Hello World!
I think they have to merge organization and go to Mars.
Hello World!
I think they have to merge organization and go to Mars.
>implying only radical Muslims oppose homosexuality, promiscuity, and secularism
You leftists love to preach diversity and freedom of religion, but the second you come face to face with an ethnic group with opinions you disagree with you try and sweep it under the rug.
they also disagree about many things
Hello! Sir.
I am not communist.
I don't deny calm and peaceful religions.
Yeah, all sane societies oppose degeneracy
Doesn't mean they have to get along
Because there are far more fundamental Muslims than fundamental Christians. Because to make a "melting pot" like America you have to have a less fundamental nation.
>sending the shittiest people to humanities newest hope
fuck that force them to stay here this planet is fucked
If you don't repent and put your trust in Christ, you will be held accountable to a just and holy God for your sins
If you don't repent and put your trust in The flying spaghetti monster, you will be held accountable to a just and holy flying spaghetti monster for your sins. Ramen.
Do you believe in the flying spegheti monster?
Yes, he boiled for our sins.
Would you die for this belief?
Death to extremists!
That's pretty extreme ;)
Deus Vult !!
OP. Hate the sin not the sinner. This is not a Muslim teaching.
Also all sin will land you in hell. None are righteous. It is why we all need Jesus Christ.
Why are you so afraid of prayer if you believe its ineffective?
See, unlike many other religions, The flying Spaghetti Monster does not require you to fight and die for him. No one knows what the afterlife really holds, however we are told Heaven has a Beer Volcano and Stripper Factory.
And do you have a holy Book about this monster, any eye witness accounts of his existence?
>oppose secularism
that's not true, Christians created secular nations.
The amount of "radical Christians" that oppose secularism is small. Even true radicals like the Amish exist in their own communities and don't poke holes into national politics or protest.
Islam on the other hand flat does not allow secularism.
The texts were transcribed to us through the holy PFD. There are many sightings, you just need to open your eyes.
Someone please post the comparison chart between Christian extremism and Islamic extremism. You know the one.
A number of posters are starting to point out that most religions have a fundamentalist problem. In any religion, there always seems to be at least one pack of assholes that turn religious belief up to 11. When God is shouting into one ear, they don't hear reason and common sense talking into the other one.
The only real difference between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists is the beards and turbans. They are both a blight on the human race.
Stuff you left off the Muslim list
>forbid the consumption of alcohol
>death penalty for adultery
>death penalty for blasphemy
>death penalty for heresy
>death penalty for apostasy
Oh and those aren't even "radical" Islamic beliefs unless you want to characterize entire nations as radicals.
Here brothers and sisters, I do my service and provide the Holy PDF! Spread it far and wide, and allow his noodly appendages to enter your heart!
You have no idea what you are talking about
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>the religion
More like Radical Christians - Average Muslims
Romans 1
You know God exists, and your Blasphamous activities will be brought up on judgement day, if you do not have Christ, you will be cast into the Lake of fire.
Well, Islamic heaven has Virgins, I'll take the beer Volcano and strippers anyday.
Ignorance: the post.
yeah, but they're describing the difference between mainstream islam and fucking wacky backwoods baptists.
where's this supposed pro-choice, pro-birth control, pro-pot, pro-homo, pro-porn, pro-sex muslim majority?
oh, that's right, they're 99% far right nutters who get pissed at the existence of dogs and pork, let alone fags and sluts.
This. Those are not extreme views for a Muslim at all
Sex is quite difficult when your in hell, you know all that torment, salvation is a free gift, what's stopping you from accepting it
Because christianity isn't intrinsically radical, whereas islam is.
And this is coming from an atheist that used to loathe christianity because I'm a lapsed catholic that felt betrayed.
Feminism, on the other hand...
he'll figure it out eventually if he's made his way here
Christians: if you do this bad thing you won't get into heaven, but repent and you will be saved.
Muslims: do this bad thing and we will kill you.
That's the difference
But I have accepted the one truth path of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He boiled for our sins for this exact reason. What's stopping you from understanding the noodle?
Yeah, it happened to most of us. You can see he's trying to hold onto his last shred of PCism -- he thinks it's ok to criticize Islam as long as he lumps in Christianity. He doesn't realize that any criticism of Islam is completely forbidden by the PC police.
As an aside: it's fascinating to me that the left wing threw women and then gays under the bus in order to apologize for Islam.
Catholics don't practice biblical Christianity, if you put your trust in Christ alone, you will be saved.
Read these passages
Romans 1
John 3
Romans 10
Because Christians don't support the death penalty for any of those.
Because most Christians don't give a fuck about those issues. Most Muslims (globally, not US, but globally) do care.
Christians don't blow shit up and kill civilians and say it's for God. Muslims do.
Because it's false and it pales in comparison to the Bible. It might have a chance against Islam, but has none against 66 Books that coorispond with each other written over the course of a thousand years.
Because Christians are taught to beware of false prophets, and Muslims are taught to behead nonbelievers. It's really not actually that complicated, japan.
Christians are supposed to be obedient to the government. Romans 13
>The only real difference between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists is the beards and turbans. They are both a blight on the human race.
And that's where you go wrong. Beards are not a defining characteristic - there are MANY non-muslim men who wear beards, and even muslim men who don't wear beards as well.
The biggest difference in practical terms right now is that the 'western powers,' as we euphemistically call our shadowy overlords, chose to give a group of the worst fundamentalists in Islam control of the Hejaz, and most of Arabia, including a huge amount of oil.
That dispensation was predictably used to solid effect, the pilgrimage itself bringing great prestige (and making traditional muslims around the world loathe to denounce the Sauds in terms that might cause them or their family and associates trouble there) and much of the money being used to open these Madrasas from whence so many terrorists have come around the world, and from which their tenants have been preached in milder form to the general populace.
At the same time the same actors usually do not encourage their fundamentalists, but often actively discourage them, at best one party of their two may treat them a bit less badly than the other, for their votes.
>Because christianity isn't intrinsically radical
Are you stupid?
I lapsed because I got confronted by the epicurean paradox when I learned about the inquisition during adolescence.
In other words, belief on a benevolent, omnipotent being simply makes no logical sense.
I have read the bible a bunch of times though, and I stopped hating christianity when I read Jung and understood that religion is a defense mechanism.
Hey, be a christian and spouse your values. Feel proud. You're not a muslim who kills those who don't spouse their values or a jew that scams those who don't spouse theirs - and hey, that was one of the reasons why christianity exists in the first place - the new testament is full of text against the practices of jewish subterfuge.
But I can't be one, sadly. It just doesn't make sense for me. But you go ahead.
are you literally retarded?
Nope. Just educated.
It pretty much amounts to this , Alberto Barbarossa.
I'm familiar with the epicurean problem, but that hedonist forgot one thing, without God, there can be no objective morality, I don't see anywhere in the bible that God is benevolent, he is just holy righteous, but also merciful and gracious, I'm only telling you this because I care, God's wrath is upon you, and unless you change mind and put your trust in Christ, you will stand guilty before him without excuse. Please reconsider,
m8, I've been an atheist for about 18 years.
Also, when I mean the I got confronted by the epicurean paradox, I don't mean the paradox itself. I didn't learn about Epicurus 'til like 10 years later. I just mean that I came to the conclusion that a benevolent and omnipotent god makes no logical sense.
And if I could reconsider, I would. Christians are happier, and the holes that my psyche got when I lost religion got filled by weeabooism and I find myself in a point where I'm actually worshiping underage japanese girls (idols. As in en.wikipedia.org
But I can't reconsider. I work by solving problems (I own a software company where I'm the main programmer, engineer and security auditor, not to mention I used to work as a mathematical logic teacher), so my thought process just can't accept what is not logically sound, and the very concept of faith means exactly that.
But see, that's the thing. You, as a christian, won't kill me because I'm saying this. You'll just worry about my soul and try to change my mind or whatever. Unlike a 'slime who'll stone me to death.
>objective morality
>Implying our morals are static and unchanging to knew science and understanding.
So you don't believe in objective morality?
That image is a false equivalence.
All that matters is that Christians tolerate sinners or people they disagree with, but Muslims are totalitarians who want to make a perfect world by murdering people they disagree with.
Go home, McFarlane.
Romans 1: 18-22
You know God exists, but you suppress this truth in your unrighteousness, when you deny the God that you know exists, you give up knowledge
Yes! I am peaceful lazy dreamer!
I wish you came to Japan and enjoy good food and peaceful civilization.
Sure. Thanks.
I love Japanese culture, I was thinking of doing a mission there if possible.
Show me how you can know anything to be true in your world view?
Abrahamic religions are a cancer of our species, more at 11
If that's true, than atheist are Ebola
>Anyone who doesn't have a belief is Ebola.
Christianity everyone.
I can't. That's one of the bases of science. We know something to be true 'til the opposite is proven. We're 99.99999% sure of what we hold as true, which approximates to 100% while not being 100%.
Look, I'm not trying to change your views. If you believe in God, hey, props to you. But your post is kinda pushing me on the direction of discussing Rusell's Teapot... so I'll do that, but again, I'm not trying to proselytize or anything. You be a christian if that makes you happy.
With that said, one of the concepts used to explain atheism and scientific aproximation is termed Rusell's Teapot. The concept is more or less like this: Let's assume the belief that there's a teapot in orbit around the sun. As we stand, with the current advance of science, we can't be sure if said teapot actually exists. We can't measure it. It's too far away, and our best telescopes can't detect it. So we assume it actually doesn't exist. It might exist, and if it's proven to exist we'll change our point of view, but meanwhile, we'll assume it doesn't exist. We're 99.999999% sure it doesn't exist.
Everyone knows God exists, so not having a belief in something you know is called absurdity
Psalms 14:1
Romans 1
So you can't know anything to be true than, in your world view?
>WBC hurts people's feelings
>ISIS is openly committed to genocide and slavery
Only retards do
That's correct.
That's called being openminded, and not having blind faith. Even though blind faith feels better.
As an example, again, japanese idols: I choose to believe the ones I like are not whores. And a bunch of times, I've been proven wrong. But it feels better to have blind faith in them, even if one can't be sure. But if I wasn't part of this cult of underage japanese girls, I'd see it as absurd.
>Everyone knows God exists
No, there is absolutely no proof god exists.
Is it always wrong to tortoure babies for pleasure?
Do you know that you can't know anything to be true?
yes but Muslims also want the penalty for defying those to be death
Start with Romans 1 and you will understand
"It says it in the bible so it must be true"
Wew lad.
One likes to help people, the other likes to kill people.
Read it so you can understand my position
The (so-called) Epicurean Paradox is not insoluble, but solving it does require you to look beyond any of the common forms of Christianity.
It can be stated thus:
If G-d is Omnipotent AND G-d is Omnibenevolent AND G-d is Omniscient THEN Evil could never exist.
Therefore the existence of Evil proves the non-existence of G-d.
One way to escape the logic is to deny omnipotence and/or omniscience - this is applicable in some cases for polytheists who may worship an omnibenevolent deity who is nonetheless not expected to be omnipotent and/or omniscient as there are other deities against which he may be less than completely successful. This is a very ancient solution to the conundrum.
Another is to deny Omnibenevolence. This is also an ancient solution, and probably most typical of pantheists. Their G-d may well be both Omnipotent and Omniscient, but not always 'Good' at least in the sense that meaning normally has for us.
The last solution is to deny the existence of Evil itself.
According to you and our society it is.
Cool bro. I hear Hell is great during the winter!
So if the majority of people in our society says it's okay, than its okay?
The reason they don't get along is because of the Jew-controlled media. If they would join forces, they would wipe out the Jews and SJWs in a matter of days.
>radical Christians
Haven't seen a suicide bombing by radical Christians in a while.
>why are radical
There's that word again
I don't know if the fire is real, but the true punishment is eternal separation from God.
Two sides of the same Jewish coin. Paganism is the one true European religion.
muslims are charitable
Well, yes? Your actions are solely done to please our ingroup. We live to please others.
What do you mean with this?
Hi everyone I need that one graph with a bunch of Muslim states on it ASAP. the one with all the numbers about how many muslims want sharia law.
Do radical Christians support religious beheading, torture, unprovoked holy war, execution of homosexuals, the complete suppression of women, and a destruction oft he greatest civilizations on earth?
And even if they did, do you think the 51% of Muslims that support this kind of shit are mirrored by an equally large portion of Christians believing in even HALF as much radical shit?
It might sound declarative, but it's mostly true. Most atheists are leftist retards.
Not when they go to Europe.
Then you can't really say something is good or Bad, just that it's something you either like or dislike.
>torture, unprovoked holy war, execution of homosexuals, the complete suppression of women
judging by the posts here, yes
>a destruction oft he greatest civilizations on earth
This one is subjective. By the point of view of muslims, islam was the greatest "civilization" on earth, so this point can be true.
They are charitable amoung themselves, not to the outgroup
You can say, but it is subjective. It's good according to you and the ones that share your beliefs. But you can't say that one moral system is "superior" to the others.
So you can't condemn polpot for shooting people for wearing glasses then?
I can, because i find wrong to murder people indicriminately, so as do all people on earth.
So what is your stance? That killing is always wrong? That you can kill in determined situations?
Fuck Mars, we should send them all to the sun.
>You, as a christian, won't kill me because I'm saying this. You'll just worry about my soul and try to change my mind or whatever.
That's only because his secular nation would prosecute him if he tried to kill you. Look at history - that first commandment goes straight out the window when they know they'll get a Christian jury.
>All that matters is
...that one goat-fucking sand nigger's hallucination is as good as another's, and your goat-fucking sand nigger religion has never had any more claim to the moral high ground than their goat-fucking sand nigger religion.
Go back to church and learn more about what a sick fuck you would be if Jesus wasn't personally holding you back from murderfucking every man, woman, child and animal that crosses your sight
Murder is wrong, but there is a time to kill. Ecclesiasties 3
Self defense/ protecting family
Government punishing wickedness Romans 13
War Romans 13