huh... really makes you think.
Huh... really makes you think
free market will fix it, I think?
do you even have cars in the third world?
dont you all just ride scooters?
Which is why you always buy a car at a flat rate.
Person A is a white man, who responsibly managed his credit and spending.
Person B is a nigger, who defaulted on loans, and went to prison.
Why the fuck do I care about how interests rates affect niggers?
Fuck off commie
that's why you don't make big purchases with a shitty credit score.
also check out the new Uber lease options for new cars for their drivers.
daylight robbery.
american jewstice
>tfw credit score is 742
>every time I go to make a purchase people want to give me giant loans
Feels good man.
>be greater risk
>get charged more for risk factor
Sounds pretty fair to me.
>66 months for a $23,000 car
put some cash down you fucking apes
>tfw paying a little over 1% interest with a low 500s credit score
You need to outjew the system.
I've never understood the idea behind
>Person has a harder time paying
>So charge them more
And we use it for everything.
Can't afford to pay your parking ticket? You get a fine.
Can't afford your bills? Get a late fee.
Mine is 728 and I thought that sucked ass
>tfw have terrible credit after a failed business attempt (restaurant)
How do you deal with crippling failure Sup Forums?
try again
if you can't straight up buy it 3 times you are a shithead
it's called risk
I would, but now I definitely can't afford the loan to get started.
Curse the death of small town America.
Curse fast food restaurants.
Why would you charge him more money, increasing the risk he won't pay you?
>buying any new toyota vehicle that isn't an offroad vehicle from before 2010
>open sports bar
>extremely popular in small town
>one night a fight breaks out
>guy gets thrown through window
>family sues me for being responsible for death
>says glass window was too weak and when shattered it posed a danger and risk
>lose court case
>have to pay tens of thousands of dollars
>in debt
>liquidate all assets
>credit plummets
>can't afford car, home or loans
>close to filing for bankruptcy
Good thing I didn't marry or have kids
[spoiler]No one will miss me[/spoiler]
You can buy a fine used car for 400 dollarydoos
That's a bullshit suit.
Also, you didn't have some kind of umbrella liability policy?
because then you'll have /some/ money AND the car
Learn from your mistake. Make sure your next op is cash generative from day 1 if you can't get finance.
Sorry to hear bout that.
Fuck this country
Because they're looking at it as increasing the money that they do see from him (they will recoup their actual cost faster) and answering risk.
The bank is taking all the risk and needsee to protect their investment.
Yeah makes you think that the less of a risk a person is the more readily banks will loan them money.
That said 'credit' and 'credit scores' as a whole are evil jewish scams.
>Extremely popular
>Tens of thousands of dollars
>Puts you in debts
>Not having insurance
Your fault entirely.
Also, fake gay story
>Source: I'm a business owner and I smelled bullshit after reading the first line.
if you can't make a car payment it's because you're a deadbeat, not because they charged you more interest,
you know that cool guy you know who got his car repo'd? congrats, you're helping the bank make back the money they lost because they took a chance lending to that guy.
Bulk discount should be illegal as well.
Who in the fuck still pays interest in auto loans? I have a 0% interest loan from NMAC. Before that I had a 0% from Ford Motor Credit.
If you can't qualify for a 0% auto loan from the dealer, you have no business buying a car.
>in b4 needing credit to buy a car
It's a fucking free loan.
yeah. it really makes me think that person B is paying extra, not for the car, but for the privilege of borrowing money.
the lender is taking an extraordinary risk lending money to person B. i wouldnt lend them a red cent with that credit score.
>i realize i've been baited but i just wanted to hate on people too incompetent to manage their finances
I've never understood the idea behind
>Don't have enough money to pay
>So buy it anyway
And we use it for everything.
Can't afford to pay your parking ticket? Park in an illegal spot.
Can't afford your car? Take out a loan.
Bank needs to make a profit.
Bank lends $1,000,000 to a group of people with good credit. 2% of that money will be defaulted on, so if the bank charges no interest, they only get $980,000 back. So they charge a little bit of interest (5%, whatever) to bring the total they get back back over $1,000,000. The bank has made a profit.
Bank lends another $1,000,000 to shiftless niggers with terrible credit. 20% of that money will be defaulted on, so if the bank charges no interest, they only get $800,000 back. So they need to charge really high interest (30%, let's say) to make a profit on the loan.
would people stop replying to this fucking ukranian shitposter who has made about 12 "really makes you think" posts in the past hour
>mfw i pay cash
>only 23$
>fuck interest
>1.99% interest rate on a car
Financial responsibility is so rare nowadays.
So many people either
>don't have a credit card at all
>have too many credit cards
>carry way too large of balances
>have too much debt for unnecessary items (fancy cars, too big of homes, etc.)
>have no idea how to budget
I currently have a credit score of 792 and I exclusively pay for things with credit cards.
>have 2 current credit cards that are all used for different types of purchases
>Mastercard for purchases where I need the extended warranty (it saved me with a TV that died too early)
>Discover for 1% cashback and 5% cashback on the rotating schedule (generates lots of money for small needs)
>pay off credit cards on time all the time
>don't own a fancy car and I pay more than the minimum
Not to mention the amount of people who totally have no idea about how to save for retirement.
>have 3 investment accounts
>Company 401k that I use to get the company match (free money)
>Roth IRA for my personal retirement savings
>Fidelity for immediate investing
Everyone I know has no idea how to invest and properly save money. And so many young people are foregoing free money by not getting the full company match and instead blowing that money now on frivolous things.
That's because Person A paid his bills on time and raised his credit score, showing that he is trustworthy and reliable and will most likely pay his bills which means that they can give him a lower interest rate because the risk of him not paying his bills is much lower. Person B on the other hand did not pay his bills and as a result his credit score lowered. He is not trustworthy or reliable and there is a much higher risk of him not paying the bills on his car. Because of that he has a higher interest rate, since he is likely to not pay his bills his interest rate is higher so that Toyota can make their money on the bills that he does pay.
>not an LLC
>doesn't have insurance
>glass window case would be quoted for generations to come in law school classes
>You're either a complete retard or lying
You cannot achieve a 792 credit score by not carrying a balance between billing cycles between 2 cards. Stop lying.
toyota. so long as you're not a deadbeat living on food stamps.
He shouldn't be spending so much to begin with.
Yeah not sure why this thread went beyond this post.
>66 mo loan
A) too long
B) 720 is the average credit score
C) Person B represents a much higher risk of defaulting on the loan, interest rate is adjusted accordingly
>Have 23K initially
>Invest it at more than 2% interest in stocks and bonds
>Make minimum payments
>Finish paying off the car with money left over because you invested it
Grow a nose, stupid goy