Why do people become SJWs?
Nothing they do or say seems to have any bearing on reality. What's the attraction?
Why do people become SJWs?
Nothing they do or say seems to have any bearing on reality. What's the attraction?
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Enormous inferiority complexes and intense self hatred.
You could say the same about Sup Forums considering how much it insists others are not white.
Read Industrial Society and Its Future
to do good
You'll never understand them if you think this simplistic explanation holds any sway.
take religion away from people and they make their own
they are disenfranchised, they want power and control.
It's totally understandable, but they chose to be contrarian critiques rather than constructive members of society...
For minorities, it's simple. I'm oppressed, gibsmedat!
For Jews, it's also simple. They're the Alinskyite masterminds that will end up running the political party and having all the power.
For middle/upper class white liberals, it's pure narcissism. These are the fart-sniffing vegans that will do anything to take the righteous moral high ground because their own lives are so comfortable and full of nihilistic hedonism. Culturally, I'd also say it's an evolution of New England Puritanism.
They dont want responsibility for anything. They blame boomers and shit for not making the world perfect for them fast enough and when they get old they dont want to be blamed for making the planet even more shit so they play the victim and pretend they are busy fighting for rights while the majority of them enjoy sitting on ass.
projection thread?
same reason Sup Forumsacks become delusional right wingers.
>be white
>no personal accomplishments
>cling to the accomplishments of other great men before you
60 years of Ideological subversion and brainwashing kids in schools.
You can feel superior without the hassle of rational thought
if you can convince people to hate themselves they will pursue a reality that conforms to their self-loathing.
there is nothing normal about hating the self. they aren't real people.
What's that quote about politics being the irrational war of identities?
It makes sense for non-whites. If only white people understood this more though.
It's a mental deficiency
Peer pressure. I went to a folk college (unique thing to Sweden, I think) during the election year. We had a mock election to see how people would vote and it was something like 60% red, 20% green and 20% pink. I think blues got a measly 2%.
It was the biggest hugbox I've ever seen. For example, my incredibly buff friend who was a former industrial worker helped a girl to move her giant ass couch up a flight of stairs because she was moving to a different room and he made a joke "Let's show them how men do it". The girl he was helping started screeching like a banshee and called him a misoginyst.
I made friends with an absolutely based christian syrian refugee who had to leave Syria when he was 17 because of the forced conscription. He hated muslims more than anyone.
Unfounded guilt.
Maybe they just want to have uncensored, untainted fun, because, you know, there are not many outlets for men. No clubs, groups, fraternities, gangs, just social media and memes. It's not a solution but at least they get the kick to say things unapologetically, vent off frustration and be part of something.
>Why do people become SJWs?
I might be able to shed some light on that by explaining why I didn't become a SJW.
I realized a long time ago that I would rather stand on firm principles than avoid hurting people's feelings.
For example, I was adamantly opposed to a new constitutional amendment that would have prohibited burning the US flag. I realized that 1st amendment rights are more important that preventing people's feelings from being hurt if they happened to see a burning flag.
From that moment on, I realized that I was an uncaring, unfeeling asshole. But I knew that I sometimes needed to be an asshole in order to uphold my principles. Call it "necessary collateral damage".
Once I realized I was an asshole, then everything got so much simpler and clearer. All kinds of issues came along that were all the same: principles conflicting with people's feelings. Like for example the so-called "affirmative action" (which I'm against). I could list maybe 20 other issues like that, where I would prefer to adhere to a consistent principle rather than trying to make other people feel good.
So I'm guessing that SJWs care more about not hurting other people's feelings, and they're willing to cave in on principles in order to do it.
>i have loiek so much more tolerance thsn you because I'm liyk so much more educatded then you because lyke u csnt even shitlord
Well fuck
Leftists 1996:
''Save the Earth! I like trees.''
Leftists 2016>
''Please. your stigmatization of nonethnic-identifying transwomen is very problematic!!!!! can we please just have a post about non-gender freeganists that doesn't get co-opted by fucking binary-privileged people??????? I'M LITERALLY CRYING RIGHT NOW, YOU SMALLFAT-ELITIST MISOGYNIST!!!!!! ACCEPT THAT GENDER ENTITLEMENT KEEPS ME FROM HAVING ANY DAMN RIGHTS, YOU WHITE-PRIVILEGED SEXIST!!!!!!!! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR FUCKING AGEIST CISHET OPINION,just a friendly reminder: no one cares about your fucking MRA male opinion, you uterus-bearer-elitist ableist!!!!!!!! SCREW YOUR IGNORING OF OMNIETHNIC, INTERRACIAL & MULTISPECIES-ALIGNED CAMABS!!!!!!! RESPECT THAT I'M LITERALLY A GOATKIN THIS MONTH, YOU HETERO-OVERPRIVILEGED BASEMENT DWELLER!!!!!!!! stop stigmatizing celestial-aligned little persons, you middle class-elitist fascist!!! ACKNOWLEDGE THAT NON-GENDER STANDARDS IS A TRIGGER FOR ME!!!!! how often do I have to tell you to fucking accept anti-porn separatism???? you'll literally never understand my damn agender dogkin struggles!!!! feel free to unfollow &/or block/ignore me. YOU GENDER-OVERPRIVILEGED MISOGYNIST!!!!!!! how is it so difficult to quit misgendering bigender, pararomantic & celestial-identifying vegetarians!!!!!!!! shut up & never reblog my posts ever again''
What went wrong lads?
See that, that's a cuckoo bird. It literally looks like a jew, and it functions like a jew. I guess parasites have a lot in common. Anyways long story short: jews are the reason.
If you listen to them there is one phrase that occurs more than anything else. That phrase is "right side of history." They don't understand the ebb and flow, action-reaction, thesis-antithesis-synthesis in life and, perched on the obvious moral high ground that the ignorance and bigotry of the W Bush era and the dying light of Christian traditionalism causes, they think they're "obviously" on the winning side when they are, in fact, the people who are just the insane, unreasonable flip-side to the Bush-era bigot's coin.
same reason they become conservitards
stupid people led by their environment
Because where does it end?
>begin with Muslim terrorists (30k)
>kill all Muslims (1.6b)
>kill all niggers (1.4b)
>kill all spanish people
>kill all Asians
>kill all Jews
>kill all Hindus and Indians
Now you have a more or less purely white Christian world. But its not enough.
>kill all lgbt people
>kill the pedos
>kill all the degenerates basically
Still not enough, there are still Christian whites who have differing opinions on trivial shit.
>kill them too
There are still those who have different color hair/eyes
>kill them
At what point does it fucking end? Civilization can't do shit like this. But this is exactly how half of humanity sees shit.
Approval from peers. Seriously. You need to signal virtue and heightened social awareness but it's hard to be a "revolutionary" in social change when the dominant narrative in America backs up what you're saying. Therefore, you need to one-up it. When your peers spout some trash about muslims or diversity, you need to one-up it. People confuse leftists for wanting to be contrarian but in reality they're just competing to see who can be the furthest up their own asshole in the presence of their peers.
The difference between Sup Forums and tumblr is that Sup Forums's claims usually have merit and evidence. Or at least a heaping mount of (((coincidences)))
Please refer to my birdjew analogy.
>anybody who is not a SJW wants to kill everyone
Kaczynski was pretty spot on with this.
>replace 'sjw' with Sup Forumslack
>read thread
wew lad
>muh slippery slope
I thought this was a fallacy, faggot?
Well said and spot-on, friend.
Liberal public education
My explanation still works the best either way the only problem is that only white people (probably like you) want to disarm white of their right to impose and fight a political cold war for their identity. Every other identity wants this.
under-appreciated post
No not everyone. Just everyone who doesn't conform to you.
It starts with people who are different and then builds.
Remember that you are here forever, gommunist. :
r/K Selection theory.
genetic deficiency
amazing how few people today actually have noble goals for humanity at large, and how the vast majority of people just want their gibmedats
It reminds me unironically of newspeak from 1984, although Aldous Huxley was more spot on in how society collapses.
This is the opposite of slippery slope. Its the continuous pursuit of perfection through elimination.
There is such a thing as institutional racism and privilegde, but the problem is that so many sjws just pretend minorities can do no wrong and make infinite excuses for them
well, let me see if i understand the charaterization of the SJW*: liberal/leftist, nay sayer, oversensitive, soft, weak, weird
if this is considered accurate, and for the purposes of this post let's assume Sup Forumss definition is operatonalized, then being a cuck* is the reason why .
there are a couple of problems with this theory. it doesn't matter what SJWs do in the real world (like say post on tumblr about fat acceptance, or how XYZ made horrible, gender-insensitive toys( it bears on us to show that consequences don't follow from the conclusions stated above.
And SJWism is the pursuit of perfection through trigger warnings and safe spaces.
What you described is literally slippery slope. Either slippery slope is a thing, or it isn't, you can't move goal posts.
The attraction is that they don't want to deal with reality and instead retreat into fantasy, much like vidya sperg lords.
That being said, I enjoy my vidya as much the next fag, but you know the people who Im talking about. Like, if they created VR on the level of Sword Art Online, they would never leave their house besides to go to work or just collect NEETbux.
considering by step 3 you've already killed 3bn people it's not really a slippery slope
You are a moron.
There are people out there who do not think about their actions or consider consequences.
I had to learn the hard way that my actions affect other people. These liberals don't understand that.
White homogeneity is a good thing whether you claim the achievements of men before you or not. Pointless strawman.
How is that the opposite of slippery slope?
>In logic and critical thinking, a slippery slope is a logical device. A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect, much like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way ...
Your view of the right is so childish and one dimensional you think the very definition of the right is purity through elimination. It is a slippery slope argument from the very start.
It's a pretty big leap to think we'd go from "deport Muslims and restrict immigration" to "just kill all Muslims," and then instantly to "well, might as well do the blacks as well," but I mean if that's what you're calling for
nobody else will have em
>22. If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.
Constant indoctrination from birth. Same with most religions.
virtue signaling+ environment.
Sheeps'll sheep.
But it is the truth. Why do they hate all that is good and successful? Because they are none of those things. They hate themselves and feel intensely inferior, and thus want to bring down everything that reminds them of such, and rather wallow in their own filth, speaking both literally and metaphorically.
Shut it down!
"SJWism" or the leftist zeitgeist or whatever you want to call it is basically the logical conclusion to the false premises of human nature that have been central to western thought since the Protestant reformation and the enlightenment: Universal human equality.
It's the fault of Jebus!
The Muslim group was the largest of them I listed and it decreases as you follow along. But your uneducated ass couldn't figure that out. Surprising.
You kill the largest group of differences first and continue until there's only trivial shit left.
Whereas the slippery slope begins with trivial shit that gets increasingly complex.
But again you're uneducated so its no surprise you couldn't understand. Though do tell. If this is not the right's agenda, then what is?
They're athiests but want to feel emotional truths. That's why so many convert to Islam
Its a combination of two influences:
The desire of white people to help others. Altruism.
And the brainwashing through TV / movies.
This is all.
>then what is?
lol this is exactly what reveals your childish view of the right. You want an easily digestible slogan to encompass everything that could be considered "right-wing". As if the same could be done for the left.
The closest anyone can get to a proper definition of the right and left is "justification of hierarchy vs disintegration of hierarchy. And even then there are holes in it.
I mean seriously get a grip and try to understand things from a grown up not black and white level.
Technological isolation created an inability to recognize that you have to interact with the people whose views you don't share if you want to change the world.
They just keep shouting and protesting and parading their faggotry to push legislature, silence dissent and shove culture to keep hoping that all those gross people they don't like will just disappear.
An entire generation rasied on nihilism, pessimism, and misanthropic tendencys. What a surprise.
Jesus fucking Christ, now the fucking UNABOMBER makes sense to me. I've got to get off this fucking site.
A simple question that you could not answer. I am not surprised. I am not impressed.
How about something simpler? What does the right mean to you personally? We'll build a definition from there.
People desire to feel special and important. All individuals have an insatiable ego and an utterly unshakeable belief that they are the pinnacle of all humanity. The human ego is so incredible that humans will turn against any metric that proves them to be sub-par: People will turn against intelligence if they are stupid, brawn if they are weak, or even happiness if they are sad. I only want you to take from that the notion that reality is completely irrelevant in the wake of the human ego.
So: At the very start we have a normal human being. The human being thinks only of how it will be described in future history books. Unless it finds history books to be distasteful, in which case it imagines glory in some other capacity. Thinking of the history books, the human realizes that everybody to ever appear in them was concerned with the most important issues of the time. So the human, the SJW-to-be, decides that it must appear to be very opinionated about modern issues. It suddenly starts rattling off its inane opinions about every point of contention. No matter what side the human takes, it will believe itself to be the minority: The Nazis believed themselves to be a global minority, fighting against the tyrannical conspiracy of the Jews. The Marxists, their opposites, believed themselves to be a global minority, fighting against global capitalism for the sake of the new, suppressed socialism. Humans will simply make up a perceived authority to act as the true majority, even when they comprise the true majority. Reality does not matter. All that matters is being the 49%.
But what happens when all you ever hear is token approval from your friends? What if all of your friends agree with you? How can you be the pinnacle of all humanity if your neighbor thinks just like you in every way? This cannot stand. So the human adopts a more specific trait. The human engages in identity politics. [comment too long]
>A simple question that you could not answer. I am not surprised. I am not impressed.
I provided an approximation to an answer to a complicated question
>How about something simpler? What does the right mean to you personally? We'll build a definition from there.
Here I will quote myself to answer literally the same question again
>The closest anyone can get to a proper definition of the right and left is "justification of hierarchy vs disintegration of hierarchy. And even then there are holes in it.
You're thinking in quantity where the definition is going from reasonable to unreasonable, but on a path that makes it make sense to the perpetrator.
So your list starts at deporting/killing muslims, reasonable, to killing blacks and then Jews, a little more unreasonable.
That IS a slippery slope... only it can't be, because those don't exist and there aren't groups of leftists in Canada advocating for sex with animals. Right?
white guilt from spoiled fuccbois and basic bitches
notice how sjw trash only really benefits (or fails to harm) upper-middle class whites
old lefties know well that niggers and chinks will never get along nor trust/like whites and its how we like it
For the low cost of your pride, you can be a homosexual or transsexual. You can pretend to feel utterly different from your peers! Suddenly you have this interesting difference in cognition: You just CAN'T feel attracted to the opposite sex, you just HAVE to have been born the wrong sex. Any psychological deficiency gained by the human's upbringing will offer a bonus - It might actually believe its own lies!
After all the dust has settled and the human has its shiny new lie, the process starts anew. Anybody smart enough to be rid of the human and its needless drama will have left. Now the human has a new, smaller set of friends to masturbate over their token minority status. But, again: How can you be the pinnacle of all humanity if you're just like someone else? The human must find some new lie to tell. Preferably one that cannot be easily found out, like gender identity or sexuality. It could even be more abstract: A sudden affiliation with Islam or an Eastern religion, or a deep desire for "racial equality". It doesn't matter. The cycle continues and the burgeoning SJW makes itself feel more special by sprouting new traits like a victim of the plague - isolating itself like one too! This goes on until the SJW feels truly unique. It is now an empowered trans* latinX bi-gendered angelkin. It is now, truly, something that nobody else can claim to be. Drunk on its own lies, the SJW believes that the reason for all of this is its special, special mind. The SJW ventures out from its hugbox every now and then in order to make sure that people are forced to deal with it and realize how special it is.
Read this article and its accompanying article:
I hope you'll see the descent more clearly.
faggpt do you thinlk I'm gonna read all those words
white shitter
Since you can't type, I never had any faith in your ability to read.
Should've also pointed out that fat floats whereas muscle sinks.
You're describing the Muslim ideology, not ours.
War breeds strong people, peaceful times breed weak people. After decades of peace and no real struggles in life, these fuckers are looking for and making up issues and problems in this mostly problem free world.
I'm an immigrant from Chechnya, and you won't see any sjw beliefs from any Chechen because we've been through shit and we've seen shit.
Social justice are the new hippies. Literal outcasts and nobodies circle-jerking and patting eachother's backs, making up issues to solvr so that they can boost their ego and guilt complex. On top of this, the Internet provides them with an echo chamber that makes them further believe they're doing God's work (Reddit).
Trust me. Once shit hits the fan, their voices will not be heard. They do not thrive in actual harsh conditions.