Discuss: Is it possible to channel Cartel brutality?

Let's discuss ways the U.S. could channel the undaunted violence and grotesque violence against ISIS. What would it take? Could the US government pay these men, arm them, and drop them in the Middle East to absolutely terrorize ISIS? How much would it cost?

>ISIS believes violence is their ally, they merely adopted violence. Mexican were born in it, molded by it
>they would break their spirit first, and then their bodies

There is nothing scarier than Mexican drug cartels.

>one of the more tame videos

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I agree, they are scarier, but they probably make more selling drugs. Now, if they import drugs to the Middle East and ISIS impedes that, maybe. Plus they are all Catholic and Catholics hate Muzzies

Good questions OP. We should consult the Mexican intellectuals for answers.

Also, semi rare


The Mexican government certainly seems to think so. They at least think that looking the other way for one gang over another is in their best interest.

My question is why they're allowed to go around doing what they do?

I get that they're powerful, but why isn't the US government more interested in stopping them? Does it help us more for them go around doing what they do?

king nigger and his friends make money off of them too

That already happened, and the Cartels already threatened ISIS. But nothing came out of it because Cartels aren't militarily trained, don't have any projection power and actually following on said threats would have been bad business.

That's kind of what I'm getting at.

I'd be interested in seeing numbers of deaths by the cartels vs deaths by ISIS.

Cartel violence doesn't cross the border at all really for how huge it is. I think they killed a lawyer once? Probably a couple mexican-americans too, but some of them would have been undocumented, involved in the game etc.

Everyone always says "lol indios with neck tattoos" or whatever but the cartels are too smart to really fuck with us

>There is nothing scarier than Mexican drug cartels

You are clearly not a student of history. Beaners should all be gassed along with the muslims.

I'm fairly certain, after watching enough of these video's, that I could probably chop someones head off. I may puke a bit, but I'm pretty sure I could.

Mexicans are the biggest pussies on the planet

The only reason that they are violent is because they are doing it to their own worthless cowardly people

Any sort of resistance and they will break faster than African tribal shits

These are not operators. Just dumb kids with guns. They get rekt on a constant basis by police and army.

Shut up nigger

I wish the US government just paid the cartels to go to the middle east and fuck shit up. Mexico gets injection of foreign capital, cartels get to behead people and muslims get to die fighting a holy war so they get their virgins, everyone wins.

they do this fucked up stuff in the small rural areas they control, not in the capital. Also they are getting rekt by the Mexican army lately.

>Also they are getting rekt by the Mexican army lately.

is this true?

>By the end of Felipe Calderón's administration (2006–12), the official death toll of the Mexican Drug War was at least 60,000. Estimates set the death toll above 120,000 killed by 2013, not including 27,000 missing.
But there could be even more
>because they are doing it to their own worthless cowardly people
sadly true.

You're an idiot if you think that or just baiting. I see a group of niggers in the hood, I may get robbed but I can talk my way out of murder. Run into Mexicans? FUCK. THAT. SHIT.

Nigger "gangbangers" in the south are afraid of Mexican gangs. Cándido doesn't fuck around dude. We are lucky that Mexicans hate niggers more than they hate whites.

Cartel violence doesn't really affect American citizens. Getting rid of them would mostly benefit our corrupt government and be expensive as fuck for yours. Plus it wouldn't really change things around. There's a shitton of money to be made from moving drugs into the US. Who says nobody else will take the cartels place?

horrible idea, the us armed the mujaheddin in Afghanistan against Russia and they became al qaeda. A swift certain death is more than enough to project American strength, we just need to take the reigns off.

I thought they were the Mexican army

Oh you remind me of something funny bro

Yes, we hate blacks this much.


This. Humberto is right.
But, his family is probably embarrassed of the fact he isdt watching his country lose in the Copa to Venezuela atm.

Yes, sometimes I'm more concerned about of police or army, some fuckers of cartel are infiltrated in army

Because the cartels, other than los Zetas (mostly wiped out already), are very ineffective in actual combat. They get by on tactics like assaulting and ambushing people when they aren't expecting attacks, and since guns are banned in Mexico, most people can't really retaliate.

If you ever wondered why do some of these Mexicans call themselves Indians or Aztec whatever the fuck.

They are banned, but they are easy to get.

Not really, but Mexicans can be easily turned against blacks.


At the core, mexican cartels are led by ex-operators tho.

>video proving my point
>black flight is real
So, in all honesty, do all Mexicans you know hate niggers way more?

Also, why do all of your mothers use so much fabuloso? Smells like terrible.


You're a moron. That is a shootout reconstruction. I hope you didnt actually believe those were from bow and arrow.


>You're a moron. That is a shootout reconstruction. I hope you didnt actually believe those were from bow and arrow.
It's true the story came out in a local news paper. Cartel near the border.

Banks make shit tons of money off of drug cartels accounts by loaning the money, for which they loan out with ignorance and removing them might tank the economy and stop growth.

Sure thing baka

South/Central American cartels are composed of desperate poor people, ISIS are zealots battle hardened by the turmoil in and around the Middle East. there's no comparison, they're on different scales.

since we've got no niggers down here (indios are entire different thing, they live far south and aren't as aggressive as the typical chicano or nigger roaming US, quite weird actually) i can't say we hate niggers, but from wht i've heared from people who have been to US, some do hate niggers

This is true, But, another universal truth is that there are never a shortage of Mexicans. they literally breed like Rabbits. You could basically use lower level, muscle/soldier types and the top Cartel members would replenish their ranks within weeks.

Mexico's birth rate declined to replacement levels a few years ago, actually. Guatemala and Bolivia are the only countries in Latin America that still have particularly high birth rates.

>cornered animals that follow NO code
>religious goat fuckers that follow a code
You yourself said they are desperate poor people. I'll pick the desperate, cornered, animal every time.

i mean all you have to do is give ISIS members public transfusions of pigs blood and hydrochloric acid.
who needs the cartels

mexicans were not born in voilence.

we all humans do.

Fuck off you autismo piece of shit.

nice proxy amerifat, you ask your mommy to set it up for you? or you just google it?

So now that we are discusing about cartels, i want you OP to explain to me why if the usa is the biggest drug consumer in the world you blame the productors?

Who is to blame when someone dies from lung cancer? the tabaco companies?

First you teach your children to not use drugs, but why they use drugs you ask? becuase just look at your fucking society,hate crimes, rapes, mass shooting everymonth, we dont have that kind of hate in mexico, only you assholes do, becuase you dont behave like real human beings you just take advantage of the the socioeconomical situation of each individual, you label them as stupid or low IQ and just use them all as drones.

Yourtaxes are paying for sutaining all those low lifes, just imagine millions of junkys without his dialy fix? would it be more violence? what do you do with all thse ppl?

Want to see all the murders at hunpoint or all the muders from jealousy? who really is the fucked up?

Yeah but the middle eastern militant groups are just as inept at it as they are.

ISIS has desperate poor doomed conscript fuckers too. The percentages are probably different but both organizations are very stratified, ISIS coddles the foreigners from rich countries

>who really is the fucked up?
Both, of us excelsior.com.mx/nacional/2015/05/17/1024628

what the fuck are you on about? read the whole thread and all of my posts. where do i blame mexico for anything? i live in Texas. i have respect for hard working Mexicans, unlike Northerners. Ive worked alongside Mexicans doing manual labor in a lumber mill when I was younger. So, rethink your random, off topic, autistic rant.

>also enjoy losing to Argentina after Venezuela beats you tonight

>mfw mudshits start entering through mexico
>us cracks down on such immigration
>pisses off mexican traffickers, destroying their supply lines
>cartels crusade their asses for affecting their bankroll


puto chilango tenias que ser cabron la neta

En la tvnotas tambien salen reportajes de eso.

Pinche niño cagon porque vienes a pol?

We've got worse people.
They also love doing their jobs, the problem is no one's sending them.
They're still around, just waiting, getting wasted and fucking shit up in the meantime.

Good god.

no you read my post fucking autist shit.

or just ignore what you dont like just like everyfaggot there is here.

i want you to reply my post, if you dont reply dont bother coming to pol again becuse any argument you make will have any value.

fucking autismo children.Dont start something you are not going to finish, or did your faggot dad teach you that too?

>taco burrito pinata enchilada

Speak God's language while you're on this board, taconigger.

Get a message to each of their leaders saying the other side called their mum a slag.

just tell them that mudslimes say a celebration for turning 15 is bullshit

>Pinche niño cagon porque vienes a pol?
estas tan enojado. es que el partido de futbol?

actially you only know english. who is more claver? the one with one dick? or the guy with 2 dicks that already fucked your ass?

like always you cant see past you, becuase autist dont see others, they only care about their own autism.

no con eso supe que eras peruano pinche proxy joto jajajajajajajaj

you cant even argue with someone who completly debunked your rant?

if you dont like getting fucked,dont keep your ass open kid.

jajajja IQ 65

Look at this American and laugh

>or the guy with 2 dicks that already fucked your ass?
i dont understand, but i love you guys. stay on your side of the wall, we're cool

>this mad about the game
vete al carajo, poner los cuernos

ppl dont get your autism too, dont worry i will go away the day you die. in the meanwhile. Enjoy.

sudamericano tenias que ser jajajajajajjajaj si quieres te mando leche aqui tengo mucha de donde puedes mamar maricon

Fue lo primero que me salipó en google, y no nos hagamos pendejos, la "narco cultura" así está, no estamos tan bien como para chingar a los gringos, amboes tenemos que aceptar que vamos mal.

Chilanga tu puta madre, soy de GDL

Force Mexico to import rapefugees after the wall is built

jajajaj pinche beta justificandose con un completo extraño en el internet

Primero aprende a usar el internet, este es un sitio peligroso para maricones como voz.

vete a dormir ya o te pongo el pañal si quieres.

Ya nomas porque saben 10 palabras en ingles y se quieren comer al mundo, a lo mucho tienes 20 años niño cagon.

No sabes ni como funciona la board ni las reglas de internet. a que vienes aqui entonces?

Spotted the maricon from Matamoros.

happier now? you scored pinche joto

awww 2 replys, some one is getting too much attention.

Dont worry whore you can keep on doing your autismo game, my job here is done.

>como voz
Algo me dice que hay una nariz muy larga tras este post.

tu mexicanos es muay loco. Yo savies solo espanol pocquito. Me amo te pias. Yo con me esposa visito Panama' para me honeymoon. Yo es no americano estupido me espanol es mierda but, I try to learn from conversation

chill dude, chill, nobody is sayin' anything, read carefully

He's a drunk that was upset you were losing to venezuela and went off on a petulant tangent over hypotheticals. The guy is a fucking moron. Typical of Matamoros resident.

sigh...what can i say? one runs into that kind of guys from time to time, and start chimping out and calling names when someone is discussing something.

>Yo savies solo espanol pocquito.
Nice dude. I've been wanting to learn for a while.

Underrated post.
Please accept this Pepe for causing me to audibly laugh.