'I'm gay and Muslim - Orlando shooter doesn't reflect my faith'

What the fuck am I reading


They exist, in the west of course.
Not in Pakistan, Iran or Saudi Arabia though.

Congratulations you have successfully been integrated into western society.

>calls himself muslim
nigger you dont represent your faith

Why are you shocked by this?

This is no different to someone like my mother (who claims to be Greek-Orthodox) going to see fortune tellers.

When it's clearly stated that fortune telling anything of that nature is work of the devil. She does this, while at the same time getting pissed off if you make fun of her religion.

She even hides the fact she goes to see these people from her elderly parents, and yet still acts like a hardcore Greek-Orthodox.

99% of religion people are like this, the other 1% are extremist.

this make as much sense as the gay catholics groups i see

Basically what I am trying to say is that 99% of people who are religious aren't actually dedicated enough to the religion.

Shit, from what I've heard so far, the vast majority of people who have left Australia to join ISIS, have all been ex-criminals, fraudsters, druggies, etc. If only the ISIS people they were with knew about their past.

"I'm gay and Muslim."

These people are demented, I am convinced they are mentally ill.

Why the fuck would choose an ideology that wants you dead?

pew poll results on muslim sentiment on gays.


It's usually more tolerant in the west and horrible everywhere else except Turkey.

>look at link
>dies laughing

great point

i still maintain hope that a large group of these people can be civilized

they are mostly coerced into staying in their religion, due to the oppressive nature of their society

plenty of them would escape if they had the opportunity

Don't hate the Jizzlamic state

If he were doxxed, his "moderate" friends would do the rest

is it me or was that literally jibberish?


CNN has this news story going and they are interviewing the shooter's girlfriend and she is implying that the guy might have been a closet homo.


A Canadian crossed the border just to shitpost this.




Oh they don't care about their past.
All the ex-criminals and druggies you mentioned join ISIS because they believe that by joining the cause they will be forgiven and granted heaven.
All ISIS cares about is getting dumbfucks to work for them.

notice how no LGBT-tolerant muslim ever quotes their scripture for support

while you're at it, notice how no muslim ever quotes scripture condemning suicide bombings

they simply want to integrate into western society, and (ideally in comfort) establish their numbers... then you'll hear more Islamic scripture :^)

i guess, makes sense

I'm gay and nearly all of the gay people I know are religious, some are muslim as well. It just baffles my mind. It's even worse when they try and convert you.
As said though, generally religious people are a bunch of hypocrites. It seems like people mainly just use it for the social aspects and have no problem ignoring the majority of the writings. It's kind of like how quite a few jews still eat pork and such but just play it off like a joke, but they'll still follow the no-pork rule in large gatherings of family or other jews.
A lot of religious people tend to get "split personalities" like that and they'll abide by and disregard their religious values in wildly varying ways depending on who they are around. At least that's my experience with everyone I know that's religious. It's quite lulzy actually because it's like watching a crowd of bipolar people lol

>a faggot giving advice on religion.
kill you're self

I don't believe anywhere in my post did it contain advice on how to do anything

Checked, mon.

At least they aren't naked in the street like this leaf faggot