Honest question:
Has the Orlando shooting caused the general public to shift more rightwards or leftwards?
It seems there are far more people outside of Sup Forums claiming that the right is to blame for the shooting, even though the shooter was a Democratic Muslim.
Honest question:
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but mostly rightwards since it vindicates Trump.
Basially everyone right now is fucking insane.
If you're not an insane leftie then you're an insane rightie. And both of you are constantly kicking the shit out of each other.
Lefties think this is a vindication on their views on gun control and gay rights
Righties think this is a vindication on their views on islam and law and order
The sad thing is they're all right but no one is prepared to accept that each only has half of a solution.
1. Ban Muslim immigration
2. Deport Muslims already here
3. Ban the selling of assault rifles
4. Take assault rifles out of civilian hands
5. Improve positive portrayals of gays in the media
6. Better intelligence on terrorists
7. Increase the sweeping powers of domestic surveillance
8. More and better police with more and better training with more and better equipment esp: SWAT gear and training and faster response times.
Give it a few days to calm down. Gun sales will soar. Gays will apologize to Islam.
After the dust settles, the polls should be a decent indication.
Just move to North Korea if you're that afraid of personal liberty
Depends who talks to who first.
I luckily got to my close friends and relatives before left wing propaganda got to them. Told them it was Islam explicity telling them to kill gays. Told them 10 Islamic countries have a death sentence for being homosexual. They started leaning rightwards.
The others I didn't get to in time ingested left-wing propaganda. The first person to talk to them told them guns were to blame, not Islam. They started leaning leftwards.
Its about who gets the first word in. Nothing else matters.
Leftwards. Trump's numbers have been in free fall since yesterday.
Infringing on natural rights prrmanently alters our system of government and justifies violence. What you are suggesting is what our servicemen take an oath to stop.
Nice almost get, fucking shill. Kek isn't with you.
It's created a larger shift
I think there's less moderates now and people are more divided than they were before
I thought a large terror attack would rocket Trump into presidency but I'm not so sure anymore
It's shown that the Left believe Muslims are higher on the victim totem pole than the gays.
Worst terrorist attack since 9/11, targeting the "Oppressed" Gays? Slide it, Muslims are the REAL victims here!
If Trump were smart, he'd double down on his tolerance on LGB and get that 4% (and supporters) vote. The left has shown that they don't care, they just like being king of looking concerned for the "Oppressed", and not actually caring about them when faced with someone higher on the victim totem pole.
Proof? If this is true my faith in America just dropped with his poll numbers.
Lord KEK isn't pleased by your digits, you should repent
>It's shown that the Left believe Muslims are higher on the victim totem pole than the gays.
Leftists have already turned against the gays for "not being oppressed enough" in the hierarchy of victimhood.
The snake eats itself.
>gay rights
Nobody cares about gays anymore m8.
Had a coworker bring up wanting to restrict assault rifles to people. I commented maybe like an extensive background check to the level the police get? He said yeah, that would be good. I then redpilled him on he did get that check and was completely clean from his police level check. He then talked about the rymor of the priest spouting deaths to gays and thought it was fake. I told him there is actual video evidence of him saying this. He looked shocked to hear that.
Started out right. But as the facts come in its started to look more like a domestic terrorist hit against gays by a deranged man. To top if off he used to ar-15 meme gun. Unfortunately this is going to play down more like sandy hook than a terrorist attack.
Stopped at three. Think of how many girls might've been saved from Rotherham if there was one unafraid dad with a gun.
People have been pushed rightwards, the media has done what it always does. If you let them control the narrative in your own mind you've already lost
Redd's dead baby, Redd's dead
Spoken like someone who only sees our politics from the outside. There are many moderates who don't use social media the way young and politically active people do, and they are in no way like how you describe.
Unfortunately it's impossible to tell which way these people 'lean' at the moment however, or which way their views are shifting.
Logically speaking however, you have someone with a plan and someone who is saying lets keep doing what we've been doing. You tell me who you would be more partial to.
Stalin please go