Snap chat

Why the fuck is snap chat so god damn popular with the Millennial generation. It's a fucking app that enables their narcaccism and self entitlement. While hiding their insecure feelings. Seriously. What the fuck is going on. Care to elaborate with me Sup Forums? What is so god damn interesting about taking a million fucking pictures while using filters to morph it in "cute" ways? Or taking pictures of your food at Cheesecake Factory. Is this something the media has subconsciously projected on to them? That the world revolves around them? What's the appeal? Any one major in Psychology (sucks if you did unless you're a therapist) or Psychiatry care to explain in further detail? We're gonna need some serious Carl Jung or freudianism Explanations.

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What's a snap chat?

I'm 19 years old and have never taken a selfie. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

>It's a fucking app that enables their narcaccism and self entitlement. While hiding their insecure feelings.

Maybe that is the reason it is so popular you idiot.

quit trying to be an edgy cool hipster acting like you dont know what snapchat is
> (OP)
>What's a snap chat?

I use it for shitposting, I've never been able to properly take a selfie


It's because their parents don't know how to use it. Facebook went to shit once old people started using it.

I'm good looking so girls send me nudes a lot.

ITT: recluse socially awkward men, with radical far alt-right views wonder why they're so sexually deprived and alone.

I bet you virgins don't even leave your house too.

Gonna need proof

what always pissed me off about old people on face book is when they would tag their name at the end of the post

"looks like you had a great vacation ron! -mike smith"

like your post already has your name on it. what is the fucking point of signing your name at the end of the post.

Because this is hell. Abandon all your hope ye who enter here.

I only had a snap chat when I was an EMT and we would just send shit posts to each other as we went about our days.

When I quit about a week later I deleted my snapchat

Same. They're all narcissists.

Sit back, get comfy, and go hermit mode. Society is a mess.

Why don't they acknowledge this? Just too Juxtaposed with situation of "Oh I feel lonely....unless I take another picture of myself!"? Congnitive dissonance? It can't be, because I'm not sure if I'm alone (rhetorical), but I'd feel much better about myself if I had REAL friends. And had a engaging social life.
Why not just meet real life people, and do real live hobbies. Have conversations? But not without a group selfie just to project the further image that things in your life are wonderful. (Maybe they are?)

Really makes me think i guess I'm a #Cruzmissile now

I bet they'll cowards don't even smoke crack

>leaving your house
I seriously hope you guys don't actually do this.

>Not having a job

literally kill yourself.

>What is trying to avoid a bottomless pit of shallow existencd

If we weren't constantly trying to distract ourselves from the world our entire generation would off ourselves.

I use it for communication with chicks. A life of reckless hedonism.


Stay mad wagecuck

There's still socially stimulated people that have had much success In their sex life and REAL life that don't use it. Being a kid and using is one thing, but fuck, you even see people in their mid and late twenties to use this garbage.

Snapchat is just an easy, fun way to see what your friends are up to. Stop sperging out, holy shit.

Is it because you have no friends and no one want to share their life with you?


Stop trying to figure it out n make the next thing nigga. Why is anything anything?

Then download snapchat and add me friend. Username is shazbutt

As a millennial: I avoid it, but it's tempting to use because I get a huge kick out of how grills react to my face and voice after my autistic texts.

But it's so good for sending and recieving nudes. Snapchat helped me fuck about half the girls I've slept with .

Nigga you're dealing with a generation that's all about self promotion while being locked in their safe spaces. Let the have their fun...they'll still be living at home at age 40.

>tfw still using facebook and didn't realize everyone moved over to snapchat and instagram

snapchat and all other social media apps like Instagram hoards data on facial recognition when that technology becomes a norm for surveillance. The different angles of the user helps determine the person overtime. further more, combined with the browsing history and location, anyone can be found easily.

So we dont need guns when most or all people have a smartphone and decide to rob or kill someone, that can be prevented using algorythims and facial recognition to determine when an event is imminent.
Think of it as a beginning of a philip k dick novelty.
these thing are very very real.

further more.

the building of a wall to border mexico will not be designed to keep mexicans out, but to keep you in.

I think this JPG should also apply to you then Leaf Bro. That's two walls we should build.

As your attorney I advice we rent a fast car with open roof. Acapulco shirts. We'll need to get the hell out of LA for at least 48 hours. There goes my weekend.

"did you see what GAAAWWWWD just did to us man?!!!!!"
"god didnt do it you did, youre a fucking narc i knew it!"

Are you ready? To check into a hotel with a phony name and a head full of acid? I sure hope so.

>millenial narcissism, entitlement

oh boy time for another original and well thought lashing out by some triggered dweeb with no friends

>the only place you can speak freely is overrun with weapons-grade autists who don't understand the most basic things and don't go outside or have any friends and are infinivirgins.

Alright, I'll follow you on Snapchat, OP.