Fuck off TIDF

Why is this board full of so many fucking Trump Internet Defence Force shills?

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How about you fuck off, Shillary?

This is a Trump board, degenerate leaf.

Because they finally found a candidate willing to stoke their hate for political gain.

Is this your first day here?

>This is a Trump board

No, that's reddit. This is a Hillary board.

this is a trump board biatch

Fuck off you stupid Islamist convert leaf.

You seem upset. Did a moose fuck you? Did you love it?

You new here, you faggot leaf?

Whoa good point Hillary/Bernie 2016

>tfw when Correct the Record tries to co-opt a meme without understanding what it means or why it's popular

Australia should be proud.


I do it for free

Get back to plebbit/tumblr, fat feminist slut.

No, Bernie's even more reddit than Trump.

trump is unpopular with the peers of Sup Forums users so naturally they will root for him.

>stop yourself

Fuck off leaf, your country is burning literally and metaphorically

capping so I can be the plebbitor that screams "REPOST"

>doesn't want a candidate who wants to make America safe for Americans

You're retarded desu

If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd fart.

thanks for spelling out what TIDF means I never would've figured it out.

Nice filename, shill faggot. You do the same thing time and time again.


you hire the worst, most uninspired fags to "meme" for you

>fear mongering as an excuse to implement more domestic spying
>keeping safe

Pick 1 drumpfkin

>believing a candidate who has done nothing but pander to the lower common republican denominator
>believing a candidate who wants to literally build a fucking wall on our border like its the 14th century

So I got a few questions for you.

1. How much does Hillary pay you?
2. How does one get a job shitposting on the internet?

How new are you?
Go suck Trudeau's dick fucking leaf

>supporting a candidate who panders to the mentally ill and whose only talking point is muh bagina
>literally a criminal involved in many fed investigations going back decades


>Successful White Male American Citizen who wants to secure our nation from serial killers like the San Bernadino and Florida club shooters

It's like you hate our country.

Why don't you get the fuck out if you want to suck mudbeard cock so hard, degenerate scum.


>believing a candidate who has done nothing but pander to the lower common republican denominator
That's a petty insult, not an argument, and your kike puppet candidate panders to non-americans and kike bankers. And even the La Raza spics, who openly encourage racist sedition, aren't buying it.

so now the shills are trying to combat the IDF meme? You're afraid of keks glorious powers aren't you?

why are you assuming that because i don't like trump i'm am a hillary supporter?

What you gonna do about it Nigger? Riot and destroy your own homes?

Just ignore them. Hopefully they'll all get bored and go back to redit after the election.

Defense? DEFENSE!? How dare you imply that I am a passive entity! I'll have you know I am an attack dog, a soldier, and a professional assassin.

Wait, ignore that last one.

build wall pendeho

Why are you calling a wall a 14th century concept when fucking Mexico has one themselves, to keep illegals out of their southern borders?

Just enjoy being intellectually dishonest or are you genuinely stupid?


yeah, look how well their wall is working for them.

So because they build a shitty wall we shouldn't build a better, more effective one?

I wonder who's behind this leaf!

>a-at least he's n-not H-Hillary
is literally Trump's only redeeming quality.

based leaf strikes again

Go back to tumblr, jew

God-king Trump will save us all
Through his wisdom we will undergo the great journey!

Still better than Hillary


They're not shills if they really believe it. So your question is better phrased as "why is this board full of so many gullible morons?", which answers itself.

>This is a Trump board,
lol no

hopefully they'll an hero. Still don't know why this board hasn't been deleted

>doesn't know Sup Forums is pro-trump

summerfag / tumblr raider pls get the fuck out

Because they like to be contrarian. They go with whats unpopular to seem either, cool, edgy, or intellectually superior.

Daily reminder that Hilary pushed to overrule the pentagon and strive towards overthrowing the Libyan government even though the Pentagons Generals stated it would lead to terror organisations gaining power. She is partially to blame for ISIS, she has blood on her hands.

>wanting a better, safer nation is contrarion

Are you nerds even trying?

Why do you care leaf fag? It's not going to affect you in the slightest anyway.

Btw, this general insult that ppl who vote Trump are "stupid" is your bane, the more you insult people the more they will support Trump.

Even if you're right ppl are not that stupid that they don't know when ppl look down upon them.

Dude wants to go to war 3 times.

OK, so you think Trump is a war hawk?

You do realize Clinton was literally laughing that Gaddafi got merk'd right?

She's a fake democrat. She's a bigger war hawk than Bush is, and if she gets elected you will see just how right I am.

you really are a pussy, needing to cling to your belief that you're part of a "community", especially one as shit as Sup Forums.

Also there are tons of anti-trump people here. You will never tempertantrum all of us away. Or even one of us.

Your best option is probably suicide desu senpai

This isn't even your board, bitch boi.

Go roleplay somewhere else, faggot.

Trump rules here.

Donald Trump the reality tv star.

>there are tons of anti-trump people here


Look at my id retard

When is Hillary going to return $25 million from the #WahhabiLobby that hates Jews, LGBT, and women? Can't have it both ways.

Hillary Clinton the lawyer kicked off of the Watergate investigation.

Reagan was an actual actor, so what's your point?

I could see if you could actually FAULT him for crimes or something, but you can't.

You have nothing. You're desperate and pathetic.



>hurr proxy

newfag bitch

Talking just like your daddy.


Oh yeah! I just BTFO like 10 different people on a cite about Washington Post being banned from Trump events. It was spectacular. I shih posted the fuck out of those losers, they were well out of their depth. Totes killed the comments section.

In it's essence Sup Forums is conservative board and the only logical candidate to support is Trump, no matter your opinion about him.

Hillary is the definition of what Sup Forums stands against.

It's not hard to wrap your small head around this, dimwit.


Here's your lesbo mommy.

You might actually be mentally ill
Hope you don't have any guns

Stop drinking, Pedro.

Last time I checked /r/Sweden ended up shutting down their subreddit for a while and they were ridiculed like fuck.

Biggest lie there is.


so are there based mexicans?

Chinga tu madre cabron, build the wall.

Thanks for Correcting the Record!

I do it for free. I care about the future of the West.

go back


>Israel has a modern wall

This meme isn't funny

>in charge of politics
pick one.

Instant chuckle at irony

This board was hijacked from Trump supporters from REDDIT.

It isn't a meme. Fuck off.

It's just the /stormfront/ idiots that push Trump. After Trump loses they'll go back to being NAZI faggots, again.

>This board was hijacked by Trump supporters from REDDIT.


Since Trudeau took office, Canada's main export has been salt. Maybe you guys could use some of it to put those fires out. Those niggers sure aren't doing the trick.

Leaf shit posting again

Please based Hiroshima ban leafs. I'll give you all my Yen shekels.

People like you should be left on a ice clamper and set off to sea.

>drumpf babbies



Literal shill. Just think about how pathetic it is to be a shill. You are a net negative for humanity. Kill yourself, preferably by burning or drowning.

Those kids don't even look capable of harnessing meme magic

Leaf is confused.

Can understand pride, power and leadership.

Thinks Trump actually pays for our shilling.

Doesn't understand that we are being legit.

Can't wrap it's head around the fact that we exist, let alone enough to flood Sup Forums constantly.

Just a leaf.

Poor leaf.

>this board was hijacked by Hillary and Bernie supporters from reddit