Why are Fox News women such bimbos?

Why are Fox News women such bimbos?

because imagine how much lower their ratings would be without the leggy glamour models pretending to be commentators


they got a sexy dumb look i like

Outlet for the sexually repressed conservative republican voterbase. Gets viewer numbers up, amongst other things.
I say this as a Republican

timpf is as dumb as a bag of hammers but I would tie her up in my basement

>grr why are these right-wing females attractive! Only the people on my political spectrum can be hot!
Well at least you guys have uh, every female celebrity ever.

tfw no christian conservative gf

How can you be a Republican and a Star Trek fan?

pandering to their intended audience, also ailes didn't want to have to walk far to harass someone

don't lie, its your mom's basement.

Conservative women are generally better looking than leftists.

Fox Business has the best waifus.

>Dat Trish Regan


Smh. Basic bitches.

Megan McCain is very well equipped to be on Fox

>pretending to be commentators
Use a dictionary, brainlet.

I'd say she's 'nu-right' - ""conservative"" without any conviction or energy or vigor. Ticks all the boxes of what it means to be an "establishment conservative", but gives the impression of being weak/lukewarm about the position. A conservative 'on paper', if you will. No truly conservative woman would dress like a nightclub whore and read talking points off a prompter for the tv - she would be at home looking after the children and making dinner.

by being able to enjoy things even if the people making them are your ideological enemies

you might as well ask how can you be a conservative and watch Hollywood movies

how about you chill out, faggot

Imagine you see a pink-haired young woman, being dragged kicking and screaming into a black van by 2 powerfully-built white men, a 3rd approaches and shows you a Fox Entertainment Group ID card

"Don't worry sir, she's a Clinton supporter being escorted to our rapeducation camps, in a year's time she'll begin her new career as an anchor" He chuckles "The first thing we'll do is wash that dye out her hair!"

As the van pulls away he promises that if he can "count on your discretion in this matter" he'll set you up on a date with Katherine Timpf. He shows you various pics of her lounging on a bed in a Stars and Stripes 2 piece bikini. She's still wearing her glasses of course.

What would you do?!


My nigga

There are a few things with which I disagree with the Republican party. Allegiance to the party isn't like the Gospel where you have to believe everything it preaches. I'm just a very socially conservative guy, and I have more in common with the Reps than the Dems.
But to answer your question, I only like TNG and I think it's important to try to avoid making political analysis of tv shows unless it is the shtick of the show. Otherwise you just end up analysing it too much and taking the fun out of watching it.

I cant watch Fox anymore without getting a boner

To be honest, Conservatives tend to be better looking, a lot of ugly people are Liberal because it pushes bullshit about equality, which is just comforting lies

none of those fox broads give a shit about anything but being famous

All women are bimbos.

Touch a nerve there, did I? Lmao

I believe that, except for perhaps 'our guy' Anne Coulter.


It is pretty easy.

Because Roger Ailes hired women he found attractive so he could coerce them into having sex with his crusty old ass in exchange for more airtime and better positions at the network
This isn't complicated

Sarah Elizabeth isn't blonde

wtf is this shit?

That skirt is pretty slutty desu.

I bet you could just grab her by the pussy and she wouldn't do anything.

of all the on air talent you pick the tranny to underscore your point?


I find it difficult to pay attention to what they're saying at times.

They literally look like pornstars, i keep expecting Danny D or fucking Lex Steele to appear giving their views on the electoral college.

user took a naughty photo of his grandma's tv screen and he's going to touch himself later

This tbph. Fox bimbos are basic af

>tfw ywn get Megan horizontal

either of those are probably as qualified to give their opinions on air as o'reilly or hannity

What is the colored people network?

She's supreme

Shes got more balls than her Dad, who is a complete cuckservative

Dont tell me you wouldnt let this mommy dominate you and let her snuggle you

forgot pic

Jaquan pls go

depends on what her dick looks like

>Lex Steele
He would be perfect for FOX. He's long winded and goes off on irrelevant tangents because he thinks he's a genius. Fuck you, I know he worked for wall street

that's sexist

I can already see how it could play it

>Haha old white men have to watch a black guy who banged white women, haha take that conservatives
>Ratings go through the roof
>Hes an uncle tom anyway

What flabby coke head

Because of Roger Ailes' taste in women

I'm actually 100% Franco-Celtic, but nice try

*play out

>BLACKED when?
the last eight years, m8

Living the Dream.


probably most republicans will eat any shit that fox news serves them

>tfw pokies when she stretches her dress
got damn

Kristin is best girl

Is Foxnews Kino?

>"Conservative" news
>Women dress like nightclub whores

Really makes you think...

>tfw a Fox qt becomes the new WH Press Secretary

Why do people never put names on this shit?

Rush Limbaugh is a pill popping degenerate and Bill O'Reilly is a sexual deviant. Conservative media was a mistake.

wtf I love fox news now!


I don't think you know what the word bimbo means.

I don't think you do.

go outside and wear your trump gear, girls will come to you.

considering that some of them rode roger's lump of ground beef, they are bimbos

Literally muh dick: the cable network

God I miss Andrea, it's a shame she turned snitch.

>Timpf will never star in a small penis humliation video

This one is on cnn more than fox

they have the best ratings of all cable news networks kek

Why is Megyn so tsundere with Trump?

this will never stop being funny

kek what's the original from?

Fucking cunt.

Average viewer age is also like 65


She always yells at the camera. Like dude, if I'm watching your show I'm already on your side. Chill.

it's better than having a bunch of dykes and fat sheboons

She's just trying to convince everyone (especially herself) that she identifies as 'conservative'.


>Sup Forums has finally discovered my waifu


I don't think that's true anymore, i think a lot of young people like Fox now because it's counter culture

Also CNN & MSNBC (outside of Morning Joe) are just complete shit, so a lot of people moved to Fox

Dana Perino is pretty good imo. She looked awful during the Bush administration but on The Five she's pretty hot.

>i don't think that's true anymore

People move away from cable news altogether, not to Fox.

If you're talking about the alt-right crowd, they go online

I love how angry she makes Liberals, they get more angry about her then Trump

>he uses the buzzword alt-right

Way to buy into the media you dumbass sheep.

>Dana Perino

She wants to be white so badly, it's never happening though.

>Literally describe themselves with it
I don't go to analysts and media personalities for my opinions

They don't, Sup Forums is happy being called white supremacists


i always confuse this bitch with Gianna Micheals