Why is Canada so bad Sup Forums?

Why is Canada so bad Sup Forums?
You guys make fun of us alot.

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The same reason people make fun of America. Jealousy and/or insecurity.

You eastern fucks elected a literal joke of a Prime Minister for le weed and muh post secondary loans.

but Canada doesn't have freedom, therefore no mass shooting

It doesn't help that our Prime Minister is a professional cuck.

>If you kill your enemies, they win

Tightly regulated gun laws?

So what we just keep getting cucked until Sup Forums gets tired of us and throws us away?

You do not deserve to be on Sup Forums if you voted for Cuckdeau. As an American, I find it highly appalling you would vote in such an idiot.

Right, because he's so much worse than this guy

A little cuck known as JUSTin Trudeau
>makes apologies to migrants that are dead now
>lets Alberta burn to the ground
>Raises fag flag at parliament hill
>if you kill your enemies, they win
>went down in one little jab

You voted for both Bush and Obama twice, yet here you are.

I didn't vote for him although I do support three of his policy platforms:

1. Legalization of marijuana use
2. Not paying ransoms to terrorists
3. Re-introducing the long form census

Bush was awesome you pinko fuck faggot.

this thread is why.

So to reply against the whole "canada had 7 mass shootings in 20 years, us since monday," any canadabros able to help us out here? shirley there have been more than 7 instances of 3 murders, but i know not where to look. whats a couple major canadian news networks?


^ ^^ this nigga knows

#WOKEAF truer words have never been spoken

Justin Trudeau is a clustercuck. And we hate fucking hippy ragholes like that. Canada withdrew from the fight on ISIS. Grow a pair up there already.

They wouldn't say it to our faces big dog. They are just trying to make themselves feel better about their shit countries

>Bush was awesome

If an attack even 1/10 the magnitude of the Sept. 11 attacks happens under his watch, I wonder if you'll hold that against him.

We're allowed to make mistakes, but that one was a beauty, wasn't it?

>legalisation of marijuana
>agreeing with weed man xDDDDDD
Degenerate cuck.

Donald Trump isn't an idiot, guy has an IQ of over 180 and built a successful business that multiplied his millions into billions.

You can't be stupid if you have those attributes. What the fuck did Cuckdeau do with his fucking life, faggot?

I'm an old millenial, I didn't vote for Bush or Obama since I wasn't old enough and I certainly wouldn't have voted either of them if I was old enough to do it.

Hurray, the only sane Canadian. You can stay.

I don't think Canada is all that bad. I really like it here. I moved after Bernie didn't get the nomination.

> I'm an old millenial
> millennial
> Telling others to get off Sup Forums

my fucking sides

Hail to you, Bernie bro, Together, We shall make this country a Utopia!

You can start here: pcr-rcp.ca/en/

Canadian right wingers are actually fucking retarded.
This country doesn't breed smart conservatives. Most of them are out west and between having their shitty city burn down (shit was SO cash) and smoking crack they go on here because the guy/girl ratio is out of whack. Most based Canadians are out actually living. As for myself just like reading what these morons post.

Oh and for any Alberta faggots on here: enjoy your NDP government and wildfires you crack smoking fuck sticks.

spotted the torontonigger

this, fuck the prairies

And fucking you. Stop trying to make Maoism happen. At least subscribe to a half decent brand of socialism.

>use the drop bombs attack on muslims-in-afghanistan
>it had no effect....
You are bad pokemon trainers

I think it's rude for you to even compare Trump to Kushdeau. Really rude to Trump.


What would be a decent brand of Communism in your opinion? Leninism, Stalinism, Marxism Sanderism?

Sup Forums is a regressive white supremacist collection of ignorant racist degenerative white males that are full of angst and blame islam and coloured people because of the fact that they are going extinct due to lack of breeding. Sup Forums is the most blue-pilled place on the planet. I am trying to turn heads and save them

Fuck no I'd rather be dead.
East coast.
Go eat a bull testicle.

I don't agree with any of these