Whitey shoots 80 civilians
Muzzie shoots 50 faggots
how are you guys this fucking retarded?
Whitey shoots 80 civilians
Muzzie shoots 50 faggots
how are you guys this fucking retarded?
KEK he got 80? Wow, very win.
Yes, I'm hypocritical. I hate Muslims and their culture. Sue me.
We don't take kindly to your rational type type around here
Communist youth party leaders aren't civilians, they're the future generals of the enemy. A bunch of gay Mexicans in a nightclub aren't going to be destroying western civilisation any time soon.
That's the difference.
Breivik hated mudslimes though
Because Sup Forums agrees with one and not the other, you fucking plebian. How is this so difficult to figure out?
>killing marxists that create the muslim problem
you don't really understand cause and effect do you?
muslims/leftists aren't human
i honestly hate muslims. every mass shooting or terrorism by them i used to be like... NOT ALL muslims, but this is the last straw. and im sure many are now waking up to this.
Fuck off shill
Fuck off leddit
Brevik killed 80 people who he felt were desecrating the west. Mr muzzie desecrated the west. We are a Western based audience, who do you think we will side with.
Kill a hundred to save a million.
homosexuals are the west?
implying we didn't make and followed 3 threads of
Omar ''no sucking cock around my glock'' Mateen
Omar ''my assault is not sexual'' Mateen
Omar ''cleansing the xenos'' Mateen
Omar ''No queer around my spear'' Mateen
Whether you like it or not, yes.
>banning white people in a white majority country
Omar tried to attacked the Western world
Anders tried to defend the Western world
Both acts are heinous but one at least exposed the west to a viewpoint that needs visibility
>Anders Behring
Yeah nice try.
Rather, homosexuals desecrate the west.
I don't know why you retards think you have to pick a side here. You don't.
We hate Islam though. It's cancer. If your feminist hugbox wasn't so stitched up in oppression hierarchies you'd hate them too.
Do you hate white Muslims? No race to get in the way of misogyny and homophobia.
>fuck objectivity gotta back my team no matter what
you're just the other side of the extremist coin
>hurr durr how does propaganda work
god you're fucking stupid.
>not knowing that the extremes of both sides of the spectrum are equally retarded, contradictory and delusional
Good thing that nobody here's opinion matters and everyone's too much of a cuck to reveal their power level.
dont have to respect fags...but you can respect the right of fags to bum each other in private
>I hate muslims
>I hate muslims
How can the exact same position be hypocritical?
Brevik shot those people because they were part of the leftist movement flooding Norway with Muslims.
>tripfag calling others stupid
filtered xD
this is the only acceptable answer so far
This is the truth
>inb4 >gay >people
Also the attack was much better made. Unlike 9/11 there was no complicit inefficiency from secret services, no massive oil money to plan it, no international team. Just a lone man tending to his memes.
Breivik carefully took all his decisions in advance. There was no way his plan could fail. And he is alive. Retarded gay muzzie got lucky in his attack and had no way of getting out.
That's the way the world is. People support their in-group because solidarity is conducive to survival. Universalist attitudes don't make you morally superior, they just make you weak.
what about snogging each other in front of you?
He shot mudslides though
tell me what does make you morally superior in this situation?
Okay, you ban white males, then what? You don't allow them to immigrate to non-white countries? Nobody gives a fuck. Muslims have no power because nobody wants anything to do with you.
Who gives a shit? Look at the world around you. Look at the demographics of our nation, and look at the political climate with regards to those changing demographics.
If you still care more about virtue signalling than survival, you're free to wallow in the former and reject the latter. I will not.
Yeah I don't support cultural Marxism. What of it?
>He fell for the Sup Forums is one person meme.
Pretty much. People don't really tolerate that homo shit in eastern countries.
the difference is white people don't silently celebrate mass murder unless you're on Sup Forums and talking about the holocaust
oh are you're worried you won't survive?
That's impossible because the Holocaust was greatly exaggerated; why would I celebrate a lie?
There is a clear and present danger to western civilisation, which I happen to think is worth preserving, yes. Are you new here or something?
Its not like white people dont do mass killings its the fact that people pretend that islqm is not a dangerous ideology to have growing in your country, muslims stand agaist the things the west values yet people are always acting like its nothing.
In the case of white killers is there anything that ca be used to single them out, imagine that a bunch of people from Sup Forums went on and killed a bunch of people all over the world it would be easy to say that maybe Sup Forums has something to do with it. You investigate qnd find out that at the core of Sup Forums theres the belief that non 4chaners shoukd be killed normal peoplr would say that Sup Forums is a problem but people cant do that with islam.
do you enjoy footbal? or hokey?
pick a team idiot and i will not call you hypocrite.
>I address Sup Forums as multiple people in the OP
kill urself my man
>Whitey shoots 80 civilians
nice meme you got there
If "you" is our people then yes.
Funny how I'm supposed to be the über egoist lolbertarian always attacked for this, but when my race is in danger of replacement or transformation (for the worse) the existence of my people is more important than my own life.
No matter that I don't have a 99.9% probability of being beheaded by pakis in the next ten seconds. I want Britain to be white (say, for definiteness, >95% white) in 50 years.
Don't play dumb.
You implied that Sup Forums collectively thought Brevick was doing god's work by murdering 77 people. Not all of us are christfags and not all of us are edgelords.
>political muslim
What does this mean?
Well said lad.
That is a great question. Why exactly do a bunch of white nationalists exploit evidence for their cause while also rooting for a man who also supports their cause.
It's just so baffling.