It's too complex

There is too much, i can't BARE IT ANYMORE AHHHHH!

> Sjw, retarded politicians, social normns, mental illness, music, movies, internet, food, poison, pharma, genetics, eugenics, nwo, illuminati, jews, muslims, religions, god , universe, meditation, drugs, dreams, dimensions, space, natures laws, physics, aliens, planets, devices, military


How, how tell me, how the fuck don't you get fucking mad about all this stuff?

I can't stop thinking about every single topic from above, it's too deep, there is so much, it's too much, with all that thinking that we do how can we POSSIBLY find the final answer?

Isn't life diversity? My mind is blown right now there is just too much to think and debate about, how could we find away through all this madness?

Please tell me, im getting really mad fucked up right now.

Every aspect has deeper discussion possibilities, every topic of the above has.

God damn, i think im going mad, i can't stop thinking, it's too much, i cant tell what's right or wrong anymore, i can't tell what has top priority, and what don't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not a meme
Not a joke


lol nigga walk away from the screen like nigga close your eyes ahahahaah

Seconded. This morning when I got to work I had to shut off ramzpaul close my office door and meditate for 20 minutes otherwise I would've been raging all day praying for another crusade.

>the only information worth preserving is my dna code

This. Just take time to be calm and recollect. Realize all of the bullshit around you doesn't matter and just focus on being the best you can be.

100% this. Not even in a spiritual sense, although don't deny it if you find it, but sit down and just breathe. Thats all.

Ride the Tiger Deutschbro. Don't let this bizarre postmodernist hellscape break you.

But if it doesn't matter why are we at Sup Forums ?

Its called Autism my friend. Just relax and let the thoughts flow right through you.

It's to addicting, the anger and depression make me feel alive.

I have been playin The Witcher 3 to take the edge off for the last 3 months, bless you Poland it's fucking fantastic. Try it your self, it's very easy to get lost in for afternoon.

Welcome to the red pill.

This is what it's gonna be like for a while.

To unwind and have some fun

Actually scratch that, most of the time i just feel like an empty husk.

oh god i think im stuck here forever

seems that the bible is right and hell exists



Priority number one is remove Kebab/save white race.

Biggest redpill is learning how
>you can't change the world alone
>if you decide the above is your life objective you WILL become unhappy
>living a simple life with someone you love as far away as possible from all this mess is the true path to happiness

You don't have to worry about certain things because worrying won't make any difference.

Have an iron pill user

i know how you feel. good thing i got a head start years ago so i could process it all. i remember staying up at night being worried all day. now is a horrible time to take the redpill because we are at the final stage of the plan

>Just take time to be calm and recollect
isn't meditation about not thinking of anything?

>Germans are weak minded fuckers
Somehow not surprising at all

this is what's going on right now

As long as you sit down and form your own opinion on every topic you listed you won't feel overwhelmed

Pause for a moment and think, really think about how you feel about everything you just mentioned, and once you know what your true feelings are you can focus

>came to Sup Forums

aaand you fucked up

You are hereby sentenced to spending the rest of your life in this perpetual state, without sanctuary. May they toy with your mind forever.

That's a misconception. It is about not playing in the dirt that the thinking mind is. Simply observe and move on. Let it wash over. The breath acts both as an anchor to develop focus on and to create a distance from the thoughts.

I'm schizoid, so I don't care that much.

But, I wouldn't suggest being like me.

>i can't tell what has top priority
Anything anti-white is top priority. Just look at everything through a racial lens. How will this advance your race? Your people?

And make Germany great again so I can undo the mistake Grandpa made and go back. I'm sick of all these fucking spics.

this. No lie.

Yes, the Universe is complex and indifferent and you simply can't ever figure it out. Events simply have a way of sneaking up on us. Meanwhile everything evolves as time marches on dragging us by the head.

I learned this in a psylocybin trip

You are me.
100% this. I use Vipassana.

Take it step by step user. You can't write a book without learning the alphabet. You won't regret it. Plan out your days to tackle each of the issues little by little. Learn about how your memory works to optimise your time and your learning. We will get there eventually.

Just live you life son, that's all you can do.

I always notice theorists and truthers give information, but offer no solution. 99% of things are biased. I would take everything with a grain of salt, especially if you don't know or lack experience.

There is only one solution

and I think you know what it is

>Americans are retarded bullies.
Somehow not surprising at all

A final solution!

Gas the kikes, race war now!

What do you mean by Vipassana? From what I understand, Vipassana is about insight. But what is the mechanism/steps to follow it.=?

The problem is there isn't something that could be salty, there are just main problems i listed, every topic has some fanatic, if it is with god, meditation, islam, feminism.

Everyone that lives their whole life around that, like feminism, really believes it.

The problem is that every human, can be 100% certain that his view of the world is right.

It's the same with us, we think to 100% that hitler was right.

There are just too much options, we have to choose to not get mad, one of the most popular, in this case, liberalism, marxism, nationalism.

I know meditation, i did it.

But i was too scared of the outcome.

It shut down everything i thought i was, i was just nothing, and it scared me.

I think i am addicted to thinking, addicted to be something, to be an nazi, to be this and that.

This is what makes me mad, every human has so much possibilities. But most of us just stand for one out of millions.

Maybe i am just to simple minded to get all these madness, maybe just someone with an big and mighty mind can ever understand why there is so much difference and how it's caused, and why we wan't to be special.

You're halfway to enlightenment.
The next step is to sit back and watch it all burn.

I learned this without a psylocybin trip


Kill yourself you retarded defeatist leaf nigger, we're here to gather, share information and plan our reconquista.

>every human has so much possibilities. But most of us just stand for one out of millions.

You're young and still naive. Probably, 20-25. Once you get older, you will depressed of how little possibilities you have, how little influence and power you have, or you will be depressed that you are stuck in your situation, with your job, your family, your kids. That you wish you could start it all over again.


Wait, an actual good post by a canuck, nice.

Vipassana is one technic of meditation, one of the oldest and probably the one used by budda
Basically you try to concentrate very hard on one thing - breathing, the air coming in and out from your nostrils. You try to slow time and capture a single moment, the goal is to achieve perfect concentration on this one thing.
read about it

>posting a third rate philosopher

Afterphilosophie. Hegelei. Protomarxist.


>there is only one reading of hegel

snapchat and all other social media apps like Instagram hoards data on facial recognition when that technology becomes a norm for surveillance. The different angles of the user helps determine the person overtime. further more, combined with the browsing history and location, anyone can be found easily.

So we dont need guns when most or all people have a smartphone and decide to rob or kill someone, that can be prevented using algorythims and facial recognition to determine when an event is imminent.
Think of it as a beginning of a philip k dick novelty.
these thing are very very real.

further more.

the building of a wall to border mexico will not be designed to keep mexicans out, but to keep you in. so when shit really hits the fan, you wont be able to escape.

>How, how tell me, how the fuck don't you get fucking mad about all this stuff?
By coming to the simple conclusion that we will win, one way or another.
On the one hand, we might get our way directly. Brexit will happen, Trump will MAGA, nationalism will rise again and the globalists will fall. Obviously, this is a good thing.
On the other hand, suppose the opposite happens. The EU cements its power, Trump loses, etc. etc. What happens then? When the agenda reaches it's logical conclusion and the west becomes Islamified, who do you think will suffer most, the armed hard-working traditionalists with strong family values, or the blue-haired deviants who can neither defend themselves nor adequately follow Shariah law? If the worst comes to the worst, we'll do with Islam what we did with Christianity, and make it our own. There's no outcome that doesn't work out in favour of the right, because right wing ideas are inherently attuned to the nature of reality in a way leftists can never be.

Fuck off, shill

>By coming to the simple conclusion that we will win
oh, user. so young, so naive

>letting a dumb machine tell you what you are
>you die for getting dust in your eye
You dumb burger. The firm trying to shill the tech even admits that there's a 20% margin of error.

i feel you fàm
i think i might, that or killing myself

You're just projecting your own failures onto others. Maybe you need to accept that some people exel and others fail. It's the law of the jungle.

Don't do it. Meditation is mere self delusion.

get a hobby or find a field you can compete in

when the world outside is too much focus on your world inside, meaning your body

take the iron pill.

leave the world behind and become the beacon to lead others to the lght

It's pretty effective desu

hey syrup nigger,
they have software that can determine what type of blood infection you have better than doctors. The reason why its not utilized is because there is a medication that is just a general cure all.
20% error means 0% in the next iteration.

I don't mean possibilities for jobs etc, i mean those which reflect your thinking about the current situation in this world.

>Poss. 1 Being a Feminist
>Poss 2. Being gay, transgender
>Poss 3 Being a Sup Forumsack

etc etc etc

>tfw it made my life worse

it works fine if you're able to let go. not everyone can do that and need to refocus their connection to the world

Just the opposite. I passed through the fatalism stage some time ago. It may not happen in our lifetimes, or even those of our children, but it's coming just the same. There is no possible scenario in which leftism can sustain itself. It will be destroyed either by traditional right wing ideologies, or by the exotic ones it imports and coddles. Either one can very easily become co-opted by the white man. Ave Europa.

>be Kikegaard
>never have to work a day in your live and could get comfy
>make up a bazillion reasons to be desperate and a fucking dickhead nonetheless


there's different kinds of meditation

There's always Canada

different avenues to the same terrifying conclusion

Make sure that when you meditate, you don't expect anything to happen magically. Think of it as time for your mind to rest, not a magic cure.

I was expecting EXACTLY this kind of reply. Your predictability becomes boring af.

I'm sorry, are you comparing facial recognition algorithms, which can range from anything between machine learning to logic systems or a combination of many other models- on top of having to crunch TB of data on the fly against whatever correction method it could use... and a specific expert system loaded with all known blood infections and chemistry?

That's like comparing a combustion engine to a powerful gust of wind. Both move things, but they don't move things in the same fashion.

You don't even understand what it means when your finest piece of work has a 20% margin of error. 20% could mean 40% in the next promotional "update".

What if magical shit does happen? How do I make it go away?

If it happens, you win.

They complicate everything instead of simplifying it. We know that simple is more efficient.

There is no boundaries to how complicated you can make something and that's why you see 30 or 60 genders recognized by a government.
If you go down this road of endless arguments there is nothing but madness. We must draw a line and I think that we went far beyond where rational thinking would place one.

captain kek knew the stages to real enlightenment

>step one, humans think nothings there

>step two, humans realise there is god but just live with thinking about them

>step three humans know they are part of god and try to reach him but can't

>step four humans accept themselves as part of this universe and live like god told them to

>step five the crossing of the mind(destroying the mind) is needed to get to god, to get what he is and to live like an enlightennend being, being one with god and everything.

cholernie dobrze powiedziane!

Meditation isn't magic. Any weird shit that happens is the product of your own psyche, so you go see a shrink. Forget all the mystic bullshit about "transcending the physical" or whatever, it's purely about managing your own mental state.

>Meditation isn't magic
No shit, but that still doesn't mean a shrink can help me. Meditation has fucked my shit up.
What do I do senpai?

I have a theory that this is all the symptom of a collapsing and decadent society. Rhetoric is getting so crazy because the world is going to shit at the same time as an overton window shift. The definition of "polite society" and appropriate discourse is shifting away from political correctness. Our cultural norms are literally in upheaval making for a chaotic conversation. Combing cultural choas with all the pressing issues on the world right now we can definitely say that we are at least living in an interesting time in history.

Considering that while overton window shifts with cultural and political chaos, and failing economies have happened before this is the first time that humanity is using the internet to deal with all the disorder.

Then why haven't you "destroyed your mind" yet and live like an enlightened human bean and one with...God?

That's propaganda from the stupid that not thinking is meditative

how the fuck would you know, Nanaimo bar eating fuck? you could have the fucking budget of the US military in drug money if it meant that you can keep everybody on tab.
did you see my flag? did you see the fucking stars and stripes? I aint no circus tent, you pseudo french bread shit. Im the goddamn united states. I have the real bacon.

If you want profound (you's) then I'd advise you to think of something more profound than "I am old and disappointed with life I wish I could go back and change it, also to all young people don't expect anything good of this world, it's all unfair and rigged". You're literally a meme, now just kill yourself.


>Weep not for this world
t. Jesus

hi Stephan

No. I think, I'd rather give you the honor of killing you. Law of the jungle as you said.


Silence your mind and find inner peace. Meditation is almost necessary if you want to fully accept the red pill.

You have the real autism, son. You're a disgrace to the men and women who are actually worth a damn to the stars and stripes. Don't speak for those who actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

I too feel like this is all too much

Nigger I'm ecstatic. I'm absolutely brimming with excitement and joy. After all these years, after all the toiling, all the battles fought, all leading up to this. It's turning out to have been all worth it, the people are surely and with an ever increasing pace, finally waking up.

As for you yourself? I would recommend resetting, and starting over beginning with Hermeticism. Read the Kybalion, if it doesn't make things clear for you and only confuses you, then give up because enlightenment was never for you.

I’ll tell you what makes me angry. Tire ads.”
“Tire ads?”
”Like I’ll see an ad in the paper:
‘Tire Blowout!’
And it’ll say”
“, ‘Name-brand tires from nineteen-ninety-five!”’
So I get eighty dollars together and go in there,
maybe a few extra bucks for tax.”
But when I arrive, they start talking about balancing,
disposal fees,
and just like that we’re over a hundred and fifty.”
But the best part is I can’t even get the nineteen-dollar tires.
”“‘Oh, no, I won’t let you buy those.
They don’t last at all if you do any regular driving.’
”“And if you really stand firm and demand to see the ones from the ad,
they bring out these little lawn mower tires.
And you say, ”“‘what is this, a joke?’
And they say, ‘See?’
So now I’m into the twenty-nine-dollar tires,
‘which had those terrible Road & Track tests
where the treads separated and crash dummies were ejected all over the place”.
“’ So we move up to the thirty-nine-dollar jobs,
but they’re no good either.
”“They don’t channel water or something when it rains
and go sliding into gas pumps. Of course you don’t want that,”
“ so you move up again, and again,
and by the time it’s all over,
you’re driving away on five hundred dollars of new rubber,
”scratching your head and thinking,
‘now how in the fuck did that just happen?’”“

I use it.

I vouch for it

“Phone companies that say they’ll show up between one and five,
subcontractors who don’t show up at all,
drivers who stop side by side in the road to chat,
a pop group’s third farewell tour,
those smug young professionals and their chardonnay,
the quiet voice of golf announcers,
Orkin bug sprayer uniforms with military epaulets on the shoulders,
asshole popular kids in high school now making a fortune in GAP ads,
the whole El Niño thing ...”
gated communities,
canned laughter,
Members Only jackets,
little Napoleons on school boards,
the inexorable drumbeat of genocidal horror throughout human history,
the final episode of Seinfeld,
that I can’t get my head around why water expands when it freezes,
struggling to get a pizza box into the trash,
remembering to set the clocks back,
right lane must turn right,
‘MasterCard -- It’s everywhere you want to be’
Bankers’ hours,
sellers’ markets,
horned dilemmas,
vicious circles,
conspicuous consumption,
hidden costs,
private clubs,
public opinion,
live callers,
the death of courtesy,
new spelling like 'lite' and 'thru,
' old spellings like 'shoppe' and 'olde,
' celebrity breakups,
celebrity breakdowns,
celebrity TV chefs,
conservatives in general,
liberals in particular,
youth-oriented beer commercials that extol the social advantages of being drunk and stupid,
lawsuits by rejects who can’t perform simple tasks like drink coffee without putting themselves in the fucking emergency room,
the daily double-wide news item on the fatal stabbing over the last drumstick in the bottom of the KFC bucket,
ads for hopelessly lame cars that use high-energy rock songs and quick-cut photography so you can’t get a very good look at the vehicle,
the ’72 Olympic basketball final,
the colorization of The Maltese Falcon,
the tags in the backs of my T-shirts,
the seams across the toes of my socks,
‘Would you like to take our survey?,

You need an ego death.

advertising nearly drove me insane. I now literally turn the volume off when they come around, when i have to watch the EJ

holy fuck, some one that actually talks sense. I fucking hate the stereotype for meditation

>Tell brother and sister in law that I meditate from time to time as it helps clear my mind / conscious
>"Omg user... So you sit there with youtube or something that talks about closing your eyes and listen to the sounds of the ocean inside your heart and clear it of all evil and wrongs?! Thats so pathetic!"
>Wut. No, I lay down and relax my body and clear my mind and try to find the paths of my emotions and realize what triggers them. They usually lead to learning more about yourself. I also practice mindfulness during the day to keep myself focused on my thoughts.
>"LOL user, I do that all the time, its called being alive and having a brain! LOL!"

Now when I talk to people about my hobbies I try not to bring up meditation / or at least tell them with the disclaimer its not some "New age spirituality" bullshit. Only in america will people call you gay for trying to better yourself.