Why doesn't every nation just convert to Islam and begin abiding by Sharia law? It would probably reduce terrorism pretty significantly.
Why not?
Because people don't want to follow a faith established by a notorious goat fucker and occasionally child fucker
Honestly it would make life a lot easier.
We do not kneel.
Fuck off you goat fucking mudslime
Spoken well brothers
Don't be that way anons, I'm just trying to help stop terrorism :3
Works so well in Islamic states, doesn't it :>>>>
No it wouldn't. All it would do is turn the entire world into a third-world shit hole... just like the majority of Muslim countries are.
nice bait
But it wouldn't. They kill each other all day over nothing. Terrorism is their normal conflict resolution.
typical bong
Islam is a shit tier religion and the leading cause of terrorism
>Why not just surrender
Why don't we just literally destroy every predominantly muslim nation on earth? It would not reduce terrorism, it would destroy it.
Nice bait.
Devout Muslim.
And nigger hater
Oh yeah, because the Middle East has such a peaceful reputation.
Because then we'd even have more sandniggers moving here under the guise of Ummah, you dumb fuck.
Niggers = Congoloids of any color
Niggers =/= Caucasoids that are black
>It would probably reduce terrorism pretty significantly.
Most of the guys that do these bombings and shootings are barking mad. They'd just go boom for some other reason if you took this one away from them.
>muh shekels
You are unexpectedly mowed down by a car on your way to acquire more doritos and dew for your basement minifridge. Though you were cold hearted sinner, you also did not accomplish much that would warrant everlasting life
Allah (praise be upon him) in his infinite mercy decides to give you a second chance at life, a life on the easy-mode path to heaven: the life of a devout muslim qt 3.14
Roll for your fate
Muslims kill Muslims. It won't stop anything
I'd rather be a vegetable than have anything to do with that horrid religion.
Hello Syrian qt 3.14
>It would probably reduce terrorism pretty significantly.
Considering muslims blow each other up constantly, it probably wouldn't at all.
rolling. hope i get iraqi, saudi, or bangladshi.