Shooter was a gay man who was struggling with his sexuality. Ring a bell, you closet dwellers? Get help while you can
Sup Forums BTFO
Shooter was a gay man who was struggling with his sexuality. Ring a bell, you closet dwellers? Get help while you can
Sup Forums BTFO
He was both.
Maybe for once it wasn't anything to do with his religion.
Maybe he was just upset that nobody wanted to poz his neghole.
was probably just scoping out the area, looking for exits and memorizing the layout to plan his attack
he's still a muslim though idiot
It was a well planned attempt?
No, no, everyone who don't like fags is a closet gay.
is that why he signed up for Grindr (a gay dating app)?
Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this one.
Unless we find a journal of all the cocks he's sucked, I won't believe it.
Or he wanted to look inside the place and figure out the layout. Or had doubts about himself / his plan. Or gays are lying (again)
>visited pulse before shooting
>what is reconnaissance
They're going to try and trick people into thinking that he was a closet case and tie the narrative back to homophobia.
No the jews did that for him
I'm a black struggling with my white supremacy?
not according to several first hand accounts
and the fact he was on a gay dating app
Come on, think a little
How would someone know that? No credible news site has said anything about it so far.
Holy shit, the comments from my liberal friends
>society made him repressed so society was what caused him
I like how they can't fathom gay on gay violence lol
He went to Saidi Arabia. Came out as gay to his Imam. He told him the only way to be forgiven by Allah was to kill gay infidels. Not hard to see how this could have went down.
>believing liberal gays and giving them the benefit of the doubt
Freud is always right.
Also known as casing the joint before committing the crime you fucking retard.
Shills dumping the spin.
Okay. How does this change anything?
Just goes to show what a bunch of mental cases bumdrillers really are
>going to a gaybar for three years
Even if we assume this is true it's just more evidence he was radicalized. I'm going to go with the working theory that he was told by someone at his mosque that he had to carry out this attack to atone for his unnatural urges.
>posting a dead website
>people with differing ideologies can't be trusted
There were no gay bars closer than 150 miles to his home
Why cant he be both? Pedophilia and homosexuality are rampant in the Muslim world.
he doesn't fit your narrative, does he?
1) He drinks
2) He's divorced and struggling with depression
3) He's struggling to find himself
4) On anti-depressant medicine
It's a mental derangement issue, not a clash of cultures or religions.
Just like all the mass shooters that came before, like Adam Lanza
He was scoping the fucking area you retard. The reason he killed so many is because he knew the layout of the club from visiting it.
All the spree shooters who kill 20 plus meticulously plan out their attack like Brevik did.
We'll probably learn of his planning in the coming days.
So, why did he pledge allegiance to ISIS?
You guys will really go far to not mention how Islam is the real issue. You will hang.
You guys don't know that gay bars start rumours about literally everyone being gay, or having visited that particular bar before.
They're gossiping faggots, you're not hearing anything from a reliable source. You have been programmed with a Freudian bias and are inclined to believe that anything that is anti gay must be secretly gay.
Bluepilled dorks ITT
Gawker is nothing but clickbait you retard.
whose to say he wasnt just casing the place, examining it, mapping out the exits, potential hiding places, ect?
Even if he was on a gay dating app, more than likely it's a "know thy enemy" type of thing. He was doing his homework
This is it probably if he visited for pleasure. His Muslim ideology made him ashamed of himself and so he "cleansed" himself by killing 50 of them.
maybe he went there to trigger himself
kinda like why I go to Sup Forums
>gays & muslim
plague that need be wipe of this planet
>hey guys I'm a faggot too where do all of us hang out? Preferably in a tight enclosed space with as many people as possible.
Convenient excuse? I have no idea, he was mentally ill. How would I know what's going on in his mind?
the guy was a faggot no matter what.
>whoa whoa we don't know what his motivations are yet maybe he was having hard time with his personal finances or something
kill me
And him being on a gay dating app isn't a convenient excuse?
That's what faggots always say
this. it's always that
so what you are saying is that faggots are mentally ill?
Way to erase a proud Muslims identity. What's next? Claiming he was a white European christian the whole time?
kek... a gay muslim... who could've guessed?
You people will do all sorts of extreme mental gymnastics to not accept a muslim man that pledged himself to Isis did a horrible mass shooting.
Gayslim it is.
calling muslims who commit terror attacks fags certainly isn't about to provoke any more terror attacks, is it?
Yeah remember when the Paris attackers turned out to be heroin-injecting queers who went to a gay bar the day before the massacre? See! They're not muslims at all!
Except that was all made up bullshit to deflect blame from Islam.
Why are you here OP? Are you trying to tell us you are secretly a nazi?
So wow, looks like Trump was 100% wrong on this event.
1. Omar wasn't religious, he drank and attended gay bars with faggots for 3 years.
2. He wasn't connected with ISIS, he "pledged allegiance" to ISIS and Al-Nusra, two rival groups. He likely doesn't know much about either.
3. He hated gays, his coworkers said he was a homophobic racist
4. FBI confirms he was radicalized by AMERICAN right wing propaganda online.
This was pretty much a targeted hate massacre against gays. Literally nothing to do with terrorist or would have been prevented by any of Trump's policies, if anything Trump's popularity online and constant race baiting contributed to his radicalization.
Hes was a right wing domestic terrorist.
Normal person realizes they are gay = no big deal
Christian realizes they are gay = confusion and depression that can be worked through
Muslim realizes they are gay = time to kill as many fags as possible in an attempt to please Allah
Snek is still snek you reddit pussy.
Ummm are you retarded? Muslims fuck boys all the time. See Afghanistan and their dancing boys.
Sup Forums is a libertarian, pro Ron Paul board. Nice try, stormfag
>this much reaching
you should play bball family
Surely this only incriminates Islam even further.
Regular gays don't go out and murder 50 of their fellow homosexuals.
>literally nothing to do terrorist
>he was a terrorist
Made me ponder
Do you actually realize you're delusional or does this realization evade your conscious?
Nothing to do with Islamic terrorism / radical Islam
doing quite the mental gymnastics yourself.
I'd be able to oblige any theory that makes sense.
A New Yorker attacking a Florida gay bar because he has mental issues after suffering through a devastating divorce and finding his sexuality is a lot more palatable than trying to erect a Caliphate in Iraq & the Levant.
Nice try, teenager
[citation needed]
Fuck off shit breath
is stormfront down? that why you here?
stop being fucking logical, we're supposed to be crazy as shit - woop woop woop
Look at you suppressing your own feefees. Come out and say it faggot, you love nazis.
I called this immediately when I saw that gay ass selfie.
being gay and being muslim aren't mutually exclusive you mong
>how would I know what's going on his mind in an earlier post
>continues to assume he knew what was going in in his mind
you're a fucking liar, a shitty fucking cocksucking faggot liar, i don't mind gays but i hate faggots
your right, and since he was a registered Democrat we can further assume that he was actually a far left tranny terrorist who targeted gay people that weren't as gay as he was.
it's not gays, it's the fucking leftist propaganda machine; i gotta hand it to them they changed the fucking narrative and got their zombies back in line posthaste
did you actually read my post?
You idiots are so devoted to Trump you just take his gut feeling as more believable than what the actual facts play out to support.
Yes his homophobia had nothing to do with his religion.
>he wasn't religious
>what is taqiyya
You're fucking braindead.
Your post isn't a credible source
they're lying, it's FUD, fear uncertainty and doubt, the propaganda machines try to inject all kinds of craziness in order to instill uncertainty in the ignorant masses, unfortunately, it works really well.
Holy shit the leftist delusion is beyond comprehension
And... opinion discarded.
>yeah ok he swore allegiance to ISIS and all but he wasn't really muslim at all!
he killed the gays because his god told him to, he's a muslim and muslims are murderers; it's just that simple
We "stormfags" have been here for years, child. Do you call everyone with whom you disagree a Nazi? What is it like to be so stupid and indoctrinated?
I called this. The most violently homophobic people are always self hating gays. Add in Muslim bullshit on top of that and you end up with this scenario.
So then, what made him a self hating gay? You become gay one of three ways. One is reliving a trauma as a way to numb the pain. If this is the case, daddy gave him the pokey or made him give the sucky, he feels a need to keep doing this, but daddy also said gays are the devil because Allah said so. This is a reasonable theory.
The two other ways to make a gay are the absence of a loving father and the presence of an mother that creates a deep longing for male affection. These would be more like your Glee or Broadway gays. This could also make a self hating gay terrorist if he received enough pressure to hate these feelings inside himself, or perhaps even a triggering rejection by the local pole smoker.
Lastly, the third way to make a gay is to confine men without the access to women, such as in prison, to the point where they need to fuck a hole, any hole. This doesn't appear to be the case with this individual.
My bets are on the first one.
T. Ahmed
yeah, he was a faggot but he probably wasn't gay
that's a lie, it's propaganda, you're all a bunch of liars
>there has never been a homicidal homosexual Muslim
Goddamn you're dopey
I never said I believed it, now did I?
simple response, you're a fucking troll and a fucking liar, ignored
Assuming he used the app to target some homos. Apparently he didn't interact with them. He just sat by himself and got drunk, then yelled at them.
How to become homosexual
Dr. Cletus