Food and service is ALWAYS phenomenal

>food and service is ALWAYS phenomenal
>only patrons I ever see are polite, courteous individuals
>very family friendly
>qt 3.14 staff

Why aren't they Sup Forums's restaurant of choice?


I eat here twice a week

but they are


Hold on, didn't it used to be spelled 'Chic-fil-a'?

They are though.

It's a meme image.

I only eat vegetables and hemp

I love chickfila. It's about the only fast food I'll eat since niggers don't touch my food at chickfila. The only downside is it's always busy but the new app should help that

No it's actually called Chick-fil-A, look it up

Stop. I had three gin and tonics and now I want chick fil a

They are.
Unfortunately, this thread doesn't belong on Sup Forums.
Go fuck yourself.

I'm eating it right now.

Jesus, their chic-fil-a sauce is heavenly

>ceo hates doesn't support lgbt rights
Please fuck off homophobic asshole, I don't TN want to half to deal with this thread after what happened yesterday.

Everyone thinks it was Chic-Fil-A

You forgot the
>Christian ideals and the owner formally condemning gay marriage

I applied there today. They're building one by my house so I hope that I can get it.

Only reason I don't go more often is that I have to drive 20 minutes to get there, OP.

It's amazing, they put the nearest one on the edge of Milwaukee where it's nigger central, 3/4 of patrons are black from the shittiest parts, and THEY ARE ALL WELL-BEHAVED AT CHICK-FIL-A. Seriously, it's some pied piper shit going on, they will completely give up all violent tendencies in order to ensure that they're able to get their chicken without any problem.

Maybe if we put more of these in some of the worst ghettos, we'd be able to undo the terribleness of niggers one sandwich at a time.

How does Sup Forums get stuff without paying the jew?

Overrated. Food sucks.

They're easily my fast food of choice

They are my restaurant of choice, I usually pack a lunch to work and try not to eat fast food but still eat here about twice a month. It's right across the street from my work and the only bad thing I have to say is that this particular location is a "limited" one (think mall food court) so they don't serve the full menu. Otherwise they are just as OP describes.

I eat there about once a week.
Its one of the healthiest fast food places too, with lots of grilled options, fruit and veggie sides, and low-cal drinks.

no chic fil a within 70 miles...

I'm pro-gay rights but believe a company should be free to have whatever stance on the issue it wishes. They're a food service company and should be judged based on the qualify of their food and service.

Because I kept procrastinating and treating election nights and Trump debates like sporting events and drinking too much booze and now its about to be 100 degrees and my cut is all fucked up

I dont really like chicken but their staff is nice I guess they have higher standards than McDicks

this desu Burger King is pro homo sex but I dont eat their because the food sucks ass

Because they serve good food, are polite and God-fearing, trigger liberals and LGBT, and don't hire ghetto niggers.

One being built in my town. Can't wait to see the look on merchant's face when I'm biting into my 440 calories of traditional family values and freedom :)

>Mandela effect

Ate this 5 times on a holiday to the US a couple of months ago. God hates fags and loves chicken. I really hope they make some in the UK but the whole "have to be a christian to own a franchise" thing might make it impossible in the caliphate.

why is everyone at chicfila extra nice? it's crazy, compared to every other fast food joint

>implying they aren't

But it is my restaurant of choice. Waffle fries all day, erry day, except for the lord's day.

>showing how a redpilled resturant with good values is great

This is on topic. You need to go fuck yourself

The managers put up with no bullshit and it's obvious. Do they pay them more or something, too? I mean, you can go to a Chick-Fil-A and everyone there will be nice, polite, and quick. Even the black people working there talk like they're white. It's like another dimension.

Then you go right down the street to a Burger King. The service is slow, the fries are cold, and you're greeted by some smelly stoner or sheboon.

I don't even bother with fast food besides Chick-Fil_A now.

Honestly don't care if they are very nice and polite (I'm used to be abused at eateries) but their sandwiches just plain suck vs say the deluxe macdonalds line on a potato bread (not to mention better joints)

>food and service is always phenomenal

Maybe where you live, girl was a shithead last time I went there, hope she gets fired by the next time.

Foods pretty shitty sometimes too.

Delicious as fuck, and based as hell. My order is always taken by smiling, polite people who don't sound like they have a sub-40 IQ. Chick fil A rules.

I have one that's a block from me and half way to my parish.
I go there often.

t b h, i dont like chick fil a, tastes like shit to me f a m. i can see why its good but overrated

Whenever I go there I say "Thank you" as many times as I possibly can. Making them say "my pleasure" over and over is pretty amusing. My favorite fast food place for sure.

Yes, back about the time Mandela died in prison.

>Even the black people working there talk like they're white.

They don't hire ghetto blacks.

there is almost always a line in the drive through around the building. i dont got time for that every day

>Why aren't they Sup Forums's restaurant of choice?+ 0 post omitted.
Because the only American chains here are McDonald's, Burger King and Starbucks.

I have a job interview tomorrow at a chick fil a. wish me luck Sup Forums

I want them here. Unfortunately our
PM would ban them.

We don't have one here. When I went out of state and mentioned that I never had it before this dude just gave me a blank stare in silence for like 30 solid seconds.

Is it really THAT good?

lmao, I always cringe when they reply with that

The food is pretty unhealthy, actually. They're all right though. Ate there when I was a cop because they give a nice discount to LE and are polite and friendly.

exactly. They are definitely the only good fast-ish food. Plus conservative owned, what's not to like? Support them.

All the Chik-fil-A's in my area only employ white girls, it's freaky.

It's not amazing. But it's better than most fast food with 100 times better service. It's one of those things where you don't go out of your way to get it, but you're glad there's one in your town.

About half of the employees in my area are gay

Before I moved to the south, I had never had a chicken biscuit. I buy one almost every morning now. It's something so simple, yet absolutely wonderful.

I eat there if I have a choice for fast food, but I don't make a habit of it.
Shit's good, but still makes you fat.

I just had a sandwitch there three minutes ago

$3 for a delicious breaded chicken sandwhich fried in peanut oil is not bad.

This, I also seem to see a lot of gays working at them, even though the owner of the company has been described as a homophobic bigot. It's funny. I'm actually completely for gay marriage, but I'm even more against how viciously attacked he was for just stating his opinion, with the mayor of New York even threatening to kick him out. Which of course, he couldn't even do. Empty fucking pussy threats.

For that reason, and the much better service, I support the place.

i'm vegetarian but i'd order some fries from chick-fil-a if it involves reddit getting booty blasted

There's no Chick-Fil-A's in Canada, nice try cuck.

>be me 2 yrs ago
>be a real hood nigga, muh dick and all that shit that Sup Forums rages about
>go in chickfila in white suberbia gilbert arizona
>white milf heaven
>short redhead white mom with a thick butt starts talking to me cuz she complimented me for being black
>we text a bit
>she tells me shes real mad at her husband cuz first world problems lmao
>meet up discreetly at a park
>fuck some dubass white boys wife and nut all in it in the back of her kia optima
>has to move 2 carseats out of the way to make room to get fucked lol
>a month later
>she texted me she pregnant
>change my number
>my fucking face when

You can get a full 5 part meal (with infinite refills if you dine in) at BK for one more dollar. I hate BK's service comparatively and the food is cold sometimes but it fills a poor man like me up enough to get through the day. A single CFA sandwich is fantastic but I will be hungry within the next hour.

a true brotha

Good, but I'm always hungry again within the hour of finishing. Not very filling

There's only one sort of near me so it's not real convenient to get there.

It's also packed every time I drive by so I haven't actually tried it.

>sucks for vegans

What did this redditor meant?

good job Jamal



They seem to only recruit the hottest high school honeys in town.

because their food is fucking disgusting and it's terrible for you

The peanut oil they fry in is distinctive but it's a bit murky if you ask me.

I had chicken minis this very morning.

Ever considered not being an obese monstrosity?

>What did this redditor meant?

How can you tell someone is a vegan?

I'm actually extremely thin, to the point where I wear long sleeves all the time to hide my fucking toothpick arms.

They are glorious. And the teenage staffers always give me a secret boner under the table.

Fag detected

Bad for you, and its like fucking 20 minutes from here.

They really are top tier. And they hate homos which is a huge plus.

We had one open here a few months back but it's so packed all the time good luck getting in.

Because it's fast food you southern trash

chic fil a is the best but i rarely eat there cus they dont have a dollar menu. bk, wendys, taco bell dollar menu>