
Millennial Woes goes full SJW, attacks the Alt Right as Neo Nazis and "Supremacists"

He's finally cracked, lads

>inb4 adam wallace

Other urls found in this thread:

The video where he first showed signs of breakdown

Adam Wallace... Keepin' us in the Evolian playpen....

gf turned him into a cuck

Adam Wallace is a fucking faggot and Woes is trusting in him like a fucking prophet.

I'm stumped

Don't give this disgusting sweaty Scottish faggot NEET any views

God I hate him so much, he's a fucking traitor

Well he is a jew, so it's not a big surprise.

Little manlet couldn't handle the redpill anymore. He had to go back. Pretty sad desu.

He fell in love with a trap.

No he's not.

I still can't believe he called Jared Taylor a fucking bigot. Like what the fuck


I've wondered why he associated himself with the alt-right in the first place.

All it does is create a pressure to live up to the expectations of that group identity, which causes a chimp out every time he's questioned anything in the past.

He is a washed up old faggot who thinks he's an intellectual and in love with his own edgy nonconformist ideas. Got over 10k subscribers and now this internet diva is now shitting on the alt right. Don't give this faggot his narcissistic supply. Forget he ever happened


fuck him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know this guy and I haven't watched his whole video, but I must agree with his point that reducing alternative thought to race and the (true) realization that whiteness is under attack is not sufficient.

Western history, European history, British, French, even American history did NOT begin in the 1960's. The anglophone alternative thought sphere seems too monomaniacal about race and fails to apprehend how race (or Islam) is a TOOL used by certain groups to conquer and divide, to impose Hegelian dialectic, to hide the TRUE enemy...

Alt-right is full of cucks, gays and subversives anyway

Who cares.

This. It's disgusting me.

no, idiots

shut fuk

nobody likes the fucking alt right because they are all gay basement dwellers


But he's right. Aurini and Adam as well. The Alt-Right was infiltrated by 1488ers.

On top of which, are retards with no strategy. Remember when #Istandwithhatespeech started trending over brexit? Rather than gathering normies to our side, the retards started spamming Pro Nazi (who are seen as the ultimate devils to normies) and giving lefties ammo, which only gets the normies to their side. There is no tactics, just running up and smacking someone in the face with a shovel that has WHITE GENOCIDE engraved on it.


The alt-right has failed, only neoreaction can save us now!


You wouldnt happen to have the video to this? I have to hear what those crazy eyes sound like.

You think him and Adam Wallace are fucking?

When the Orangutangs starts throwing bananas, Dom Bertrand will make Brazil great again.

Pinochet will save us.

No sorry,

I just think we have to basically make a joke out of the 14/88 and not be directly connected to them. I mean they're stupid and they repel normie potential supporters.

We always used to make jokes about how much stormfags suck on Sup Forums, but now even Sup Forums will diss you for that.

Fuck this shit man. We have to say fuck the 14/88. Don't act like they're a menace, but make a joke out of them. We don't have to accept them if we don't want to.


NRx was irrelevant years ago. And they're all fucking Jewish.

The alt-right was always going to fail because it was birthed by fucking Sup Forums and weaboo NEETs.

Its like /r9k/ tried to start a political movement. The alt-right is literally /r9k/ nationalism.

Yall niggas need to read SIEGE and prepare to suffer if you're real about this shit. .which you aren't.

what was the cuck character in the matrix called? the one who went back

Neo-reactionaries are nihilistic faggots who LARP as monarchists. They know they can't win anything. It's all fucking cancer.

The Alt- right is Sup Forums. YouTube D list celebrities are there to entertain us and regurgitate may mays. We are like the republican base. If the party does something we don't like we shut it down. Millenial Woes and Wallace are like Bill Kristol right now.

The important people on the right wing never say they are Alt-Right, like Trump Ann Coulter, David Duke, Pegida, etc.

>NRx was irrelevant years ago. And they're all fucking Jewish.

While the alt-right were trolling cuckservatives on Twitter, neoreactionaries built wesearchr and Urbit.

There's a pretty cringey element to a lot of people who identify with the alt-right. I know this from joining various skype groups and google hangout sessions. You have people who have a very narrow world-view and uncritically believe in everything that supports it. Sort of like inverted SJWs.

Woes is fine but I unsubscribed when he failed to deliver on the Rotherham videos "over 9000 recorded, and 9000 more to come" and not wanting to listen to 6 hour autistic hangout sessions instead of the videos he actually accels at making.

Hits the nail on the head.

poor bate

>Its like /r9k/ tried to start a political movement

"beta uprising"

Nah the alt-right is alive and well.

People like Gavin McInnes and Nero is proof of that


now i'm curious, what was the joke hes crying about?

>they repel normie potential supporters.

What good are normie supporters? Seriously. What are they going to do?

>We always used to make jokes about how much stormfags suck on Sup Forums, but now even Sup Forums will diss you for that.

How fucking new are you? This place used to be /natsoc/ before the exodus to that . .other site.

Really, what is mass outreach when official political channels are welded shut to people like us?


Yeah, two people who actually put things in their ass. What a movement.

>What good are normie supporters? Seriously. What are they going to do?
What the fuck good are edgy basement natsocs?

I'm being serious. Why are they good? They repel people with influence. We're lucky that our leaders are more normie friendly.

Why haven't you donated to his Paetron yet, user?

Gavin is great.

Basically every show he talks about the superiority of whites and western culture and about black rape culture etc etc

he is truly alt-right

yes he is a recovering degenerate though

Is it votes you're after? Political candidates with your views? Winning elections?

That is impossible in the U.S. So people who's involvement is going to stop at punching a card at a polling station are fucking useless.

No, he puts sex toys in his ass on live TV.

I want to break the bullshit standard that Whitey isn't allowed to defend his interests or culture. That's what I want.

Not saying all shitposters should stop, but we need MW-tier shit, too.

This ain't about elections, this is about winning Whites to our cause and making them defend themselves. How do NS memes help?

Seriously, help me out man.

He's right though, the alt-right is full of degenerate low iq stormfags.

>this one time this one thing

fuck off

Yeah he is right about that, but he is still acting like a cuck who seems to think that PR will help us.

The left-liberal establishment will hate us no matter what we do or say.

fuck stormfags

Specifically esoteric lovecraftian libetarian techno-commercial accelerationist singulatarianism. Trump is a demotist and part of the Cathedral and will sell you all out and ruin the right. The only real option is to sit around and fap to your technocratic absolute monarchy run by AIs and post about it on your blog.

Fascists eternally btfo

I'm talking about action, nigga. Not memes. Actual ground work. You know, going outside. That's why your internet /r9k/ nationalism is fucking irrelevant.

Normies are useless lemmings. They don't care about any of this shit. They will go along to get along through anything.

Not true at all,

There are plenty of normal people who would side with us but are afraid to. Respectability isn't a made up thing, idiot.


you left your proxy on, canada

The division within the Alt-Right and Sup Forums is between faggots who un-ironically think that we are in Kali Yuga, in le merchant, in the David Duke Daily Stormer tier conspiracies and really think that the white race is gonna get genocided any minute now. These are the fags that think this is a movement and that this movement must be more presentable while they themselves will never leave the basement.

The other group are edgy liberals and moderates IRL who like the modern world for the most part but do this because its funny or to trigger regressive and SJW's.

MW sure has fallen. What is this retard on about? I just watched it all and all I can say is: there was no substance, just gibberish.

Could someone briefly explain this Adam Wallace thing please?

He's a tranny degen.

The pendulum is swinging to the right at this point, and natsocs are fucking useless dead weight that hurt any chance of getting traditionalist and conservative views accepted by the mainstream.


I hope you can see this people

fuckin sad

>The pendulum is swinging to the right at this point


You people actually believe this. The alt-right is just as leftist as the left itself.

Traditionalism is dead and done. Only a crisis can get it back.

So basically you still want this to be about race but leave the Jews out of it?

What's up with that picture, Bjorn? I'm honestly just curious...

There are facts to support racialism when it comes to Islam and African Americans. A set of dangerous religious beliefs, a history of terrorist activity, crime statistics.

Anti-semitism is just emotional deflection and is more harmful than true.

Well, as long as he pumps out some white children in the years to come, he would be doing a very fundamental thing for the white race

You're still a nazi if you bring race into this. Sorry. The mainstream will not accept racial narratives if they are pro white. You need to cuck harder. Eliminate the racial narrative entirely

Requesting that pic comparing Manlet Wews height with a gatepost.

how tall is he?

fuckin short

Anti-semitism is a perfectly valid part of one's worldview when you consider the heavy involvement in every form of radical leftism of that group over the past more than a century and their behavior now. If you remove die ewigen Juden then a whole lot of our problems go away and they remaining ones would become manageable. Nrx are the ones being stubborn here and refusing to integrate certain data points into their narrative.


The only NRX personality I like is based Rachel Haywire at least she's honest about being a massive fucking edgelord

Yes of course, if we get rid of the Jewish Slave Driving Devil element of our religion we'll all be Uncle Cucks. No one can possibly believe blacks are more violent and illegal immigration is bad for the country without also accepting that the Jews literally run the worlds.

Truly now I have become woke, I got my mind together and I'm gonna accept all my problems are Jews.

Being a White Nationalist sure is enlightening and nuanced.

reminder not all WN are stormfags

>He's still in denial about jews and their lies

Entry level redpill desu lad

This homo said he was the "voice of the alt-right" then he said

well, maybe not THE voice, but certainly one of its most important figures

this faggot has like 9k subscribers and got them all after a vid of his whining about how he was a unemployed virgin on youtube got posted to reddit

>Why you think all the Liquor and gun stores is in Black Neighborhoodz- To keep our people drunk and shooting one anothers.
>Who you think abortionz be offin' - the little brothaz and sistaz.
>I mean a white man invented AIDs in a laboratory and set that shit loose on Niggaz.
>They even done lied about our proud African roots, they stole it and passed it off as they own so we wouldn't know they wuz parasites the whole time.

That is how you people sound. No facts, no statistics just a bunch of statements that sound good if you believe in them implicitly.