Hi Sup Forums, I am a white American guy who has been living in India for 8 years. And please listen to what I am about to say.
You guys make fun of indians, but in reality, they are incredibly VILE AND EVIL people! The light hearted manner in which you make fun of indians shows that you do not take them seriously as a threat. Well let me tell you that they most certainly ARE a threat! Maybe not as big of a threat as the jews, but indians are VILE, DISGUSTING, EVIL people.
I have never met any other race of people that are as RUDE, as HATEFUL, as DIRTY, as SMELLY, and just outside DISGUSTING as indians.
Now, India consists of many different sub-races and cultures. The WORST of these races are the Punjabis. The majority of the indians living in the West are from Punjab.
Punjabis are the greediest, most rude, most CORRUPT, and most worthless subhumans on this planet, second to Jews. Now, I've done some research and it turns out that Jews and Punjabis are actually the same race, which explains why they physically look so similar and also have such similar behavioural characteristics.
You will find no group of people on this planet that are WORSE than indians. Every single negative quality you can think of, indians possess it. Indians are literally SUBHUMANS who can never change. That is why they are still living like animals even in the 21st century. India literally has the worst living standard in the world. Africa and many other 3rd world countries are literally PARADISES compared to India.
So my request to you all is, stop joking about Indians and start taking them seriously, because they ARE a threat. Indians are a fucking cancer that just spreads like cockroaches, and if you guys are not careful, this cancer is going to completely eat up your countries. Indians reproduce like cockroaches and then they go and flood into civilized Western countries and bring their stupid 15th century mindsets with them. And THIS is why indians in the West don't mix with non-indians