Did FDR ruin America?

Did FDR ruin America?

No, he actually helped make it great.

He sold weapons to the Soviets and made America into a socialist state.

Imagine if he were a nationalist, instead of helping the kikes

He wasn't the worse.

And he could fit in a bathtub which I can't say about all US presidents.

He helped lay the foundations for its ruin, yes.

Now just imagine we had Huey Long for President...

Yes, but it started with Hoover

I think you mean Wilson

Lincoln beat him to it.

>Did FDR ruin America?
The man did what he could given his situation.

Jfk did for sure.

Short-term, he was the best president the US had. I'm as conservative as it gets and I'll admit that.

The problem is, you guessed it, like all liberal policies, they smoothed out the short run at the expense of fucking up society in the long run.

>Huey Long for President
The guy who called for wealth redistribution?

His policies had good intentions but would end up being abused

FDR had to fight the courts hard to get his changes through.

A lot of them did more harm than good in the long run.

The Jews stole our money

>On March 4, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president for the first time, promising an “adequate but sound” currency. The next day, a Sunday, he closed the nation's banks. “We are now off the gold standard,” he privately declared to a group of advisers.

Yeah but Taft was also a supreme court justice. He had to fulfill multiple roles so it is not surprising that he needed to be a multiple of a person.


He had a lot of good ideas like regulating wall street, racial segregation, blacklisting communists, and work programs.

His real problem was that he was far too trusting of his jewish advisors who all turned out to be Soviet spies.

Yes and he did it intentionally. Look up Harry Dexter White and Alger Hiss.

He was openly Communist, had Communists in his Cabinet, and honestly wanted to bring Stalinist show trials here.

If only he'd let it get a little worse the fascists could have won in the US like they did in Europe.

He was an equal opportunity thief, he stole the Federal reserve gold as well (Jews were quite upset).

the US played merchant, lifted itself from economic depression, and by the end of the war was an economic and military superpower

worst president ever!

He created a system that set in motion the golden age of capitalism, 30 years of wealth and growth in America, his predecessors set about reversing that trend.

This is only example which is literally true.

He could have, but based Eisenhower and Kennedy made it great again.

Then LBJ came in and actually ruined everything. Fuck LBJ.

>Rome was an economic and military superpower therefore Commodus was a good emperor

loling @ u

The dude was basically Fascist.

Well here we are fuggg

>The dude was basically Fascist.
So a Cuck?

FDR was the closest the US has ever come to voting in its own dictator.

People lionize him for the New Deal (not his idea) but they miss the other things he did, like attempting to stack the Supreme Court (he is the reason we have a 9 justice tradition) after they declared some of his more egregious executive orders unconstitutional.

>based Kennedy

Nice fucking meme, cuck.

LBJ was a stone cold gangster straight up.

He won ww2... While Canada sucked its own cock

>asking a board of right-wing whackjobs if FDR was a good president
what did you expect senpai

Why didn't he go with Germany and Italy and make the world great again?

>Why didn't he go with Germany and Italy
Because Italy and Germany Declare war on us. After we declare war on Japan.

I don't think you're giving enough credit to Taft, Teddy, or Wilson.

They reformed the US after the Gilded. FDR just took the reforms to the logical conclusion.

And look at where we are now, right back in the Gilded Age

*Gilded Age

The US Army got fucked by gooks with sticks fuck off

Ever hear of a little thing called Pearl Harbor?

Because of fucking Carter and his outsourcing/deregulation/neoliberal policies.

Oh and Reagan's amnesty and mass immigration, policies. And LBJ's great society and civil rights, of course, not to mention Clinton, and well everything he did from NAFTA to revoking Glass Steagall to deregulating the FCC.

You can't blame FDR for what happened after he was long dead.

WW2 wasn't the Vietnam War

holy fuck leaves are so retarded

he used the unemployed to rebuild critical infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels, airports)

he created the SEC to stop jews from over-jewing the economy

he made efforts to repeal prohibition

he put japs in internment camps worrying some would sympathize with the enemy

pol, this is your wet dream president

That's because the wealthy and the financiers set about to deindustrialize America and make it a financial plutocracy. It's been very conscious policy decisions, it's not some natural flow of the economy.

don't forget the he institutionalized racial segregation

The south loved FDR

Yes. He is why there's so many kike twigboys bossing us all around these days.

>it's not some natural flow of the economy.


deindustrialization is a specific policy set about by jewish finance just like the housing bubble

FDR was the Bernie of his generation.

Yes he fucked the U.S hard and we are still feeling his bs to this day.

He put people in concentration camps without due process
He froze wages and created the NIRA so companies couldn't compete, which also lead to the health care insurance problems we have today.
He made gold illegal to own
Unconstituional NFA
Social security ponzi scheme
Hiked taxes to pay people to dig ditches and then fill them back in
Packed the supreme court so he could force to make his marxist bullshit law.
Made it illegal for car companies to sell cars during WW2
Expanded the government beyond the scope of the Constitution
Price fixing on agricultural products (AAA) , forced farmers to not grow food to keep prices up . Manipulated the market.

i can go on and on on how much of a tyrant he was.

He got America through the great depression, connected more to the people with fireside chats, helped Britain and Russia with aid to fight the Nazis, helped the country heal after pearl harbor and turned their rage into the greatest war machine in human history, led the country through almost All of WWII until his death in 1945, and was so universally loved he was elected to 4 fucking terms.............. yeah, he "ruined" America. retard.

>he thinks Sup Forums is against prohibition

t. marxism pro

>Did FDR ruin America?

Well he sure as fuck didn't help it out any.

he was a massive faggot like op

That's not what I meant

"concentration camps". get some perspective faggot. No fucking japs were starved or burned by the million in ovens. Put yourself in that atmosphere of sneak attacks and suspicion in an age 75 years ago of slower information dissemination...

Then i'll stick with Marxism if it means having the strongest military on the planet. fuck how can you be this dumb...

>I was merely feigning retardation

>moving the goalposts

A concentration camp is literally just a place where people are forcibly concentrated. Gassings aren't a prerequisite.

lbj did when he was elected in 1964.

We got cucked with civil rights and immigration from the third world.

>not sharing the original

Yes. He signed our death certificate with social security


He had no authority to suspend civil rights and put people in prison without due process.

The president doesn't set the military budget buddy.

Both Cotton and the Orlando shooter killed fiddy men (give or take)

Not an argument

not an argument

Lbj and his great society fucked this country hard. Because of him we got niggers in section 8 that do nothing but suck off the tit of the government and at the same time claiming they are oppressed.

No. Woodrow Wilson did.
>world war 1 starts
>entire country is mostly isolationist and also has sharply divided loyalty between germany and britain
>german is #2 language in USA
>german-americans are huge constituency
>new york banker jews lend britain a shitload of money
>new york banker jews start to panic that britain might lose
>woodrow capitulates to jew banker pressure and basically forces germany into a false flag
>gets US into a war it should have nothing the fuck to do with
>drafts US men to die in foreign bullshit war
>all for banker jews

I agree on this, he created the federal reserve which caused the depression which LED TO FDR

>He put people in concentration camps without due process

meh, war time common sense

>which also lead to the health care insurance problems we have today.

Pretty sure the main problem for modern healthcare is the McCarran–Ferguson Act that allows healthcare monopolies which was passed around the time FDR was dying

>He made gold illegal to own


>Social security ponzi scheme

I agree it was a retarded idea

>Hiked taxes to pay people to dig ditches and then fill them back in

They built important infrastructure, and FDR didn't raise taxes to fund it.

>Packed the supreme court so he could force to make his marxist bullshit law.

Pretty sure he didn't get the Supreme court packed like he wanted to

>Made it illegal for car companies to sell cars during WW2

common sense during the war

>Expanded the government beyond the scope of the Constitution

That's subjective. Clauses in the constitution more or less give the Federal government unlimited constitutional power the only real check is the bill of rights which was an addendum to begin with.

>Price fixing on agricultural products

I agree that was also bullshit

In the end I think FDR had a lot of flaws and never got the US out of the Great Depression by himself

He needed the war effort to do it for him.

Repeating digit sandwich checked, and Liberty Cabbage sounds way cooler, you have to admit.

It's pretty glorious, you should try it sometime

So you're telling me the Zimmerman telegram was a false flag?

I'm not defending Woodrow Wilson but we'd have been major cucks to side with Germany in the first one.

do you even know what socialism is you fucking tard

>mfw I'm shitposting in this thread from the steam browser while playing pic related

Technically it was Anglo bankers like JP Morgan who were pro Britain.

Besides Rotschilds most jews were pro German.

He also

Created the federal reserve, which lead to the great depression.

Germany tried to do to the US what they did to the Russian Empire

In Russia Germany supported Jewish communists like Lenin and Trotsky to take part in a coup to overthrow the government.

They wanted to do the same thing with Mexico in Europe.

But thankfully Mexicans are much lazier than Jewish communists.

>In bed with the banking families
>Took away peoples property, ex. gold
>Many of his acts or deals sucked and failed
>Took over the office of budget which was set up to set government spending giving the government almost unlimited spending ability
>Planned for war in Europe well before it happened
>Ignored the crimes of the soviet union
>Recognized the Soviet Union
>Did all in his power to help light the flames of war in Europe
>Help fuck up Europe
>Both his wife and him fucked ugly side lovers
9/10 fuck that cripple douchebag

That was after months and months of provocation by Wilson.

The U-boats were Germany's trump card and were pretty much winning them the war by cutting off Britain's supplies.

The US was supplying Britain willy-nilly. Wilson made impossible demands of Germany ("Don't sink any American ships or kill ANY Americans trafficking between the US and Britain or we will enter the war!!!") when that was Germany's single path to victory.

Is it good?

This, these guys wanted us in the war and played the most unrealistic conditions so that we would enter the war. Fuck them.

Yes fucker got us in to the wars in europe and started the alphabet soup government help me system.

As someone who likes ck2 and eu4 but couldn't figure out hoi3 to save my life, I really like it.

Politics and construction are almost Total War tier, it's surprisingly simple for a paradox game (but it'll still take awhile to figure out) but I'm not complaining

To be fair, he was gonna send the niggers back to Africa until his cunt of a wife dragged him to some stupid play

This so much.
He would've been based.

reminder that John Wilkes Booth is historys greatest cuck.
>being so terrified of having no bulls to prep, you kill the president

Reagan did with his pro-zionist policies and war on drugs

When government seizes the means of production.

>What is the military industrial complex.

Yes that is exactly what I am saying. He couldn't come up with a viable means to end the depression so he funded gulags to end any hope of Hitler freeing Europe from the oligarchs which ran it. He also expanded the powers off the POTUS beyond a reasonable limit and lied about Pearl Harbor to get Americans to declare war on Germany via Japan.

The founding father's ruined America.

Read Hutchinson strictures upon the declaration in Philadelphia.

He was the Sanders of that time