing.
There's a scene in Boogie Nights like that.
>Was a regular at Pulse
What if he was getting familiar with his surroundings so that he can hinder people from the exits when he shoots it up? Did he even kiss men there?
>Had gay dating profile
What if he initially tried to lure gay people to him and kill them? Russians have done that before, google it.
I'm not taking sides, I just want to see both sides before judging.
>being impressed by that
It's been posted like only like 300 times since yesterday
There was a scene like that in Boogie Nights
On top of it, he was being like Allah, All Compassionate, All Merciful, by taking out other homosexuals. As we all (now) know, according to Islam killing them is the most compassionate thing that they can do.
I wonder if it's the same for Christians who refuse to convert?
That wouldn't surprise me. Many sandniggers here are huge faggots, the kind of submissive sissies who dress up as girl and get pozzed by niggers all night. But only at night, far away from the projects and each other. When they are together in front of their shitty housing, suddenly they are all tough rappers and criminals with guns and big cars, and they hunt down faggots.
>gay bashing muslim is secretly homosexual
OP, they'll fuck anything with a warm hole. This is well-documented.
Yeah except the life of Muhammad portrays a very different picture. There is a reason why he wanted to attack Byzantine and why Bakr, and Omar and the rest of the Rashinad Caliphate invaded everywhere else and called it Jihad. Your religion blows dicks and doesn't belong anywhere past the 18th century.
That was an episode of criminal minds user
I swear I called it, just from seeing his selfies yesterday.
Twitter-reporting and you connected faggots who consume news all days it are cancer.
We live in a world where a guy killing his wife, or a random isolated loser killing a bunch of homosexuals resonates as much as a war in the news, as long as it feeds the narrative. Even a rabbi cutting himself is now a islamic state terror attack, that warrants the government stopping all activity to comment timesofisrael.com
You are all part of the problem.
same as blacks really
so many are downlow
That can't be his wife, can it?
Why not both?
His ex wife is a qt
>as much as a war in the news
but wars in mudshit places aren't exactly news
it's news when 50 people are killed *here*, though
>look at your hero
>Implying a faggot would pledge allegience to the Islamic State, ever
I just watched the news.
He tried to set up a "connection" so he could safely infiltrate the bar.
He was also planning on attacking a different gaybar but the owner saw red flags.
His original target was going to be a Walt Disney open-mall area because it had no entry-security.
>mfw first time i saw his pic in the news, I thought Anthony Burch did it and not omar
I would apply Occam's Razor here. So either he was a super-spy-like undercover rectal agent who managed to pretend in a believable manner that he enjoyed his cave getting explored by the purple mushroom, never drawing suspicion upon him as he danced and drunk the night away (and I'm guessing he would have not been welcome in a club like that if he wasn't very convincing..).
He was a closet popsicle lover, couldn't take the conflict between allahu-akbar and the mighty dong anymore, and snapped.
>omars a faggot
so 51 faggots died
I fail to see how this is bad news save the meme names can no longer apply
The sopranos?
No Achmed, you are the problem.
The fact that you can conjure up excuses for the many crimes perpetrated by your coreligionists doesn't absolve you.
Also, good job spinning the jews into this as an Arab typically would when making excuses for his religion and culture.
Thanks but I'm thinking of something else. I don't watch criminal minds and I'm thinking the movie came out at least 10 years before boogie nights.
I keep thinking high school or college football player.
Of course I could use American Beauty; strong anti-gay man who's suppressing.
In either event if OP's article is true, it would certainly explain a lot.
Holy fucking shit. The comments of that article might actually give me cancer. I'm not joking. Holy fuck.
Because you're knowingly choosing a man over the multitude of attractive women that exist. It's not complex, fagmo.