Meet the Jews Behind the Orlando False Flag

[Sarah-Roen-Brady] & [Scott-Bowman]
> I am not spamming.... let me post
> the other pol started getting DDoS'ed after I posted this.
> Might be important.

"Statement on Pulse Website"

>Statement from Pulse
>Like everyone are... fag stuff ... with you.
>– Barbara Poma, Owner
>For media inquiries, please contact Sara Brady:

Ok, so I did a little digging on Sara Brady:
She shares a name with "Sarah Brady" who the "Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act" a.k.a. "Brady Bill" is named after ( ). The "Background Check" Law.

She doesn't appear to really do any PR.
Just a few odd references in the mainstream recently:

Other urls found in this thread:

SEPT. 27, 2015
"VW’s Pitch to Americans Relied on Fun and Fantasy":
> “It is one thing to make a mistake, it’s another to intentionally trick your customers,” said Sara Roen Brady, a crisis reputation manager based in Florida. “This is a really emotional issue because it’s about the character of the company and the character of their customers. These car owners were making purchase decisions with a sense of purpose. This isn’t like buying a sports car during a midlife crisis.”
>She added, “This is such an iconic brand — this is significantly damaging to them.”
For some reason she was contacted about the Volkswagen thing.
I do not see why she was contacted for comment.
Can anyone explain this?

NOV. 30, 2015
"Peter Gold: Jewish Medical Student And Hero":
> "According to police, Gold was shot four times in the stomach at 4 a.m. on November 20, by 21-year-old Euric Cain. The whole situation was caught on video and has since gone viral."
Remember how high definition and odd this tape Looked?
Also watch for all (((4 shots))), I only see the weapon discharged once.
Also no blood. but the clip is rather short so I don't really consider that anything to consider.

DEC. 2, 2015
"New Orleans - Jewish Student Shot While Stopping Apparent Kidnap Out Of Hospital":
> "Sara Roen Brady of Winter Park, Florida, reached by phone Wednesday, says 25-year-old Peter Gold is expected to recover fully. She declined to provide further details."
So she did PR for a 'viral' shooting victim where the details that were reported didn't match the video.
I can not find the police report anywhere for this event.

Here is where stuff gets interesting:

It appears that she has been chumming around with and has hired as her
"Vice President Client Relations at Sara Brady Public Relations" an
individual named (((SCOTT BOWMAN))). (Second source that Scott Bowman was working for Sara Roen Brady).

What has Scott Bowman done in the past?
He has worked PR for the (((Orlando Magic)).
He has setup a non-profit that promotes (((Homosexuality in children))).

Orlando Magic Youth Foundation Spotlight: Aspire Health Partners - Zebra Coalition
> "The Zebra Coalition was established in response to the growing number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth who are experiencing homelessness, bullying, extreme physical and sexual abuse, isolation from their families and a wide range of life challenges or setbacks."
> "Scott Bowman, the Board Chairman for the Zebra Coalition of the Aspire Health Partners, said the Magic’s commitment to the community shows that they are far more than simply a basketball team. They care about the people in Central Florida and are serious about making it a better place to live, Bowman said."

Zebra Foundation for Youth® Board of Directors:
>Scott Bowman, President/CEO, Bowman & Co. Inc.

It appears now that he is running a performance art center(good source of actors).
Just a few blocks away from where the shooting took place.

Why would he leave the Orlando Magic to go work at a
crummy PR upstart in Orlando that doesn't get any business?

Why is he now running a performance arts center 1.6 miles from the Pulse Nightclub?

Why is the Orlando Magic relevant?

The Orlando Magic is Owned by Richard DeVos(A Top Kike)
His Pal and Brother in Law is Erik Prince, the Owner of Blackwater(a Mossad Asset)
Blackwater == ISIS
You should know why Blackwater is ISIS, but just for posterity's sake here is a Link:

Looks like we are going to war in Syria boys!

What was Scott Bowman doing on the Night of the Pulse Attack?

Two Semi Related You-Tube Links Also

Victims seen carried TOWARDS the club, not Away:

The Journey of Dunkin' Donuts:

it looks like you are full of shit. barbara pomona is the owner

i kind of respect your willingness to completely fabricate a story, but now is not the time to do stupid shit like this

Nice try Moshe.

Yes, shes the owner.
She hired Sara Brady as a Public Relations handler.

You would even be able to see the source for this if you checked the first Archive Link.

Its cute that you called in Schlomo to help you out too!

And Sup Forums was right again.

Delete this

Go back to /r9k/ with your false flag shooting bullshit.

Defend mudbeard ahmeds on Sup Forums? FUCK NO


Someone failed their iq test. Who let tyrone in?

Also OP, nice work, will read.

Bump for importance.

Fucking sliders

Don't forget about (((Nic Hornstein))), the 'Witness That Disappeared'.

More (((Nice Hornstein))
courtesy of

Which is being DDoS'ed after this thread was posted.

oh wow so some jews are pr agents for a gay nightclub

is this it?


You guys are doing a nice work.


cripplechan goes down regularly, nigger

Bump against NWO and false flags. They're trying to take our damn guns.

Bumping this shit, a lot of new threads being made with only 1 post by the OP.

have a bump


Here's some shit about Univision tampering evidence.

no offense but sandy hook was literally their best chance and it didn't work

Consensus is ((cracked)) over there right now.
The Shills are out in full force.

it's Sup Forums the biggest ugandan mud hut building chatroom in the WORLD, nigger

threads are always being created


"""""""""""""""flaseflag""""""""""""""" guise

If this is not a raid, I don't know how to call it.

Expecially at times like these.

Hasn't gone down in like a month ever since hot-wheels was murdered.

Reports are he was shot with a nerf gun.

and another bump


muslims don't need to be hated. As I said 99% of all muslims are not terrorists. Murdering an innocent is like murdering the entirety of humanity. Stop being racist and treating muslims like slaves. The only terrorists are the mentally disturbed people full of hate that can be cured by simply having a conversation and treating them like human beings.
Muslims are our friends and are peaceful and always strive to study and stay morally correct in their behaviour because islam teaches understanding and tolerance. Islam teaches you that the ink of a scholar is more precious than the blood of a martyr.


/r9k/ please go

we understand your social interaction limitations but stop trying to make everything fit the model in your mind based on tv shows and movies

a bunch of hungover faggots coming down from poppers and molly don't react the same way as actors did on 24 or homeland or a movie you watched where they got interviewed after a shooting?


back to /r9k/ with you and your "mudbeards dindu nuffin allah ackbar" nonsense

Why do you keep posting this same shill reply?


Ok, I legitimately read and analyzed all of the "evidence" you posted that is somehow supposed to make this a jewish conspiracy... but none of this crap is actually connected, relevent, or in any way a legitimate explanation that Orlando was a false flag. If anything this retarded thread discredits other potential false flags by making Sup Forums look all tinfoily.

OP you are monumentally retarded, consider gassing yourself.

In a 2007 Pew Research poll in response to a question on whether suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets to defend Islam could be justified, ( ) in Europe:

Muslim countries:
45% of Muslims in Egypt believed it could never be justified, 25% believed it could be justified rarely, 20% sometimes, and 8% thought it could be justified often.
61% of Muslims in Turkey believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 14% sometimes, and 3% thought it could be justified often.
43% of Muslims in Jordan believed it could never be justified, 28% believed it could be justified rarely, 24% sometimes, and 5% thought it could be justified often.
28% of Muslims in Nigeria believed it could never be justified, 23% believed it could be justified rarely, 38% sometimes, and 8% thought it could be justified often.
69% of Muslims in Pakistan believed it could never be justified, 8% believed it could be justified rarely, 7% sometimes, and 7% thought it could be justified often.
71% of Muslims in Indonesia believed it could never be justified, 18% believed it could be justified rarely, 8% sometimes, and 2% thought it could be justified often.

64% of Muslims in France believed it could never be justified, 19% believed it could be justified rarely, 10% sometimes, and 6% thought it could be justified often.
70% of Muslims in Britain believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 12% sometimes, and 3% thought it could be justified often.
83% of Muslims in Germany believed it could never be justified, 6% believed it could be justified rarely, 6% sometimes, and 1% thought it could be justified often.
69% of Muslims in Spain believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 10 % sometimes, and 6% thought it could be justified often.

Your tricks don't work here. Fuck off to reddit.



MIDF please leave

After newtown it really wouldn't surprise me if any media covered mass shooting was a false flag

At least 45 percent of muslims world-wide hold views that westerners would consider to be extremist. Despite this, Nobody in the West wants to kill all the muslims, we just want them to stay in their own countries and stop invading ours.

That really isn't too much to ask.

JIDF detected. questioning who is behind the ahmeds isn't defending them. yes we shouldn't let them over run our countries but there is a (((reason))) they are coming in the first place.

the nose knows

bumping while I read


Brady Bill is not named after Sarah Brady.

OP is with the red team to try to run containment on anti-islamist rhetoric.
Sage this thread.

How about a tl;dr?

This. The slimy dialectical trick he is using is to propose a false dilemma/binary and say that if you are opposed to one group, then you must support the other.
I instantly assume anyone who posts manipulative trash like that is a shill.

This...if 20 dead 6 year old kids couldn't make something happen, nothing will. America is numb to this shit at this point. Sure, the liberal gungrabbers will raise a big stink for a few weeks, but this will be old news once the next manufactured crisis comes along to grab headlines.

Explains why I've never heard one question answered
>all fields

New gun control laws were passed after Sandy Hook.


good finds

Have a bump


why the fuck was that bike courier in orlando? And why was he magically on the roof that night when his last tweet was in may?

bump for executing traitors and liar

What's the summary of the dump by OP? What can we do about it?

Kikes and muzzies dont agree on much, but there is one thing they whole heartedly agree on: Christ was a prophet, not the son of god.

Wow, they must be trying hard to slide. This should be getting so many replies.

Only at the state level, and only in states that already had restrictive gun laws already in place. In fact, once some states got a whiff that the feds might try to pass a new assault rifle ban, gun laws were in fact loosened in many states. Mark my words, there will be no new federal gun laws passed.

Why are we getting shilled with so many false flag threads,

Is it hillary fags trying to make it look like muslims aren't a problem?


This hoax is even more inept than Sandy Hoax!

People have no idea how much of the news, since the invention of TV, is hoaxed.

Most major historical news events are total fakery and theatre.

We don't give two shits about tinfoil hats you kike.


>Suggesting it's a false flag means you're a Muslim sympathizer

Yeah, nice one, dude. I hated muslims before this happened, so how do you explain that?

McCain connection to the Orlando massacre.

Why would you hate them if apparently they are a peaceful people that never attacked anyone, the government is constantly just using them as a scapegoat???





The fuck is this shit

The people saying these traumatized faggots are crisis actors are /r9k/ losers who love muslims and think they dindu nuffin.

They want to live in an islamic paradise where they can enslave the 'normie' oppressors, and own women as slaves.

No one said anything of the sort

No, you're just an /r9k/ loser with no hope of ever having a decent life.

This mongolian mud hut chat room didn't always used to be contaminated by /r9k/ scum. We didn't always hate normies because we were, on some level normies.

We had jobs, lives, we did things.

Now /r9k/ has invaded Sup Forums and if you go out, socialize, have a job, have friends, have a girlfriend, you're a fuuuuucking noooormie

Which is bullshit. 2004 era Sup Forums would never have stood for this. Our epic events and stories - when OP delivered - weren't from a bunch of /r9k/ losers. They were from people who had real lives, but were still a bit off. Sorta outcasts. Not all the way there but trying to make it.


Go shooting and learn how easy it is. Go to clubs and learn how packed they are and how loud they are. Go kill a deer and butcher it and learn what blood looks like so you can stop calling the blood at shootings "ketchup"

...nah, you won't, because you'd rather pretend that you're a crusader for the truth being persecuted by shills rather than face the unfortunate reality that you've been wasting your life shitposting on a ugandan water buffalo horn carving discussion group,

Uhh, what? Are you not realizing how retarded and short-sighted your logic is? I hate Muslims because of their hateful religion and treatment of women, and other very real terror attacks on troops from our country. I also hate false flags meant to increase support for gun control. Just fuck off, you shill. Or keep bumping the thread. I win, either way ;)

You're a crisis actor.

Huh, really makes you think

you keep posting the same racism and your media keeps posting the same racist islamophobic garbage
ill post it again and again till you like it


>lets keep bombing muslims
>they won't retaliate haha

Haha first time I didn't hate Krauthammer. Just BTFO O'Reilly. Sounds like this attack turned Krauthammer into a Trump man.


>US media is islamophobic

Wow, okay, man. How's living in a Socialist, tolerant utopia, by the way?

I'm too tired to read and get into this shit but I'll bump it because from a skim it seems pretty important

Or, you can like, not look at it?


>Tavistock Foundation

Alarm bells went off in my head right there.

Eat shit normalfag.

>possible arab origins
>8 hours later the police suddenly reveals that he called and joined ISIS


This is right. You have nothing to be afraid od muslims they are the religion of peace. They are good people and you should import them as much as you can. Vote hillary

Reddit / hillary supporters are sitting in a mibbit room right now coordinating this shit to make us look like stupid /r9k/ losers

You're just rambling, now. Do you think I trust mainstream media or something? I'm the wrong guy to have this fight with.

what's wrong with considering the possibilities?
How else would you have been redpilled about kikenshits?