Only one more week until he destroys Rogue One.
Only one more week until he destroys Rogue One
>I loved it. It was everything I hoped it to be
dubs speak truth
>oh boy a woman protagonist gee that wont get old! ....oh
Mike is too busy Snapchatting with college sluts to work on gay shit like Rogue One review.
YES really.
He'll love it
>muh YouTube reviewer!
>muh friends simulator!
Is the review even going to come out after the drama with Rich?
How else am I supposed to simulate having friends?
>its "Mike blame our disney overlords for making a competent movie" episode
He's not gonna make a review right away, if ever.
Mike will love it. Jay will say he likes it because of great visuals or whatever. Rich might be critical.
They've already seen it and they're going to shill it. Just you wait.
He's going to suck Rogue One's nuts even more than Force Awakens.
what drama with Rich?
I haven't seen the new Star Wars movies as I'm worried they might be Marvel tier, but I know Force awakens has Max von Sydow, and this new one has Donnie Yen, so who knows, maybe they're actually good. I'll see them just for the Plinket reviews.
>he hasn't heard yet
No I haven't, that's why I'm asking.
Seriously, what happened to Rich? He's the only one I care about.
lol trolled u
RIP Rich Evans
I don't get all the people saying in the previous thread that jay can't get any women because he's a manlet. I'm shorter, consider myself uglier than jay and I got better looking woman than lisa. I think he's really gay, still hiding in the closet or something. Too bad, being gay today is nothing shameful
I doubt he'll die this soon
Jay has a wife and three kids.
no, he's only a loving uncle. there are pics with him and his sister & nephews
oh oh that's the girl from the Star Wars documentary they all made in college with young sexy mike. I thought they all had a falling out because of that girl?
Yes. Mike fucked her, and that completely ruined everything.
no, they had falling out with a different girl, lauren.
doesn't matter though, mike pumped and dumped both of them.
prequel apologist spotted
Why do you all hate Channel Awesome and Pewdiepie, but tolerate RLM?
They're technically e-celebs, too.
They are talented and relatively smart.
Mike just keeps proving himself to be the best.
Without him, there would be no RLM.
I enjoy RLM's finely honed & beechwood aged editing skills over other leading brands.
My opinion was that they are all shit till I actually watched an episode of Half in the bag. They're actually funny and quite clever, even though I disagree 25% of the time.
Not really.
>Whole gimmick is pretending to mispronounce names and titles and draw it out to seem funny, act emotionless and overly cynical to give a false air of intelligence.
>Hobbit 3 Review.
>Criticizes Bilbo not being conscious for the battle of five armies, despite the fact this happens in the book. not only that, we get to see the fight in the movie, but the book skips over the entire battle, with Gandalf just telling Bilbo "oh, yeah, some of the dwarfs died" upon awakening.
>That's my Boy Review
>Are shocked and disgusted with the STATUTORY RAPE (about the middle schooler banging his hot teacher) and the INCEST (app caps because they yelled it out and stared into the camera) joke in the movie, despite the fact that their own famous character is a serial killing catfucker.
>In another review, accuse Joss Whedon of being an SJW.
disgusting hypocrisy. how can they sleep at night
By arguing with me on Sup Forums every damn day
is this post a joke?
by the way I think it's awfully ballsy to explain to people why they're not allowed to like something
Does Jay even like sex? Is he asexual?
>I think it's awfully ballsy to explain to people why they're not allowed to like something
That is not what I said.
I was asking why Sup Forums goes REEEEEE whenever someone makes a thread about James Rolfe or Doug Walker, but a group of middle aged men who try to hard to be cynically funny don't qualify as the "e-celebs" you all hate so much.
They succeed at being funny and have their clever moments.
he's either a beta that's not confident and can't get any women, or he's still lives in the closet
I'm no american so tell me if in the midwest being gay is still considered shocking and breaking news
Yes, but they make funny video reviews like the people you all hate, so they are still technically E-Celebs.
Exceptions exist everywhere. They are such but they are good ones.
They seem like they genuinely enjoy and understand film while being able to still enjoy some shitty b-movies.
Also helps that they aren't autistic as fuck and actually make some funny shit (with the exception of Jack, jesus what an annoying fuck).
Jack and beardo are the Junior Mythbusters of RLM actually thought this was informative.
All three channels are different and Red Letter Media seems to be more inline with the tastes of people posting on Sup Forums than the other two you fucking retard. Do you think fans of a particular thing aren't going to defend that show in a thread about that show?
Seriously, why is this youtube faggotry allowed to be on a board about FILM and TELEVISION
This is a man that reviews films on youtube. It's only tangentially related to the subject, you're just using this to shit up Sup Forums with your cancerous newfaggotry. All of you deserve to live into the next century.
I think these days that line hasn't been relevant where you can make a movie with a fucking iphone and get critical acclaim
They made a movie, dozens of movies. You can buy them digitally or on blu-ray.
but that thread is not about space cop, that's because mods don't care about e-ecelebs. not on Sup Forums, not on Sup Forums, not Sup Forums not on Sup Forums.
would you not?
I'm starting suspect these guys are plebs. They didn't see Hacksaw Ridge or even bother to include it in their year end review. Not sure about that.
i thought the same thing. this and hell or high water..