Spare me your "but we invented everything" garbage. You mostly STOLE everything, by force, and today rule the earth backed by a bloody history of atrocity. You are are lower than niggers. You're shit.
Refute this. You can't.
Spare me your "but we invented everything" garbage. You mostly STOLE everything, by force, and today rule the earth backed by a bloody history of atrocity. You are are lower than niggers. You're shit.
Refute this. You can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
>You mostly STOLE everything, by force
Like what?
>stole eveything by force
>with our superior technology
>that we stole
>with our superior technology
>that we stole
Land, for starters. Every read Jarred Diamond?????
We have invented everything, and everything we stole we made better. Enjoy being inferior, bitch.
Immortal here, not true. Been around for the entirety of human history and then some. Whites has always been the heroes and protectors of mankind.
>mostly STOLE everything
>application of electricity, cars, jets, scientific method, industry, guns, modern medicine.
I guess niggers made it then?
So your mad because you lost?
When the pure blooded aryan man arose from motherland of Germania he was disgusted by his fellow men to the south and had to purge those unfit bloodlines.
guns germs and steel.
none of those had origins in europe except for germs.
whites are not superior on equal ground.
my proof is when the vikings got their ass kicked by the innuits.
If colonists didnt have the handicaps, the natives would've won by a landslide victory.
You mean in the Americas? And what does that have to do with us inventing? Also not to mention, if a fucking race couldn't form some sort of government within 3,000 years, all of their land is fair game.
A niggers opinion is invalid simply because it's a niggers opinion.
Refute this. You can't
I didn't steal shit, Your probably the Nigger who stole my Bike!
Said the white person living in a country that the white man built because he knows any other country is shit.
We conquered the world fuck off
>proving a negative
Uh go fuck yourself?
Obvious bait.. or delusional shitskin
Also we invented everything
Mongolians killed, raped and pillaged trough two continents.
Invented land? Fucking autist
which movie is this from?
>angry stupidass detect
if non-whites are so great, why didn't they do it first?
He obviously meant we stole it and later reinvented the continent as a place of civilization.
"Platoon" by Oliver Stone
What are you talking about?
1. Whites are smarter than most (only competition is East-Asians)
2. The strongest
3. The most beautiful
How are whites not superior?
>call us scum of the Earth
>call us violent and oppressive
>fails to realise that calling attention to a psychopath's psychopathy is the best way to get killed
Shitskins, everyone.
source? proof? evidence?
its either butthurt subhuman or a poor bait, ignore and move along
>Every read Jarred Diamond?????
Land aren't inventions.
Website created by whites. Why are you here then? Oh, because you have zero conviction or personal responsibility? Nigger detected. Into the prison it goes.
You are a retard
>guns germs and steel
but senpai everyone started on equal grounds
a few thousand years later some were sailing the seas and making controlled chambered explosions while other we're eating eachother and hunting animal with stone tools
>asians invent gunpowder
>make a few rockets and fireworks and shit with it
>whites get a hold of gunpowder
>kick off technological arms race with themselves
>start conquering the entire world
and vikings usually fought in small groups, getting beat up by a bunch of natives who know the land better isn't at all surprising. they were mostly raiders, not actual armies.
come at us bro
I'd steal your mother's cock by force.
>website created by whites sucking off Asian culture
Kek kys you subhuman Newfie
When did we steal your Saturn V?
Are you from Triad or Tobaggan
This really made me think
If you think we are inferior then it must feel awful that you lost.
thats wrong retard. asians used gunpower for warfare.
infact they invented the fucking crossbow. why are you even posting?
your shit is fucked.
>Refute this. You can't.
we can, but fuck you and your half-assed shitposts
you lost vietnam. and two world wars collectively.
Absolutely false. The Chinese invented fire arrows, fire lance, matchlock, cannon and a range of rockets before gunpowder was brought to Europe.
Learn history from books, not TV.
>Complaining about white people on a computer connected to the internet via satellite and landline
Hitler was right
>You are are lower than niggers. You're shit.
Then why can't you stop us?
>When asians shoot people it's "terrorism"
>When blacks shoot people it's "crime"
>When whites shoot people it's "glorious conquest"
Oh wow, China invented a bunch of useless shit that has completely fallen out of military fashion in every single sense of the word.
the crossbow was invented in Europe too around the same time as in China and probably completely independent of each other
at least you get it.
i cant believe my country complains about paying taxes for illegals while some fat headed Midwestern kids watch gladiator and the patriot all semester for history class.
>World ruled by a black man
>Global economy controlled by China
The white man is a useless cuck only existing to serve our needs
>when mexicans move in, whites call it an invasion
>when whites movie in, whites call it "gentrification" or "nation building".
Leaving because you get bored of kicking a corpse of a country isn't losing.
>White people lost the world wars
They also won both. What is your point?
Jersey didnt fight any of those wars you retarded dumblrite
give me one good reason to bite this bait
this quote changed my view on everything
>White people stole modern medicine, the idea of industrialisation, railroads, cars, trains, Democracy and endless other modern inventions from Africa
Not gonna lie, colonialism did a lot of bad shit to Africa. But this "Y'all just stole everything from Africa" meme needs to end.
Imagine how much it must suck not to be white. Your only options are to act like a whiny faggot or do absolutely nothing and die forgotten.
>The Chinese invented fire arrows
>fire arrows
oh im laffin
>fire lance, matchlock, cannon and a range of rockets
And none of those were greatly used for centuries, other than entertainment purposes. The moment gunpowder hit Europe, it revolutionized warfare immediately, and was one of the things that allowed white europeans to conquer the entire world.
Because whites are human user
Okay and what else?
>muh Jared Diamond
Fucking pop history.
We stole our IQ?
Huh. Really makes you think....
This is the most retarded thread I have ever read. Stopped reading at land being an invention kek
>Natives use about 0.02% of the land in places like Australia and America
>Europeans come in and utilise the entire area
>"Oi ya fucking white cunt this is our land!"
>vast wildernesses that niggers used for grazing cattle, if even that
>western civilization comes in and builds roads, schools, hospitals, factories, and shit posting devices
>reeeeee white people stole sacred gum gum tree
This is how niggers and their brainwashed cuck apologists think.
I smell taco
The Chinese used a type of black powder that mainly to make loud noises to spook enemy horses and cause confusion. What they had could not propel a canninball or bullet, it was not powerful enough. Eupoeans invented modern gun powder. It would like saying the guy who invented the musket gets credit for the AR15 because it preceded it.
Also ancient Greeks had crossbows at the same time, and pretty much all historians and archeologists agree that they were invented separately and without influence over each other.
Your knowledge of history, specifically ancient warfare, is not good.
That book is literally a fucking meme book.
Also the Vikings were in America for longer than the USA has currently existed. They didn't show up and get btfo, they had a sustainable colony for hundreds of years.
>The matchlock first appeared Europe, in the mid-15th century, (The matchlock was obsolete around 1700 in Europe) [7] although the idea of the serpentine appears some 40 years previously in an Austrian manuscript. The first dated illustration of a matchlock mechanism dates to 1475
>although the idea of the serpentine appears some 40 years previously in an Austrian manuscript
Barnes did nothing wrong
>They invented the Crossbow
And did what with it?
>The invented gunpowder
And used it to kill eachother instead of expanding.
White's only competition- East Asia, were too prideful and beta to expand with their intellect, thus White people are superior.
>Obama rules the world meme
>Our needs
What kind of degenerate dirtskin are you then boy? Indian? Paki? Some rancid sanddweller from the Middle East?
Or are you descended from one of the peoples we bought and sold as chattel?
great movie
>guaranteed replies, the thread
Without smart whites using stupid labor to build everything you see today, well, there wouldn't be anything you see today.
To explain it simply, whites design and chinese put together. Understand? There is a designer and a susceptible target.
Hopefully nobody reads this and learns something.
>falling for the guns germs und steel bait
This place really is Sup Forumseddit 2.0
When will you neck yourself?
they stopped improving their guns and cannons after the 1400s right up until whitey showed up and started killing them with vastly superior muskets.
read up on the opium wars. the chinks were using ships in the 1800s that europeans would have laughed at 300 years prior.
Lol, faggot read one book and thinks he's an expert on western scientiric history. Top kek and many lmaos there. Hey by the way, hope your last year of highschool is good next year, little buddy.
If you think that only whites are responsible for conquest, just remember,
that if you've got a date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul
Korea only avoided getting colonized by Europeans because they were too busy getting colonized by the Chinese and Japanese.
shouldn't Japan be teal? I'm sure we conquered them at least twice
Look around you son. Everything you use was invented or was at least brought to the most practical form possible by whites. Everything that distinguishes mankind from animals has an important part of whiteness in it.
>backed by a bloody history of atrocity
Name any non-white nation that doesn't respect it's warriors. pro-tip you can't.
All the other races are just as inclined towards war, warriors have always been praised and respected in any civilization and every nation from every race tried to be better in warfare. Now that you were proved inferior, you are victimizing yourself. Pathetic. I'm not sorry for being better than you. Fuck you.
>Persia, Afghanistan
what is Alexander?
>Jarred (((Diamond)))
whites destroyed natural habitats whereever they go.
they leave no room for nature.
How did Thailand manage to stay away? And I thought the Italians failed miserably in Ethiopia.
Really makes you think
You do realize that using shitty strawman arguments to vent your asshurt about your inferiority will only make you feel worse in the long run, right? The "gotcha" might feel good in the moment but the cognitive dissonance will only way your self-esteem down more over the long term.