Hi Sup Forums, I am a white American guy who has been living in India for 8 years. And please listen to what I am about to say.

You guys make fun of indians, but in reality, they are incredibly VILE AND EVIL people! The light hearted manner in which you make fun of indians shows that you do not take them seriously as a threat. Well let me tell you that they most certainly ARE a threat! Maybe not as big of a threat as the jews, but indians are VILE, DISGUSTING, EVIL people.

I have never met any other race of people that are as RUDE, as HATEFUL, as DIRTY, as SMELLY, and just outside DISGUSTING as indians.

Now, India consists of many different sub-races and cultures. The WORST of these races are the Punjabis. The majority of the indians living in the West are from Punjab.

Punjabis are the greediest, most rude, most CORRUPT, and most worthless subhumans on this planet, second to Jews. Now, I've done some research and it turns out that Jews and Punjabis are actually the same race, which explains why they physically look so similar and also have such similar behavioural characteristics.

You will find no group of people on this planet that are WORSE than indians. Every single negative quality you can think of, indians possess it. Indians are literally SUBHUMANS who can never change. That is why they are still living like animals even in the 21st century. India literally has the worst living standard in the world. Africa and many other 3rd world countries are literally PARADISES compared to India.

So my request to you all is, stop joking about Indians and start taking them seriously, because they ARE a threat. Indians are a fucking cancer that just spreads like cockroaches, and if you guys are not careful, this cancer is going to completely eat up your countries. Indians reproduce like cockroaches and then they go and flood into civilized Western countries and bring their stupid 15th century mindsets with them. And THIS is why indians in the West don't mix with non-indians







What you described sounds like the exact opposite of a threat. At least to people not stupid enough to actually go to India.

>claims he's white
>types like a poo in loo

Kek kys faggot





This so much

So what do you want us to say, Dinesh? Pls come back to America?
Fuck off and die of dengue fever or something.

Post pics of arm with timestamp op, I don't believe you're not a shitskin.

Literally, it is literally literally literal.

fuck, i ran out of posting space. so let me continue.

THIS is the real reason why indians don't ever integrate with their host cultures and countries.

How is it possible that indians, who have a 12th century mindset, could ever integrate with white people, who have a 21st century mindset?

Believe me, if you guys ever took the time to ever live around indians, your joking attitude would quickly turn to DISGUST and HATRED towards these fucking subhumans. Being around indians is like being around a rotting animal carcase. You can't help but feel disgusted.

Anyway my rant is over, but I really encourage you guys to start considering indians as a REAL ENEMY, and not just as some race to joke about. Indians are incredibly stupid people but they are a CANCER that just never stops reproducing. So maybe you guys might want to start thinking about figuring out a way to KICK OUT ALL INDIANS and send them back to their shithole country.

And once I get enough money and success in business, believe me, I will also be leaving this HELLHOLE country and moving to Thailand or Malaysia or Indonesia or Philippines. Basically ANYWHERE but India.

Indians are SCUM and wherever they go, they turn that place into a cancer.

>opinions are facts

i'm not arguing against you. i am indeed one stupid retarded motherfucker for ever being stupid enough to move to India, a decision I regret every single day of my life.

my name is not Dinesh. I am a white guy. As for what do I expect you to say? Well I don't expect you to ever welcome me back to America or any white country, and nor do I want to go back. I'd rather just keep living in Asia and banging brown women.

If you got a fetish for indian women, there's certainly a lot of easy sex you can have here, but that's with prostitutes. The average indian woman is very sexually repressed and many of them don't even have sex until after marriage.

In a sense this is a good thing, too.

I am just ranting and needed to get this shit off my chest.

NEVER trust an indian. They will stab you in the back at the first chance they get. They are corrupt, crooked bastards and I don't understand why you guys don't hate them more? You guys consider blacks as a bigger threat. I have black friends and they are all good people. These fucking indians are such racist shits, they even beat to death an African guy a couple weeks ago in Delhi.

So fuck indians. They complain about racism against indians in the West, meanwhile these shitheads attack and murder Africans on a weekly basis.

Indians are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

But until you guys have directly lived amongst indians, you won't understand what I mean. Indians are literally SCUM, human CANCER!

my opinions about India matter a lot more than yours because I've directly lived amongst these fucking subhumans for years now and I fully understand what vile, subhuman, evil creatures they all are.

Tell me why all the major tech companies have in high positions?


How do I know you're telling the full truth?

Come on user. Do you really expect me to believe you at first?


CEO's Of Google and Microsoft

Second at amd and engineering lead

Op is a dirty indian muslim, as evidenced by his style of typing.

because indians are very good in tech. indians are basically all autistic, which is another quality shared by many computer geeks and techies.

if i was lying, how would i be able to muster up such passion and anger when talking about this topic? if i am lying, i am a pretty fucking good liar.

Yes. People lie. Now provide proof to your claims or else you're a liar.

well actually brother, the Muslims in India are the ONLY good indians I have met. No indian Muslim has ever treated me badly or been an asshole. It's always the sikhs and hindus that act like shitheads, especially the sikhs and Punjabis.

Sikhism is the religion of Punjabis, by the way, in case you were unaware.

>stop joking about Indians
Nice try, Mr. Patel

well if i prove that i am actually a white american living in India, how will it effect your actions? Will you start taking indians more seriously as a threat against your country and culture?

Sure, indians are pussies and never engage in actual physical violence, but they are still a cancer and will take over America by simply outbreeding you and also trying to get into all high positions. Once an indian is in a high position in a company or organization, he will become an arrogant self righteous asshole.

Anyway, go out and spend some time with indians and then you will understand what i am saying. they are truly vile, horrible, disgusting, greedy, corrupt, nasty, rude, EVIL people.

So instead of demonizing jews all the time, perhaps you guys shuold start demonizing indians more? And not just in a joking way, but demonizing indians as the actual demonic scum which they truly are.

>well if i prove that i am actually a white american living in India, how will it effect your actions?
You sound Indian. It won't affect my actions cause I haven't even seen an Indian in my state.

>Once an indian is in a high position in a company or organization, he will become an arrogant self righteous asshole.

I need proof of that.

>Anyway, go out and spend some time with indians

I'm not a normie.

>So instead of demonizing jews all the time, perhaps you guys shuold start demonizing indians more?

I don't demonize anyone. Stop assuming things.

Right now my main concern are Muslims. Poo in loos aren't as important as Muslims.

I can't even imagine your situation. Why not go back to the U.S.?

well after living here for 8 years, my english has indeed degraded and become slightly indianized. i can't really help that, now can i?

You should thank god yuo have never seen an indian in your state. I wish I could never see an indian for the rest of my life.

Proof of indians turning into self righteous arrogant assholes? They have the attitude of the newly rich. Once they become a little rich or successful, they act like everyone else is beneath them and act like everyone else is their fucking slave.

You're not a normie. Fine, enjoy living in your momma's basement. At least I have a relatively normal social life here in India, so that's one thing I do appreciate.

As for demonizing Muslims. You do realize that all these terror attacks are false flags done by Mossad to demonize Islam, right?

make a timestamp with your hand, even if you are a nigger american we will know it. Indians have different skin tone than niggers.

i would laugh at your question, if it wasn't so pathetically true. I am talking to my own mother right now and even she asked me the same thing.

I told her that as bad as India is, AMERICA IS EVEN WORSE.

America is a fascist police state prison, where you are literally living in a fucking prison. I mean shit, at least in India i have some freedom where I can do whatever I want and no one really cares. But in America, fuck... You say one wrong thing about the government and everyone looks at you like you're crazy. You have no freedom in AMerica. Even a HELLHOLE like India is better than America. THAT is how fucking bad America is.

ALRIGHT ALIGHT everyone thread's over, go home

Roleplaying mudslime/10

>This entire thread

>They have the attitude of the newly rich. Once they become a little rich or successful, they act like everyone else is beneath them and act like everyone else is their fucking slave.

Not proof.

> You do realize that all these terror attacks are false flags done by Mossad to demonize Islam, right?

Right. Are you saying there are no Islamic terrorists and in the Quran, it doesn't say infidels must die while slowly taking over Europe?

>You say one wrong thing about the government and everyone looks at you like you're crazy.

>What are Bernie Sander supporters
>What are Trump supporters

> You have no freedom in America.

Alright Pajeet. You have the freedom to poop on the streets I give you that. is right.


indians consider it "unclean" to shit indoors because you are breathing in the same air that has come out of your ass. maybe they're right, who knows, but it's mostly the villagers who think like that. And 80 percent of indians are from the rural areas. This is a country of subhuman savage barbarians who need to be wiped out

THIS thread is being continued over at Sup Forums

Youre obviously a muslim who is buttmad that he got treated badly because he believes that everyone else is shit

I've worked with Indians in my profession, they are entitled assholes who will take credit for your work faster than you can say designated shitting streets. Their own work and intellect is subpar at best, but they will surely fuck you to get to the top. Most Indian scientific journals are pure bullshit.

indians are "God's" special, chosen shitflakes

>prove me wrong
Protip: you can

>8 matches

kys :^)